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Posts posted by rick75

  1. So Thaksin controls there funds and they despise Him, yet they are the ones who are down in Bkk demonstrating?

    I just don't follow what you are saying.

    Also the information is not coming from bar flys, its coming from scholars, authors, people that have a real view.

    Google abc Australia, Foreign Correspondent and see if you are allowed to view an episode from a couple of weeks back.

  2. Are you kidding me, the group are far from a shadowy group, I am currently in Australia and what is happening in Thailand is getting massive amounts of media exposure, we are able to see and discuss view points you are not. You are silly or naive to think that living in Thailand you are even remotely able to see a balanced view of current events.

  3. What I mean that there is a group whose main interest is keeping themselves in the mix, like in many Countries certain institutions have found themselves no longer relevant.

    I am of the belief that this is what was well on its way to happening in Thailand, certain groups will go to extreme lengths to hold onto relevance and thus power and all the trappings this provides.

    Thailands politics are very complicated and certain aspects can't ever be unravelled or spoken about.

  4. To the O.P.

    Great post however I think you are a little off the mark, there are 3 sides to this story and its not only the reds that have used the poor and down trodden to sure up support, thats how all this started one side did not like the way Taksin was using there power base.

    The original coup that happened as a result of a group feeling that taksin was starting to overshaddow there good work and that was not ever going to be allowed to happen.

  5. Good luck to the OP, He just decided Thailand is not the place for Him, why are people so up in arms. I am sure His words are well meaning and maybe if more people came onto forums like this and actually listened to those that have travelled a well worn path they may save themselves some heart ache.

    Me personally I am conflicted, I like many of things about Thailand but I hate enough things for me to honestly say I can't imagine living there, I am far too young to retire, but the Country gave me a wonderful person who makes my life very happy. We both love living in Australia, but who knows what the future holds.

  6. In my experience DIAC treat children of the applicant who are under the age of 18 as dependant, they pay more attention to younger children as well, as they deem that the longer it is till they reach 18 the higher the chance they might want to migrate to Australia. My Wife has a son who lives with His father, that was there agreement on divorce, He is in no way denpandent on my Wife, however DIAC require him to have medical and all his paperwork in order much the same as if he was travelling with Her.

  7. My pick would be Pratchuap Kiri Kahn as well, nice beaches, a small golf course, cheap living, good seafood. Its about 1hr to Hua Hin. I know a couple of guys who live there, you have to be the self motivated type of person to live there as it is a pretty sleepy area, but it would suit me fine.

  8. Sorry, but you are joking,
    Precisely. I refer you to my previous post - the average woman does not attack physically never mind how great the provocation. They can't win and know it.

    these Thai ladies are far stronger and far fiercer than the average western man (or woman), and their attacks are all out, no holds barred.

    Once when I was with GF1 some ferrang insulted me, I wasn't bothered but she rushed at them, then picked them up (and they must have weighted twice as much as her) and threw them across the road ....... I couldn't have done that.

    Another time, I saw a guy touch a girls bum, she grabbed a pool cue and beat him unconscious, she was tiny and he was a 6 footer. (this was in the Happy Bar last year)

    But I will agree with you on this one

    You're right and I'm not sure how I missed it - talking badly to someone is far worse than hitting them.

    Given a choice of having my head kicked in or being given a good tongue lashing ...... I'll take the kicking every time.

    Dude now you are pushing the truth a little, "she picked him up and threw them accross the road" , you are so full of B.S.

    For the record I don't think I would stick around if my partner was violent, why would you?

  9. Lenny thanks for posting the link, I just have one question someone may be able to answer.

    I take out a usufruct with my wife, which may or may not be cancelled under thai law if you divorce, can a clause be added to the usufruct that upon legal divorce a 30 year lease then gets activated.

    That is kind of what they say in the document but I just wanted to make sure I am reading it correctly.


  10. Of course its wrong for farang to get involved in political protest, but to say that we have no idea on Thai politics is just plain wrong, living out of Thailand at the moment I have access to books that are not even availible in Thailand, books that may show just how Thai politics really works.

  11. In regards to your income, the tax dept don't really care where it comes from so long as they get a slice of it, we had an old family friend who was a SP bookmaker (illegal), when the fitzgerald inquiry came to Queensland he was the only guy out of his group of mates that never went to Jail, Why?, because on his tax return every year he declared the cash from SP bookmaking as other income and paid tax on it. The others did not and all went to jail for varying stretches due to tax evasion.

    Unless She is skilled and can get in on a 457 visa, I think you may have troubles and of recent times with unemployment rising in OZ they seem to have cracked right down on that type of Visa.

    PM Bridge and ask Him, it might cost you a few bucks for advice but I am sure it will be money well spent.

  12. My wifes 19 year old daughter fell pregnant out of wedlock, at the time She was studying nursing, I asked my wife had the daughter thought about aborting the baby and continuing Her studies...." Oh no honey She could never do that". Its only 12 months on and the fellow is still around, I guess only time will tell if She ends up a statistic of a rotten Thai man or He sticks around.

    I think like others have said, in the West She would almost have certainly aborted the baby and continued Her studies. I feel sad for Her She was at the edge of breaking out of the cycle. She was on Her way to a good education, job and having the opportunity to make choices with Her life.

  13. So here are a few quick sums

    Retire today on a monthy wage of 100,000 Thai Baht.

    Retirement period 25 years..... 4% inflation per year and a yeild of 5% per annum after Tax

    You would need 27 million baht today in the bank.

    At year 13 you start to eat into your principle amount, by year 25 you have $0 left.

    In real dollars what you can buy today for 100,000 baht by year 18 will cost you 200,000 baht.

    This a really simple calculations they don't take into account changes in FX rates.

    But you get the picture, for those that say I could easily live on 1,000,000 US you may get a little surprise in the future.

    For those that can live now on 60,000baht you will need around 14 million baht based on 4% inflation and 5% post tax income

  14. I have a mate who's Lady friend would always complain He never gave Her any gifts, while walking one day he spotted a cheap bracelet lying in the gutter, we are talking maybe 30baht from a toy store type thing. He took it home gave it to Her and said to never complain She did'nt get gifts.

    I swear that is a true story.

  15. My Father was on a DSP for a couple of years prior to going onto the OAP, I don't think its a great difference, but there is in terms of perks, OAP get concessions on rates, water, power and phone maybe.

    I am 100% certain that people who suffer from depression and substance abuse issues are eligible for a DSP.

  16. I had a look for the particular post but I can't see it, there are just far too many posts on budgets and costs of living. The guy did not come off as an idiot, the break down of costs and returns on principle was very easy to understand and methodically done, he obviously had an accounting background. It was food for thought.

  17. There is a very large difference between someone claiming DSP after losing a leg in a car accident and someone claiming it because they have stress in there life, or are drug or alcohol dependent, or becasue they are depressed. The article shows the cases are very small in numbers, why can't they look at them on a case by case basis.

    One point is that it may still cheaper for the government if they are overseas, as you would assume they are not claiming rent assistance and things like that.

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