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Posts posted by rick75

  1. I understand what your saying but have the same kind of circle of executives and so on and we go out every once in a while but they all seem to be put off by this type of behavior.

    I find this difficult to believe. Perhaps they are a bunch of lying phonies? :o

    A supplier of mine based in Bkk and I were having this exact conversation a few weeks ago, he said he has lived in Bkk for 18 years and is still married, he is still married because he is discret about his activities, he is in business and he understands no one respects a whore monger. So i would say your exec friends have a similar level of common sense.

  2. I don't live in Pattaya, but in the few times I have visited there it always surprised me the Farangs walking around with there bling for all and sundry to see, just asking for trouble IMHO.

    Apart from that had only positive experiences except for the girl that invited my mate to a party down the road, a nice Farang sitting next to me having a chat suggested that this might not be the sort of party we should go to, my mate who has been traveling to Thailand for 25 years on business and speaks fluent Thai did not see a problem with this girls hospitality until i told him what the nice Farang said, a switch clicked in his head he made a comment to the Thai about cutting his throat and stealing his money she laughed and left in a hurry.

    Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt he knows Thai culture and the language and felt comfortable with the situation until i made a comment and he realised he was about to put himself in a dangerous position.

  3. I have a story for the boys,

    I am a jeweller and a mate of the guy I was working for at the time was splitting up with his wife, a very nasty divorce, he bought in her engagement ring and had us swap the diamond for a cubic zirconia, I would have loved to have seen the look on her face 6 months later when she was standing in a pawn shop trying to sell it.

    Classic...... :o:D:D

    It was not the right thing to do so it was done on the quiet.

    But yes we all had a large chuckle over it.

    Farang cheats a Thai girl and it's classic, priceless and worth a chuckle, it's let's all pat ourselves on the backs time, hip hip hooray !

    Thai girl cheats a Farang they are devious lying vermin worthy only of Farang scorn.


    Maigo this happened in Australia, she was not Thai nor was her Husband the were both Aussies, take a chill pill. :D

  4. OP i would be worried about things like,

    Her taking out an AVO(apprehended violence order), if this happens she will be entitled to stay in the maritial home, you will have to find alternative accomodation, you will spend the next 6 months fighting the AVO in court, it won't cost her a cent in legal fees and she will have plenty of time to sort out how to screw you for the most cash she can.

    This is a fairly common situation to be in, the police and the courts all side with the female, its up to you to and your expensive lawyer to clear your name.

    Tread carefully you don't want to piss off the other party.

  5. I have a story for the boys,

    I am a jeweller and a mate of the guy I was working for at the time was splitting up with his wife, a very nasty divorce, he bought in her engagement ring and had us swap the diamond for a cubic zirconia, I would have loved to have seen the look on her face 6 months later when she was standing in a pawn shop trying to sell it.

    Classic...... :o:D:D

    It was not the right thing to do so it was done on the quiet.

    But yes we all had a large chuckle over it.

  6. I have a story for the boys,

    I am a jeweller and a mate of the guy I was working for at the time was splitting up with his wife, a very nasty divorce, he bought in her engagement ring and had us swap the diamond for a cubic zirconia, I would have loved to have seen the look on her face 6 months later when she was standing in a pawn shop trying to sell it.

  7. Geekfreak, I think using a divorce involving an estate worth hundreds of millions of pounds and legal bills that run into the tens of millions as an example of the average divorce settlement is a little of the mark.

    Yes. You are right Ricky. Most guys end up losing much more than 50%

    Only if kids are involved, it sucks that most guys only marry these girls so they can get a visa, the government forces your hand if you want them to come and stay in your home country.

  8. If a girl is willing to work in the Bar environment to earn cash and she lives in a country where life is cheap and a hit could cost maybe 10 000 - 20 000 bht and she stands to make many hundreds of thousands of Baht out of such unfortunate death, would she consider it.

    hel_l yeah

    I wonder if this is so uncommon why every week another Farang suffocates himself to death with a plastic bag or jumps of a balcony with his hands tied behind his back or shoots himself while he is handcuffed to a bed.

    Come on wake up, it happens enough to show a little concern with dealing with type of matter.

    Mobi is right its irresponsible to not give the dude a heads up when he is in a potentially dangerous situation.

  9. if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

    My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

    Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

    You have no idea what you are on about.

    if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

    I don't give Her F'all cash a little here and there, children won't be a problem she has had Her tubes tied.

    But thanks for your concern.

    She got on fine without me before and will get on fine if I am not around, if i choose to sling her a little cash to make Her life a little easier so be it, she still works 6 days a week form 8am - 5pm.

    Not everybody on here fits into your mould of what is a typical farang.

    The more you say the dumber you look.

  10. if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

    My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

    Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

    You have no idea what you are on about.

  11. The Thai girl who I am currently seeing is 5 years older than me, I am in my early Thirties she is in Her late Thirties. Seems ok but asian women do look young for there age. I would not date a western girl who is 5 years older though, as they don't hold there age as well. On another note if a lot of the Farangs dated girls around there own age I think most would find loving partners not out for there cash and they would not have to deal with the crap that girls in there 20's dish out.

    You really gotta love this forum for sweeping generalisations...

    You are spot on, reading back it does come off that way. :o

    But its just an opinion

  12. The Thai girl who I am currently seeing is 5 years older than me, I am in my early Thirties she is in Her late Thirties. Seems ok but asian women do look young for there age. I would not date a western girl who is 5 years older though, as they don't hold there age as well. On another note if a lot of the Farangs dated girls around there own age I think most would find loving partners not out for there cash and they would not have to deal with the crap that girls in there 20's dish out.

  13. They will ask for all they can get. I hear about Farangs paying 20-50,000 bht per month for their "ladies". But, that's for a full-time GF. I think these are outrageous amounts, unless you are wealthy & have the money to throw away. If I were you, I would try to determine if your relationship is based on more than money. Does she love you or would she be with you, if you did not give her money? Unfortunately, in my experience here, the answer is usually no.

    Are you serious?

    Yeh He is serious a friend of a friend met a bar girl, he goes back home and she promises to stay out of the bars he sends her $200au a week, after a short period of time She ramps up Her demands to $500au a week he happily pays, he marries the Lady and spends maybe $15000au on dowry and wedding and at no time do alarm bells ring in his mind.

    As it has been put before it is the Knight in shining armour complex, the poor girl needs saving, so in steps the Farang.

    I can understand helping out in small ways, but giving over hundreds of thousands of thai Baht, wake up.

  14. Helping Her to help Herself is a positive way of giving assistance as Midori said these girls and there familes survived before the farang came into the picture, I will say from personal experience it is hard to watch someone you care about struggle and I am sure that helping Her in unexpected ways will not do any harm, help her to buy school books or other educational related things, but handing over cash and saying here you go will only be harmfull in the long run.

  15. Thanks for going to so much trouble, on the issue on the document she was showing me, I have no reason to doubt Her, but yes it could have very well been a certificate to show she competed in a grade 2 spelling bee for all I know, slowly I am trying to learn more Thai but as a native English speaker I find the reading and writing very difficult.

    Thanks again for the information.

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