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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. The ultimate form of discipline and patriotism must be Martial Law...... obviously
  2. "the fervent evangelical Christian convert" so not a Catholic, then.......
  3. "her role as mother who wants to "make sure that her children are well-trained and well-educated.”" as for the rest of the carabao - just send them overseas to work as uneducated servants.... after all it was Marcos dream..... https://newslab.philstar.com/31-years-of-amnesia/ofws
  4. The percentages of votes for Marcos/Duterte are not yet at the level of XI's or John Lee's yet, but I am sure they are working on it for next "election".
  5. "his daughter's thumping victory in the vice presidential race " it must be her feminine charm...... thumping is a skill.
  6. As long as you stay airside and do not change terminals at manila, you will not need any extra paperwork.
  7. The Filipino has the President he deserves...... unfortunately
  8. "Monday's outcome demonstrates the massive impact of a sophisticated social media operation aimed at younger Filipinos born after the revolution, and a proliferation of misinformation challenging historical accounts of the Marcos martial law era." Ergo: the Filipino has the government he deserves........ unfortunately.
  9. and so many Sino-Thai (and other rich) families choose overseas schools for their kids, or at least one of the many International schools in Thailand to give them a chance ... Even the current King went to a UK boarding school........
  10. Let us hope that Myanmar has a major contribution to the discussion of "Global Peace and Stability"
  11. Nothing to do with oversupply and reduced demand of course "as schools resume classes following two years of remote learning during the pandemic."
  12. Just give Clark to the Chinese... that will solve the problem....
  13. Good to know. Xi can walk into any bits of the Philippines he wants, and there will be no resistance? No chance of the Filipino fighting back like the ukrainians.
  14. "Even over in Vietnam, since 2008 around 18,000 Vietnamese citizens married foreigners every year, 72 percent of them women." while in Cambodia there are laws preventing old foreign men marrying your Cambodian women, and laws against certain nationalities (eg Koreans) marryng Cambodian girls. and Laos has laws forbidding sexual relationships with foreigners. There are also lots of paperwork hurdles to overcome for foreigners to marry. Of course the Chinese men have first choice of the white-skinned girls.....
  15. "provincial chief Pol Maj-Gen Chumphol Phumphuang gave local chief Pol Col Wirot Tatso three days to make an arrest." now if only this method would work with the various outstanding cases against prominent rich kids, heirs and politicians............
  16. a good idea.... it certainly saves the expense of actually educating the Kwai ..... the Philippines under Marcos was / is a shining example of keeping the buffalo in their place. The Sinos have all the answers.
  17. the Japanese despise the foreigner at least as much as the Thais do. The difference is that they are much more polite about it.
  18. is that why they are waiting for the Chinese tour groups to come back?
  19. mostly the US airlines were getting weary of the anti-vaxxer anti-maskers making a fracas in the plane and getting youtube videos of the staff being abused.
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