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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. "Constable Laura Nicolle told CNN the incident was the “most terrible call I’ve seen in my entire career.”" so is she moving to Texas any time soon?
  2. and then he will say the poll is only limited to "verified" accounts with blue ticks (or whatever else suits him)
  3. don't worry - the Chinese will buy up anything left over.....
  4. you can "guess" all you want, unless you read it carefully and understand the words "world-class".
  5. "Meanwhile, in the opposing camp, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee continues to rail against any attempt to extend the hours for alcohol sales, citing all sorts of alarming statistics (from its own study) that drink-driving incidents would rise by 27% and there would be an additional 10 – 20 road deaths a day if the extended hours are approved. Scary stuff." so it is lucky that Thai people do not care about this...... as long as they keep wearing covid masks on motorcycles....
  6. "Thailand boasts 246 hotels that have won Gold Circle Awards, while Taiwan has 209, and Japan has 198." so impressive - especially because it is well-known that Japan and Taiwan have economies which are so totally dependent upon mass tourisn..........
  7. OR: "The ship was on its way to attend a commemorative event to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of the force’s founder, Prince Abhakara Kiartivongse, in Chonburi province, Vice Adm. Pokkrong said."
  8. There will always be plenty of Filipino teachers - cheaper , medium skills in English American and world class skills in overstaying visas and illegal working.
  9. obviously the ones "on deck" were easily saved. The ones below deck were more difficult to get at... The news reports say that 106 crew were on board. Online sources for this class of corvette suggest that the normal crew is 15 officers and 72 enlisted . So the extra 19 "crew" were maybe extra generals/admirals along for the ride???
  10. well at least the Thai voter is not burdened with the need to understand and distinguish between the various political and economic policies of the many political parties and factions.........
  11. erm - maybe because Anutin is the Minister for Health, seeking political support for championing the wearing of masks at indoor meetings???
  12. and Inglourious Basterds by Harvey Weinstein??
  13. Hands up - who wants to be a test case? If one of the hotel staff maybe hates (non-Muslim) Farang.....
  14. another day..another brake failure.....
  15. "Thailand’s farang-loving health minister has also waded into the conversation, to point out that Covid-19 infections are on the rise in tourist areas. " so he is leading the effort as usual....
  16. "both leaders discussed the upcoming celebration of Thailand-Czech Republic’s 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2024" which the TAT will advertise as the "Czech-Mate" celebration......
  17. "Borrell stated the signing of the PCA represents the importance and potential of their bilateral relations." so almost nothing then........
  18. Nice to see that masks are not a real issue any more.....
  19. "The party had planned to hold a “meet the people” event ...., during which party leader Chonlanan Srikaew and Paetongtarn Shinawatra, head of the “Pheu Thai Family”, and other key members of the party would meet their supporters" but she decided to go on a shopping trip to Dubai for Xmas instead??
  20. or you can insist that she gives up her career, stays at home with you 24/7, and you will pay for everything in her life and any of her family expectations. That is probably the best way for you to achieve peace of mind..........
  21. "although a specific fee and pricing structure were not yet presented" I wonder why.....
  22. "Gen Prayut joined the C-Suite Roundtable Luncheon organized by the EU-ASEAN Business Council." There are 10 people in the photo-op. There are 10 members of ASEAN If only 6 ASEAN members took part, there are 4 EU stooges in the photo-op Must have been a wide-ranging and in-depth discussion...... According to the published agenda, Prayut did not actually speak. Hope the Luncheon was tasty.....
  23. so the number plate 4444 must be attached to an Isaan motorcycle, I guess
  24. "resulting in a net energy gain" well I thought the atom bomb did that already........
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