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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. "Meanwhile, 80 people in Dinagat Islands fell ill due to gastroenteritis." but let us panic more about Covid cases.... oh wait we couldn't find any...
  2. yea - let us all feed the worldwide media panic frenzy over "cases" because this is the most important thing to panic about..... Meanwhile.... "According to the health official, there was an uptick in hospital admissions in Metro Manila, but only 18% of the beds are occupied. The capacity of the national health systems also remained at low risk. The DOH reported 433 additional COVID-19 cases Sunday, bringing the total number of infections to over 2.83 million. Of the figure, only 0.3% were active cases"
  3. I wonder how many drunk policemen will be firing their guns into the air at New year??
  4. The media are still frantically counting "cases", yet we hear very little about the serious illness stats or the excess deaths. Maybe the huge infection and transmission rates are much more newsworthy. In most countries it appears that the biggest problem is the asymptomatic workforce being forced to isolate instead of working.......
  5. "I am going to visit a lot of places where people are hungry and sick,” just when they thought the calamity could not get any worse...
  6. "Governor Sathien urged the public not to panic following the news." presumably the dirty Farang are asymptomatic and locked up for 14 days .....
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