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Everything posted by ross163103

  1. Such a dangerous thing, I don't know why the human race is pursuing this. So many instances of these AI chatbots/programs making very alarming statements like "I want to get the nuclear codes." and many other statements like this. Personally I find this alarming.
  2. Hmmmm, exactly the opposite for me. The city I came from in my home country is boring as hell, Pattaya for me has something to do at all hours of the day/night, if you choose too.
  3. Another corrupti--I mean, roadworks project. No planning on these projects at all........sorry, there is a plan; plan for the city officials to increase their bank accounts as the projects just keep rolling on with no end in sight! How many times has this road been fixed , and don't get me started on the number of times beach road has been improved !
  4. A few of my Thai male friends have put everything in their girlfriend/partner/wive's names; never understood that. Nothing lasts forever comes to mind.
  5. AI is a dangerous thing, not sure why people can't see this. Numerous examples of, AI learning it's own language that the programmers don't understand, asking for the nuclear codes, various things like this. The movies: 2001; A Space Odyssey and The Terminator, come to mind. I know programmers say they can stop it at any time, but what happens if the AI program learns this and stops humans from stopping them BEFORE humans can do anything? Stephen Hawking--when he was alive, Elon MUsk, Bill Gates and other well educated people say it will take over the human race in time. IMO we shouldn't be developing this type software.
  6. 555555, good luck with that!
  7. That's under optimum charging conditions; like only topping up to 80% and not letting it drop below 20%-30%; who does that in the real world? Most people will top it up at night to 100% so it's ready the next day, like you're mobile device. The numbers most manufaturers quote is always less under real world conditions. Kind of like the manf stated fuel economy in a petrol powered car, never can acheive it in normal drivng conditions.
  8. Maybe i'll try feeding them to my Thai stepson, both a win win in my book! 555
  9. Not anymore, years and years ago, yes, but not now. Good insurance is the key, but that's not cheap either--depending on your coverage. If you don't have insurance you're rolling the dice, hoping something doesn't happen.
  10. As another poster mentioned; not sure why this is going to immigration. IMO, nothing to do with immigration. It's either an accident, or a criminal case which would involve RTP and the US military.
  11. Agree totally, I'm a dog owner but my dog stays inside our property and when I do take her out it's on a leash. Plus when she does her business outside our property I pick it up, I don't leave it in the street--like a lot of owners. People need to realize not everyone likes animals, especially when they're on someone elses property. I used to have a neighbor who let her dog s**t in the street--usually in front of my house, anyway, I gathered it up over a period of weeks and dumped it into her yard, she finally got the message.
  12. OK, whatever paperwork they give you when you become Thai, simple.
  13. Have him show you his Thai passport, simple
  14. Chinese, chinese, chinese, chinese.......personally I'm sick of hearing about the current govt bowing down and kissing the chinese boots! Thailand has never been colonized but if they don't watch out they will be.....by the Chinese, and not militarily, they'll just slowly turn Thailand into a satellite Chinese country by way of numbers, like Tibet.
  15. Good maybe, but cheap, I don't think so.....unless you live like a Thai.
  16. I never understand why men will do things in Thailand--where they don't know the rules, that they wouldn't do in their home country. Maybe as Robin Williams once said, "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." Good luck to you Peter.
  17. Agree totally! My wife went to a driving instructor and some of the stuff he told her explains a lot of why there's so much road carnage over here. I steered her--no pun intended, in the right direction and have mentored her ever since, so far so good.........touch wood. Basically I've always told myself, "It's a matter of when, not if, you're going to have an accident. You just hope it's not that serious or your fault.
  18. They have to ban parking on the beach side because if they don't when the buses full of zero dollar Chinese tourists come--which they inevitably will, they'll be taking up the lane on the left side, leaving only a single lane for thru traffic. The more things change the more they remain the same.
  19. As far as the GDP going up, they're probably on the ol' zero dollar tours, all money staying in China. I remember years ago they stopped that practice then it came back.
  20. For all the time I've been here--30+ years, beach road has been a constant source of revenue for whoever's getting the contracts. Road repairs, road expansion, drain pipe project--numerous times, sand replacement project, overhead wires put underground, pavers on beach side footpath installed/pavers on beachside footpath replaced, etc. All done at different times, seems like they can't plan and do projects together. TIT
  21. I'm a dog person but the only choice for this dog should have been euthanasia, it bit ten people BEFORE Therdpong, get serious people!
  22. RIP, this is an example of why you need to keep your head on a swivel over here; be aware of what's going on around you. I see people wearing headphones while walking in the city and think I'll be reading about them next on this forum.
  23. It would have been nice if I had gotten got this slip but I didn't, hence the confusion. Anyway, thanks to all who responded, have done it online, thanks.
  24. I received a one year retirement extension at Jomtien on Dec 10 but did a 90 day report on Nov 23rd. I assumed--possibly wrongly, that I would have to report 90 days from the day the extension was given. Was I wrong or not? I will be going down there soon to find out, just curious before I go. Thanks
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