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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. Leading the trend.... the Republic of the Philippines will take out a huge loan from the PRC and as collateral they will offer Subic and Boracay.......
  2. Ask a Filipino to point to the eastern border of Russia on a map.......
  3. Surely it would be a nice thought to end on..... that your final effect in this life would be to smear your neighbour's laundry......
  4. or spray the opposition with disinfectant.......
  5. "Taxi drivers are seeing their profits tumbling too." so there are some small signs that Taxi drivers in Bangkok are starting to cut some small insignificant corners in the matter of regular cleaning and mechanical maintenance in their Toyota Camry in order to save a little money...... oh wait... the meter is broken? again?
  6. Imagine the scenario - border open - but highly-trained medical expert security guard in an old hazmat suit will stroke arriving passengers all over to find any skin bumps - freckles, skin tags, moles, warts etc and document each one with a photo and a QR code. Then the same guard will stroke down the next passenger in the long line - using the same hands in the same latex gloves..........
  7. Maybe this is an opportunity for "dual pricing" - the Farang should pay the full price to watch the match, while the Thai should pay only half......
  8. "NEW" ships??? not Japanese hand-me-downs? wow.....
  9. " to reconsider this plan and "provide public service" to commuters." because Jeepneys are an internationally respected way to both enhance the air quality environment, and to improve the efficient and effective traffic flow.....
  10. Strategically it should be Chinese for kids who are now in Pratom - by the time they graduate from College - Siam will be a province of the PRC - in practice if not yet in theory.....
  11. I read the topic as being about "Thailand Tourism" I can sort of see the relevance of filling the country with chinese casinos. But how exactly does 90 day reporting have any significant effect on "Tourism" ?? If a Chinese tourist can afford to spend more than 90 days in a casino in Thailand I guess ...........
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