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Posts posted by thurien

  1. 16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I can see their point, there have been loads of white foreign bogus volunteers in CM getting VISAs.

    You pay an agent, they set you up with a charity, you get a 1 year VISA for turning up for 1 or 2 days.

    I've known at least two guys in the past who did this (both under 50s).

     e.g.: Once you "subscribe" with one of the influential, prosperous NGOs in PnomPenh next thing you get is a Toyota Land Cruiser (6cyl., big thing) and sufficient funds for hanging out every night at Riverside, sipping red wine, going for Cambo chicks...good life, indeed. Seen plenty of these French passport holders (port of origin: Algeria, Tunesia and the like)

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  2. 17 hours ago, rimmae2 said:

    I always use the card for checking in for domestic flights, checking in at hotels in Thailand and as ID when going to the bank (which is very rare now that Banking can be done on mobile phone). I have never had any problems using the card for above and other purposes. 

    Considering that it took about 15 minutes to obtain the card and above benefits, I think it is useful.


    same for me - positive. The non-plus-ultra would be a magnetic strip or else to the card to make it machine- readable

  3. 4 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

    Not just Chinese. We once had a younger Russian lady stay for a month. She was a Time Share sales person and would leave the apartment all beautified (and was a good looking  woman). Yet when she checked out the apartment was disgusting, especially the toilet. She had caused a blocked toilet yet kept on using it without telling us. 


    how to keep using a blocked toilet?

  4. 22 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    In Thailand I bet the arrest in most cases is related to drink or drugs


    In UAE it's a simple failure to understand that their legal system is based on a Bronze Age novel.


    I see the majority in the deadly combination "under the influence of" and sunburn ... the pale-skinned Brits look like boiled prawns in Brighton already on an overcast July day with the temp. shooting up to 22 °C...the Thai sun must be aweful on them

  5. 2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Bangkok is doomed. Less than 30 years before it slitheres/sinks into the bay. Anyone upset yet? No! I thought not. Start moving the capital to Udon Thani! All the HiSos can go to Hua Hin; plenty of room there.

    psychological and logistics, financial, military grounds are set already to move to the future capital of Khorat

  6. On 19/04/2018 at 12:04 AM, chocdee120 said:

    I think banks make enough already without robbing people on 9000 Baht a month salaries. The charge applies to all rich foreigners and the less well off. The charge is because you take your money from a machine outside the boundary why. 

    and then these 9k thb people withdraw 200 baht at a time...

  7. 2 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    What can you buy for 1,000 baht in Thailand?


    If you cant't find that out by yourself you should not be here. Close to being the most stupid post this week.

    I am sure he did not find out yet another nice way of spending: 2 hrs really professional oil massage followed by a "special"...errr... that is another thousand, though (fine if you do it every other day)

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