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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. ""We are located in the equator. " errrr..... bad translation or filipino education?
  2. As we already hear on a regular basis from spokesman Wang WenBin, "China fully respects all international laws and sovereignty"....... except when it doesn't feel like itwants to.....
  3. "The Filipino was beaten unconscious and he was robbed of his wallet." "Senseless" ??? sounds like a normal NY mugging. Why must every mugging be racist?? "Asian-Americans were found to account for 10.8% of the state’s total population."
  4. wet road...... Imagine what they will say when the submarine gets broken......
  5. they will only be found when the CCP is sure they will give the "right" information.
  6. "it will notify five Thai airlines that operate Boeing 737-800 aircraft to conduct thorough inspections and closely monitor flight operations " this sounds a bit like telling the RTP to actually do the job they are paid for......... Amazing Thailand....
  7. The Philippines gets the government it deserves...... unfortunately... and will again soon.
  8. About as much use as the ruling on China's ownership of the South China Sea..... which Duterte managed to undermine without much help from China. "The Philippines takes this opportunity to reaffirm its full support for the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations," the DFA said in a March 23 statement." yeah...right......
  9. The Saffron Mafia is an excellent career choice for (ex)-criminals in Thailand. Selling Salvation in its many forms is an ancient business to ease the pain and poverty of the uneducated masses. (as long as you make sure they stay uneducated, of course)
  10. The "normal" Germans did not resist the Hitler excesses and Nazi extermination of the Jews either...........so it was ok then......
  11. Maybe you would enjoy the Chinese method - anal swabs..... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-anal-factbox-idUSKBN2AV0Y4
  12. EVEN the banana republic of the Philippines has PCR test before getting on the plane, with an online Health Pass and proof of insurance, but NO quarantine scam after arrival ...... Why would a genuine tourist risk the Thai Land of Scams if they have a choice?
  13. OK That is fine...... so when the CCP decides to grab a few more islands in the South China Sea, we can just shrug and say.... well we prefer to stay neutral. We don't want to call out the CCP because we prefer to keep buying the cheap stuff.....
  14. and it is difficult to avoid the historical echo of when the "normal" German citizens did not object to the land grabs and hate speech of the Nazi Party led by a certain A. Hitler.......
  15. When entering the Phils we are required to fill out the "One Health" declaration. It appears that they have not bothered to update this form - it still requires a declaration of staying 5 days at an approved quarantine hotel and a mandatory PCR test of day 5. "If required, I will stay in the hotel I indicated which is an accredited quarantine facility by the Department of Tourism (DOT). As consequence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the mandatory health and safety protocols of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging infectious Disease (IATF-MEID), I hereby voluntarily submit myself to undergo required five (5) days mandatory facility-based quarantine at my assigned quarantine hotel facility; and shall stay therein until I undergo mandatory RT-PCR Test on the 5th day of quarantine and when my Quarantine Certificate has been issued to me by the Bureau of Quarantine upon the release of my negative RT-PCR test result. Is this simple incompetence? Or is the "One Health" declaration no longer required?
  16. It's OK... they will give the contract to the Chinese.....no worries.
  17. We do not need constant updates about positive "cases". We just need to know about hospital occupation rates and excess deaths.
  18. "So, can married man have girlfriend?" well the Chinoy in the Philippines can have as many minor wives as he can afford...... the jeepney driver can have as many girlfriends as he can juggle.... and the unmarried young Pinoy can father as many children as he can run away from...... Sooooo Lucky that Catholic priests prefer little boys......... and the Vatican has no female citizens......convenient "devout" Catholicism is the shabu of the uneducated masses...... (we moved on from opium....)
  19. "shift back to 100-percent passenger capacity without any plastic barriers " - surely the Philippines definition of 100 per cent is gross overcrowding
  20. yes we all know how Thai people love and respect the elephant.....
  21. I wonder if Thailand would "rush to condemn" the CCP when it takes over Taiwan?? Probably not.......
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