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Posts posted by rick75

  1. By law are woman allowed to play golf in Thailand?

    Unfortunately..YES..and she fuc***g beats me..and it cost twice as much each time I play...want to know anything else :)

    Yeh, an answer to the original question, are any of you locals aware of the availibilty of corporate or hospitality tent tickets?

  2. I would like to ask a little advice, I met my girlfriend nearly two years ago, we are getting married in a few weeks time, she has been to Australia on two three month visas over the last 14 months, I was going to apply for a spousal visa, but now I am getting a little stressed about the spousal visa not getting approved $1700au is a whack of money to piss up against the wall if not successfull, she is of good character we are both similar age in our 30's and we have been together for 2 years, but we have spent a fair bit of time apart due to work. What is everyones thoughts on the best way to go here.

    On another note,

    I understand and support strong visa regulations but do they know how stressfull it is on a couple to go through this stuff.

  3. It does say its a file photo of the landrover, the one pictured is a series 3 have a look at the front windows they are still the slide style, and not wind up and down ones, this model is fitted with a tailshaft brake, not sure what happens if you pulled it on when the vehicle was moving but at a gues it would not be pretty.

    Condolonces to the family.

  4. Good luck is appropriate, I am having issues with a LCD TV from Samsung that is less than a week old, lets just say I will pass on there products in the future.

  5. We should start a thread about all the threads, that get closed it seems the only ones worth reading get closed. But hey at least that leaves more room for more sin sod, should i buy a bar or does she really love me threads. Really I wonder sometimes.

  6. Read back through Her posts, this is no troll.

    Melissa as others have said, go to the same police and offer Him 25% of any money recovered, make sure you are present at negotiations or the company will most likely offer Him 50% and you lose out.

    Best of luck with getting something back.

  7. I said it on another thread some time ago but it's worth repeating here: what most people are willing to say about most Thais is more reflective of those speaking than it is of the Thais.

    As a corollary- there are all kinds of people out there in Thailand (there would have to be, right?). If it seems you are only meeting one kind of person, what is the common denominator, then?

    What people are saying about Thais is from observation. As several posters are commenting. Nothing to do with "more reflective of those speaking"

    So you don't think who you are, how you carry yourself and whom you mix with has any bearing on your opinion of the world around you.

  8. I am Gob Smacked by the vitriolic posts, I think when the rose coloured glasses come off people turn feral on the country and its people, I get frustrated at some things that go on around me, maybe its due to my age, early thirties, but I like the country and most of its people. I find if you are not in a tourist area the Thais are friendly and welcoming, they are happy you try to speak there language even though you may do it badly, I can not imagine people saying they go out of there way to not interact with Thais, as others have said I think a lot of the negativity some people find is a mirror image of what they project

  9. We went to one called Silom Spa or Silom sauna, I think. A Thai mate took me, not surprisingly its in Silom, in a back street in like a semi Industrial area, It is essentially a large shed, it has hot, cold dip pools, spa, sauna, steam room, a gym, they serve meals and you can get female companionship if you choose, it is pretty much a Thai only thing, there was only one other Farang there out of the 50 or so guys. I can't give you an exact name or address as the guy who took me has sadly passed away. It is like a gentlemans club for Thais not very upmarket but very good.

  10. Ericthai you must be on Crack to say that the Au dollar has lost all its value over the last two years, I am not sure I would be advising him to hedge in Au dollars, but my man, the Aussie enconomy has faired probably the best out of all economies over the last year, the Au dollar has gained against almost all currencies over the last year.

  11. So I have looked back through and seen a few threads on budget hotels but nothing around the mid 1500bht -2000bht mark. Looking for something nice and clean and not right in the centre of the nightlife. Sea view would be nice.

    So what do you guys think, any recomendations.


  12. If they are costing 150k per unit and you are getting 30k- 36k per year return (less expenses) thats pretty good, what sort of money are they allowing for a block of land?

    As said, it sure beats sitting around a beer bar all day hoping the local p*ss heads come in and throw some cash around.

  13. So you guys respect Thailand, its people and traditions yet you speak about not buying into supporting the family etc. I just don't get it, there is an onus on the daughters to support the parents whether they are working as prostitutes or Doctors, I have a Thai friend now working here in Australia she sends money home to the parents, when my girlfriend was working in Bangkok she sent money home long before I was ever on the scene. So are you against your partners supporting there family or just the idea you might have to fork out a little cash now and then, for the most part that is what we are talking about "a little cash" are you guys that stubborn or hard up you are happy to see your partners loved ones starve.

    Threads like this just show why Thais look and Farangs with amusement, it has nothing to do with our gullibility it has more to do with Farangs perceived superiority over Thais.

    Somehow I suspect your 'friend' is not earning enough money to pay her family herself - she's relying on her husband to pay it.

    Culture and tradition really doesn't come into it, if they can find someone who will give money to their family, they will take it. Unless they know they will lose their cash cow in the process, and stand little chance of finding a replacement.

    If you honestly think the Thais don't think we're gullible and stupid beyond belief, you're living in a parallel world. They look at the women farangs marry - which tells them everything they need to know......

    Are you kidding, I know Her husband/Boyfriend contributes to the cost of there housing etc. But even working in a crappy job here in Australia She takes home $650au a week which is around 20k baht.

    I can assure you that is enough to support Her and Her family.

  14. I guess it comes back to the type of relationships these guys must be in, washed up middle aged Men a string of failed relationships behind them, they can come to Thailand and get a new wife and treat Her more like a possession than an equal. Who really cares what her beliefs are, she will do as she is told so long as I am paying the bills.

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