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Posts posted by rick75

  1. Yeh Jf, thats where I was heading, but Thai are the only airline that run direct flights BNE - BKK without a stop over, I could fly British or Qantas and save a $100- $200 but they both have stop overs wether Sydney or Singapore and I have been down the Air Asia road, they are cheap but when things go wrong like flights delayed etc and you have to buy new connecting flights out of your own pocket they soon become very expensive.

    While Thai are not the cheapest they do run a good service.


  2. My experiences are travelling from Brisbane to Bangkok now with Thai Airways mostly, BNE-BKK-BNE are mostly around 30% cheaper than BKK-BNE-BKK, I have checked many times, Thais travelling to Australia are ripped off, I have found with Thai, booking around 60 days in advance you get the best price, after that the fares go up, travelling Jan - April you get cheap fares around $800au to $950, then the fares go up to $1100 - $1300 au, Sept-Nov is another time you will get cheap flights. I don't subscribe to the cheap last minute fairs idea either, I have checked plenty of times and not found cheap flights, well not cheaper than if i had bought them 2 months earlier.

    Maybe in different markets where they need to fill the planes, or another airline that is not run the way Thai airways is, it may be different.

  3. I think you guys will find most Aussies are happy for the Poms to get up, we have a proud traditon of cutting down tall poppies and the Aussie cricketers really are some of the most arrogant Pr*cks going, I hope they blood some young fellas and cut the likes of Ponting.

    On a side note are the Aussies really that bad or are they making a little on the side, it seems to be the go for cricketers around the globe.

  4. Ozzydom.... those people who are of working age and paying taxes now will never see an old aged pension, it will have long been phased out, so any wonder we are a little dismayed by the attitudes of the entitled amongst Us. The problem my friends is that there are too many who are willing to shaft the system for there own ends and now the system is fighting back.

    If you want to save your pension, dob in a welfare cheat, I know its not the Aussie way but these are the people that are making it hard for the honest ones.

  5. I think Thai massage is more about general health then the western styles, you will get out of a Thai Massage what you put into it, if you are willing to deal with a little pain when it comes to stretching you will feel great a couple of days later. There is a difference between a hard and a rough massage, a rough massage will do nothing but cause pain and even injury, a good hard massage will get you cracking again.

    As for price there are a couple of places we go to over in Thonburi near the Robinson, they are about 120bht/ hour, very very good.

  6. Thanks for all the advice and heated debate. One thing that still concerns me is how to actually get to a hospital when you are discharging from both ends every 30 minutes? My wife wanted me to go to hospital early on but I felt I couldn't make it. She even suggested putting one of the kids nappies on! The idea of even attempting the trip and then the walk to the hospital building and possibly having to wait around for some time doesn't bear thinking about :ermm:. No solution to that I guess.

    There is a funny book written by an Australian oil rig worker, "Don't tell Mum I work On an oil rig, she thinks a a piano player in a brothel", a piss funny read, one of the stories he relates is a group of workers coming down with food poisoning in Borneo I think and how there was no serious treatment options locally so they were taken to Singapore, catch is they did it on a commercial flight and he goes on to tell the story of the four or so guys making there way Siagapore, shitting and vomitting the whole way.

    I am sure if you are that sick you will think of a way, maybe sitting on a bucket and holding one for the other end.

    Incidently they found out the way they got sick was from drinking bottled water, the locals had taken empty bottles and filled them with local water then added a little super glue to the lid, so when you openend the bottle you still got the cracking noise of the plastic breaking, a nice little side earner for the locals.

  7. Do you honestly believe Stander is the wealthy prat with a vitriolic attitude to those below Him, I would bet He is just playing the role to get your goad. As others have said the truely wealthy ones are the people that have no need or desire to show it, the same as a guy that knows how to take care of Himself, He is the one sitting quietly in the corner, not the one shooting off His mouth telling people what a hard Man He is.

  8. Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

    Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

    I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

    Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

    But nice try.

    "All envy is proportionate to desire"

    I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

    I am not envious, just mucking around, I live on the East Coast of Australia, I have a great lifestyle, not as cheap to live as Thailand, but I guess that is my cross to bare. I am still early on in my working career, I may be wealthy by the time I am 50 or flat broke, I really don't know, I may drop dead of a heart attack next week.

    I am happy to have successful people around me, it tends to rub off, I am not jealous of there wealth, I am happy for them.

    My only gripe with your comment is that we are all put on this Earth equal and with equal opportunities, I am sure as an educated person you know this is just not true.

  9. Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

    Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

    I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

    Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

    But nice try.

  10. So you understand this yet still encourage people to take antibiotics at the onset.

    You say the people who have come on here and advise against antibiotics unless actually needed, are silly, know nothing and to ignore there advice, yet listen to yours.

    I have a couple of quotes for you

    The first rule of antibiotics is try not to use them, and the second rule is try not to use too many of them.[53]—Paul L. Marino, The ICU Book

    "Inappropriate antibiotic treatment and overuse of antibiotics have been a contributing factor to the emergence of resistant bacteria. The problem is further exacerbated by self-prescribing of antibiotics by individuals without the guidelines of a qualified clinician"

  11. Forethat at no time do I say that viruses casuse food poisoning in the majority or minority of cases, what I say is that the over prescription of antibiotics when not needed is a negative thing,

    Below I have quoted what I said and I will say it again, you are not qualified to give the advice that people should take antibiotics for treatment of food poisoning, you can not be sure what is causing the problem.

    You can not accept you are wrong to give medical advice and make personal insults to people.

    I can't believe the crap that goes on here.

    "On treatment, ride the horse for a day, dry toast, plenty of fluids and let it pass through your system, the over prescription of antibiotics when not needed is what will kill us all in then end, it just gives the viruses the opportuinty to develop resistance, save antibiotics until you are on deaths door and really need them, do yourself and the worlds population a favour."

  12. Did you find any stats regarding the most common cause of food poisoning? Remember the one you claimed was caused by a viral infection, and surprisingly enough; that was what I commented on, easily noticed by the fact that I actually quoted you on that and nothing else.

    So in conclusion; you don't read other peoples posts, you put words in their mouths, you post incorrect and made up information and on top of everything you have the nerve to patronize others for giving the same type of advice YOU did with the only difference that my advice was different than yours? You are some piece of work... Please note that I only pointed out that your information was wrong, viral infections are NOT the most common cause of foodborne illness in Thailand.

    I am sure most persons who read this forum are asking for an advice base on experience, you gave yours (even though you didn't have much...) and I gave mine. For all I know, you can advise people to shove a vacuum cleaner up their arse and suck out the crap, I couldn't care less. If you happen to eat something in this country and end up on the shitter after a couple of hours, my advice is to start an Antibiotic treatment at that point. If an expert opinion is required most of us go to the doctor.


    For your information, the most common cause for food poisoning in Thailand are campylobacter and e-Coli (in case you didn't know, that translates to excrement, poo, shit or whatever you want to call it)

    I don't think I took what you said out of context or minipulated your words in any way.

    I can't find any data on Thailand specific food poisoning, but you must have some as you clearly state what causes the majority of food poisoning here, can you provide some hard data.

    On the other hand I have provided a link and can provide hundreds more on the results on society of the over prescription of antibiotics.

    You have provided medical advice which I am sure you are not qualified to do, I on the other hand quoted what seems to be the normal practice for treatment of food poisoning, hydrate, try to eat get it out of your system, if you are still ill after 24 hours see a Doctor, who is unlike you qualified to diagnose and treat illness.

    Get a life...........

  13. Ok so I took your advice and did a google search "food poisoning treatment" I looked at the first ten listings and all seemed to have pretty much the same advice, hydrate, try to eat, if symptoms persist see a doctor, the advice above to step straight into a course of antibiotics is irresponsible, as I said before the oversupply of antibiotics to patients who feel the doctor has not done his job unless they walk away with tablets is what is going to kill us al in the end, this a serious problem that is only perpetuated by silly people that encourage others to take antibiotics when they are not needed.

    Man up have a cup of concrete, ride the horse, poop, vomit, sweat.....rehydrate, eat and it will be out your system lickty split, if not ...... then go see a doctor, think of the positives you get a good clean out and may lose a few kilo's something we all need on occasion.

    The first link is an ACP article on antibiotic resistance.


    The most common symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, watery stools, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Most food poisoning symptoms are mild, however, and can safely be treated at home.

    • Salmonella. Food poisoning caused by Salmonella bacteria gives victims flu-like symptoms for as long as a week.
      Botulism. The first symptoms appear abruptly, usually 18 to 48 hours after the food was eaten. These symptoms include nausea,
    dry mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain and blurring of vision. The toxin has a paralyzing effect on the nervous system; it prevents the nerves from conducting messages from the brain. Control of the muscles is lost, beginning with those around the face and neck. Loss of the ability to swallow makes it impossible to eat. It leads to choking and may introduce foreign materials into the lungs. The victim usually dies within several days.
    If medical aid is quickly obtained and the correct diagnosis rapidly made, death can be avoided. A serum may be injected which is sometimes able to neutralize a portion of the toxin and limit further paralysis. This serum cannot help the nerves that are already damaged. The speed with which symptoms appear depends largely on the amount of toxin-containing food that is eaten.
    Staphylococcal food poisoning. This type of food poisoning is associated with abdominal cramps, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. It appears about 6 hours after eating food contaminated with an enterotoxin formed by the staph bacteria. Dairy products, pastries and fish are common foods harboring this organism.

    Treatment of Food Poisoning

    The most common treatment for simple <A class=cssEncyLink href="http://www.healthscout.com/ency/68/676/main.html">food poisoning is simply supportive care at home with clear liquids to stay hydrated, and after vomiting or diarrhea subside, the gradual return to eating beginning with a bland diet (such as rice, bread, potatoes and milk). The doctor should be consultedalled if the person has nausea, vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 2 days, a fever, dizziness or unconsciousness, or if the symptoms are occurring after recent travel to foreign countries, or if people who ate the same thing are also ill. A visit to the hospital should be made if the person experiences vomiting blood, a swollen abdomen, problems breathing, swollen joints, yellow eyes or skin, or sharp abdominal pain that lasts more than 15 minutes.

  14. Hmmm it seems as if I should have used definitely not as opposed to "probably not" :)

    But do feel free to make the remarks ad hominem attacks and not speak to the issues :) That press freedom started it's massive downhill slide in 2003 doesn't seem to be denied. That Thaksin at the time was not having to deal with armed insurrection in Bangkok doesn't seem to be denied. That People TV was instructing people in how to fight instead of reporting the news (and thus was participating in armed insurrection) does not seem to be denied.


    That Thaksin sued and had his companies withdraw advertising from anyone that dare speak out against him ... etc etc ....

    Yes there are LM laws in Thailand. So what? There are restrictions on the press and "freedom of speech" everywhere. I understand that the people that want to bitch and moan about how they think things SHOULD be feel these restrictions to be painful, but most people in Thailand simply do not feel the same way (opinion based upon more than casual observation and open discussions with a large number of Thai people).

    Well when things at the top of Thailand change, which is on the horizon. Your large number of Thai's opinions will more than likely change.

    Remember this report is done by outside observers, who judge Thailand's freedoms against other countries, just because the average Thai accepts there lot in life does not make what happens acceptable.

  15. the over prescription of antibiotics when not needed is what will kill us all in then end, it just gives the viruses the opportuinty to develop resistance, save antibiotics until you are on deaths door and really need them, do yourself and the worlds population a favour.

    You are so right Dr Kildare, especially as taking antibiotics for a Viral infection does absolutely f*kc all......antibiotics are indicated for bacterial infections...:whistling:

    Read what I wrote again.......stop...... have a think and then make a comment.

  16. :ph34r:

    It confirms my sentence I wrote a few days ago on this forum that Thailand is LESS democratic than 10 years ago.....

    ...ruled by a Democratic Party alliance Government.

    Well done Mr. Abhisit...well done, NOT. :(


    the voice of reason has spoken.

    it is rarely I hear you so resolute.

    I try to be diplomatic at all times but fail also.

    I am fallible, at times, many times, unlike many others on this forum :rolleyes: (not personally to you Bizz!).

    But, coming to Thailand for more than 30 years I cannot come to another conclusion than having to agree with Reporters without Borders, sadly enough. :(

    Others, who claim it's not as bad are not aware of the dangers in Thailand. Something small, a mistake, a sidestep, even minor, can bring you in jail whilst others, the priviliged, criminals, murderers walk free.

    This country has a long, long way to go and is in fact still a third world country but wants to expose itself as a developed and democratic nation.

    It's NOT, by far.

    It's a country ruled by a few. The happy few.


    LaoPo, does speak the truth, for those that say Thailand is a free society, think how many times have you self censored what you have said on this forum.

    Or how many times have threads/discussions been shut down for fear of what is being said.

    The worst form of censorship exists here in Thailand and they are not afraid to come at you with a big stick if need be.

  17. My worst dose was from a beer garden in Pattaya.

    How to avoid, buy fresh and cook yourself, the old rule is peel it, wash it, cook it, if any of these things can be done you should be ok.

    On treatment, ride the horse for a day, dry toast, plenty of fluids and let it pass through your system, the over prescription of antibiotics when not needed is what will kill us all in then end, it just gives the viruses the opportuinty to develop resistance, save antibiotics until you are on deaths door and really need them, do yourself and the worlds population a favour.

  18. If buying, as said above buy only buy 999 bars 99.9% fine gold, buy in smaller ingot sizes, easier to dispose of quickly say 10 gram or 1/2 ounce bars.

    But why would you be buying at the moment it is pretty much the top of the market for gold. Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium offer better value just at present, because of a lower demand from the automotive industry for Cat converters in cars, especially China there is still a little value to be found.

    Depending on your currency maybe the effects of the rise in Gold have been insulated a little, as with Australian dollar its strength against the US so we have not been hit as bad as say the US.

  19. I think the OP did ok as well, while it might not fit with our ego to do it, TIT and you have to play by there rules, the Thai's know to pay and be on there way, why should we be any different?, as has been said choose your battles wisely. While not common, I have read stories over the past years of cops pulling out there gun and shooting a person point blank when confronted in the wrong way.( yes it has happened, a farang husband and wife in Kanchanaburi if i remember correctly is one I remember) I am not willing to take the chance, are you for 200Bht.

  20. Who ever said "don't commit what you can't walk away from" nailed it.

    Prenups are worthless in Thailand, the best defence against being ripped off is not to allow the wife to ever be in a position to do it.

    Nothing wrong with bargirls by the way, they make great wives. I "married" two and loved every minute of the relationships.

    I left them because of pressure to feed huge families and I didn't really want to live in their home countries.

    "Married" to a former tour guide now, she knows her way around as well. B)

    you give the REASON not to marry bargirls. for them its all bout supporting their families.............nothing wrong with that. But is that what you guys want? just dont make sense. maybe im just too sensible.

    I think you will find this with all Thai women, wether they work in a bar or as a Doctor there is a guilt that is trained into them from the day they are born, they must support the family, the Country has no social security (well you can't survive on it) and I would be so bold as to say that the Girl who is trained as a Doctor has an even larger guilt because of what the parents have provided in terms of education.

    As for marraige you do what you have to, if you have a genuine relationship with a lady why should it be any different to the West, they want marraige to provide a level of security in there life, the same as any Western woman I have been with.

  21. When I met my wife she already knew some English and had a steady job, I started her up in a small business turning over 50k a month profit, she took to it well and quit her job of about 11k a month, I helped her learn how to do the job and left her to it, she was then conatcted by other people wanting her services and now gets about 90k a month and has never looked back, she doesnt have much time for me now but we're still married and all is fine.

    Her English is much better and she will hopefully have a good life, I dont want her relying on me in anyway for her future and she is toally independant but still she stays with me quite happily.

    I think that is a great thing to do and I commend you.

    I think it is something a person in love would do.

    I don't believe in love nor ghosts.

    I think love is a construct that explains things easier than the real reasons. Hence so many people use the word to describe actions that would otherwise be irrational.

    If I was in love I would teach my GF English.

    Mark, at a point when I was on the verge of losing all hope for mankind..... you tipped me over the edge.

    I feel sad for you

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