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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. The OP didn't made any mention of wanting a multi-entry visa in the post you originally responded to. But he did in a later post. His original post could have been more specific about what he was actually seeking.
  2. Yes. The world over, anyone is allowed to have an unlimited number of kids, no qualifications needed whatsoever. It's a strange world.
  3. 'Telecom providers have shown little interest'. Maybe they will if the BMA cuts their cables.
  4. The posters who said he would offer a wai and get a 500 baht fine have gone very quiet.
  5. They let him out on bail for 300,000 - less than we have to have put aside to be allowed to live with our wife and/or live in retirement here. Puts the attitude of the court into perspective, doesn't it. Foreigners are far more dangerous to society than those who knowingly break the law and kill people and even admit to it.
  6. Maybe they like familiar things. And these huge companies are huge companies precisely because they give people what they want. Always a good business model, that. Those who don't like what they produce go elsewhere (but, often, deride McDs and so on presumably without having eaten there because it's McDs etc and they wouldn't be seen dead inside, but that doesn't stop them commenting on something they haven't tried).
  7. This makes no sense at all. And it wasn't the company's anyway, it's mine. I lost some looking exactly like it. Or I can claim that I did, a skill I learned from Indians out late at night in Pattaya.
  8. Same as those who organise street bike racing on FB or advertise 'young girls for hire' and are surprised when Plod sees it too and shows up. Kind of underlines the accuracy of the reported IQ level here.
  9. Some do, some don't (as with everything concerned with immigration). I just had to update my book on the day, no deposit or withdrawal required. The letter was dated the same day, but they didn't want to see if I'd made a withdrawal in the hour since I got the letter. Note to the OP: why only draw 100? You'll only be drawing again soon after, wouldn't you? Why not draw a practical and usable amount?
  10. What makes you think that the government wants tourists? Everything Thailand does points to the opposite.
  11. So you believe it's okay for a hospital to voluntarily let someone die if they can't make extortionate amounts of money from them. Okay. I have a different opinion on that.
  12. You forgot to add 'after 10 government hospitals refused her'.
  13. The world doesn't care about Thailand. Not one little bit. It's a South East Asian backwater with no influence in anything on the world stage. The number one duty of any government anywhere is to take care of its people. Are you not already aware of this? The fact that it rarely happens doesn't mean it isn't its duty. Nothing to do with Thailand being a developing nation'. The government has tens of billions of dollars in foreign reserves that it doesn't choose to spend on its people.
  14. The number one purpose of a hospital is to treat people who need medical help. That really shouldn't be too difficult to understand. Your employer is in a different business, I assume, so your point is irrelevant. And MountainB made their money by not giving a rat's fart about the people they made it from and broke the law. Neither case has any relevance to a hospital not wanting to carry out their prime duty.
  15. Read the article again. It is claimed that 10 state hospitals refused her as they weren't able to treat her.
  16. What is interesting about this case is that it is claimed that many - 10 - government hospitals refused to treat her as they considered themselves incapable of doing so. Transferring her to another hospital by ambulance - you pay - wasn't even an option, it seems. which is what happened with me when I had a heart scare a few years ago. There was nowhere available where she could be treated, in an area where there are countless factories and other businesses that could be prone to massive accidents, explosions and such, at any moment. That's pretty frightening.
  17. Not a good comparison to quote. The USA is famous for having outrageous prices for medical care.
  18. Says it all, doesn't it. She's not a human being, she's a foreigner.
  19. Okay. You call them mafia. I'll call them low-life petty crooks.
  20. I see the mafia as those who deal in millions of dollars.
  21. They aren't mafia. They're small time crooks. Why Thailand persists on calling these low-life mafia is beyond me.
  22. minimum one-metre social distance between customers not maintained Is this serious? You can't stand or sit next to someone you go to a bar with? That you have to shout across a table to? Really?
  23. So now we effectively have the police admitting that they won't enforce the law. We knew that anyway, but it's nice of them to make it clear to everyone.
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