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Everything posted by ross163103

  1. 90 day in country/financial report are going to fall on a weekend. Should I go the Friday before or the Monday following? I only ask because it seems whatever I do with immigration it's opposite what I think--mainly because of dealings with the lady in room 7 at Jomtien. Any people have experience with this? Thanks in advance.
  2. Agree totally. Watertight hatches are one of those things that sailors get complacent about if they're not in rough sea conditions very often. I've been on ships in the tropics for months then transit to the north sea, you soon find out what hasn't been lashed down properly, or hatches that haven't been closed. A good captain/master will keep his crew on top of these things. Good drills are also very important, keeps the crew ready for most situations they'll encounter.
  3. I just read that one of the sailors said the seas were 3 meters at the time; a ship of that size should handle 3 meters easily. As one poster mentioned, possibly watertight doors not closed, I tend to think this also. As with most accidents probably multiple issues led to this not just one thing.
  4. I worked on the sea for 37 years so feel for these sailors. I just pray they are all found safe. In the end the captain bears all responsibility so should be held accountable for what happened.
  5. Has anyone painted their concrete roof tiles and if so, what paint did you use and how long has it lasted? I'm planning this project but am worried the paint won't last. I've see some that have gone for years and others that faded and flaked within a year or so. I realize preparation is the most important thing. I plan on pressure washing the tiles, then using a primer, then finally two coats of good quality paint. Some manufacturers state their product is good for ten years so I'm counting on at least five. The most important result for me would be for it to not flake off; I don't want to have to scrape loose paint off later. For a test I pressure washed a few of the tiles, let them dry and then wiped my hand across them and there was no chalking left at all so I feel pretty confident this will be a good start. I'm sure there's some info on here about this but the AseanNow search engine didn't bring up any good results. Any ideas, suggestions or sound advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  6. Not only were they armed, they shot twice, once to shatter the glass door and enter his shop; and after fleeing one of them shot back at the owner. IMO the owner was within his rights to shoot back, too bad the one that shot at him wasn't the one that died.
  7. Exactly! I've thought this all along since they came out with this absurd rule.
  8. I know everyone on this forum drives perfect but just to let you know there's a camera at the lane that merges onto Hwy 7--motorway, coming from Sukhumvit Pattaya heading north. If you cross the v-shaped lines when merging it will trigger--see attachment. I just barely crossed over and it caught me. My fault but I was trying to get around a slower moving vehicle so I could merge into traffic. Also there's a speed camera at km marker 4 on the same road, about half way from Sukhumvit to the first toll booth, it's on the right hand side of the road.....don't ask me how I know LOL. And yes I know, I should be obeying the rules while driving in Thailand.
  9. Exactly(!), that's why when I'm walking I look both ways--even if it's a one way or zebra crossing, and make sure vehicles aren't coming or have stopped. I learned this approx 30 years ago in Pattaya. The pedestrian might have the right of way but will ultimately lose against a vehicle. And on another note; when I stop my car at a zebra crossing I ALWAYS check my rearview mirror for drivers running the lights; I've had close calls many times; had to run the red light on a few of them so as not to be rear ended!
  10. 100% agree! Why does it seem like the vocal minority gets what they want--obviously because they're vocal, but they are the minority. If the majority wants it this way fair enough. Why can't people just live and let live instead of pushing their issues on everyone else. I don't push my issues on you so don't bother me with yours.
  11. Also, for drivers stopping--as they should, be aware of the other drivers assuming you're going to go through and run into the back of you. I've had this happen a few times, luckily I was monitoring the rear view mirror and avoided an accident.
  12. Probably was 45 seconds since the general was standing around watching! After he left back to business as usual. 555
  13. Strange that a Buddhist country would be moving this direction. It's even hard to find a veterinarian that will put down a sick animal.
  14. Well done! With all the drownings they have here they need more swimming and CPR training. Better to have training and actually DO something instead of just standing around and filming the dead person with your phone to post on social media.
  15. Thanks to all those that responded, lots of good info.
  16. I just signed up for the online 90 day reporting website but haven't used it yet. Does anyone know if this is reliable enough to use or should I still do an in person visit to immigration just to be sure?
  17. Also good about scratching your car after you get out of it. Saw a security guard once run a meat cleaver flat side down over every panel on the car. Didn't stick around to see the owner's reaction but can't imagine it was very nice.
  18. Thanks for all the suggestions. Will definitely go with a membrane type system as I've tried coatings on their own and they didn't last.
  19. I've got a section of my house that has a concrete flat roof. It was great for around twenty years but has recently started to leak. An inspection up top doesn't revel any structural problems but water tends to seep thru and drip on the porch underneath. Does anyone know a good sealant to use for this issue? I've tried a few different acrylic sealers that last for a few years but I'm looking for something long term, possibly a membrane type of sealer. I've seen many in the various DIY stores, just not sure which one would be the best. Of course all the salespeople aren't much help. Anybody out there have any experience with this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  20. Anybody familiar with how many days Jomtien requires? I forgot to mention what office I would be using in the original post.
  21. If the defendants are willing to pay her compensation they must have done something wrong but I still haven't heard what that might be. I know she either fell out of, or was thrown out of the boat but that's about it. Does anyone know what actually happened?
  22. What were the defendants in this case guilty of(?), I never heard what exactly happened in this case, my wife doesn't really know either. I followed it for a while on the news but like a lot of cases in LOS, lots of grey areas.
  23. Thanks, one million baht stays in my account just for extensions/visas.
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