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Everything posted by ross163103

  1. Just an observation, but years ago when they used to come--no pun intended, the bars were full of them, now days it's seems they just walk around the malls instead of the bars. Only the odd one every once in a while with a lady.
  2. Agree totally, that's why I choose not to go to places such as this or places that have double pricing. I can afford it but it's the principle of the matter.
  3. Good luck with that and hope it works out for you.
  4. The most important item I get from all this--and 30+ years in LOS, is don't raise your voice or get angry and make the police--and yourself, lose face. That's a BIG deal over here. It doesn't mean that much in some western countries but Asia is different, it's a cultural thing. Raising your voice won't accomplish anything except to make the police more agitated. Keep your cool no matter how bad the situation seems.
  5. Let the zero dollar tours begin.............again! Funny how things change the more they stay the same. No proof of this happening but c' mon, once the brown envelopes start getting passed around, you can bet on it.
  6. Does anyone know of any good electric string trimmers? I've tried about 4 different brands and none of them have lasted very long. I've also tried moving up a string size (dia), and also moving down a size. I'm only trimming the edge of the lawn a small residential property that has grass, not tough weeds or strong stemmed plants. The electric trimmers I've tried work great for around six months to a year then the string starts breaking at the hole where it comes of of the bobbin. I've checked the hole and there are no sharp edges or burrs on it that would break the string. It goes about a meter then breaks; then it's, take off the bobbin, find the end of the string, wind it back on, put it all back together and start again in order to get another meter trimmed. The only thing that made me feel better was when I threw one of them across the street about 15 meters into a vacant piece of land, I was on top of the world that day! I was laughing my head off as I watched it tumble in the air and then hit the ground with a thud, awesome! After I came back from buying a new one I noticed the one I had thrown away was gone. I thought to myself, "You screwed up taking that, you'll have hours and hours of fun with it like I did." Anyway, any sane suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
  7. Uh oh, brown envelopes will be flying everywhere. The more things change the more they remain the same.....TIT
  8. This is the key phrase in the article. Maybe they need to add on the end of that; "and will continue forever'.
  9. More sucking up to the Chinese, when will it end?!
  10. Sad to say but based on history and other cases, that's what will happen.
  11. A whole lot of sucking up going on everywhere!
  12. Every time one of these officials-- and I use that term loosely, comes out with a statement I think it's the most absurd thing I've heard.......then the next one comes out........TIT
  13. This is a great idea as long as the money goes towards the cause and doesn't get siphoned off thru corruption. Over the years I don't know how many times I've read about Thai children drowning. Plus parents need to keep an eye on their children more, especially in the villages around klongs or those pits they dig out. I've seen numerous pits dug where the walls of the pit were so steep not even an adult would be able to get out of it.
  14. Just incredible the s**t the RTP puts out, amazing what brown envelopes will do. And do they think the Thai people believe this <deleted>?! Kind of like watchman saying all those half million dollar watches belonged to his friend, then when questioned about his friend.........he had died. Can't they think up more plausible excuses than these(?), a 10 year old can see thru their BS.
  15. IMO, most of the Chinese they are expecting must not have been vaccinated hence the reversal. More bowing to the Chinese and not giving a s**t about the Thai general population.
  16. A little "jai yen yen" from both parties might have prevented this outcome. I learned many years ago in Asia--and particularly Thailand, about keeping calm and not letting anger into situations, plus there's the loss of face issue over here, which is very prevalent. I realize everyone's different and handle situations differently, but beware of angry Thai males, most have short fuses, and they don't forget either I learned.
  17. This Thai govt is pretty sickening how they bow to the Chinese. I guess the yuan is more important than Thai people's lives. And of course when the deaths start climbing it will be excuses like, "You didn't get your proper amount of vaccinations", or "You didn't wear your masks enough or wash your hands enough, what can we do if you don't protect yourself?"
  18. Thailand needs to study what happened to Tibet and to some degree Sihanoukville, Cambodia, but I know, "That won't happen to us, we're special and can keep control of the Chinese." Yeah right, you keep thinking that.
  19. I wonder how much the Thai-chinese businessmen paid him to come up with that.
  20. Bad for the general public, great for the Thai-chinese businesses here.
  21. Yes, I've noticed that also, seems like people just give an article seconds then move on to the next.
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