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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. My 10 yrs validity UK "Jumbo" passport is almost full after just 2.5 yrs of use. Full-page visa's and random pages stamping makes for a 'poor use of space' scenario. I don't wish to have 2 valid passports at the same time but I'm being forced into it. Perhaps the slow arrival of e-visa's will help in this respect.
  2. I wonder how many people buying her music got confused with the very similarly named singer...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Aguilera
  3. Bangkok Airways are overpriced. Just did a search on their website for a one-way ticket to Da Nang on March 24th. price =7110 baht. On Vietjets website for the same destination on the same day there are 2 flight time options with prices as low as 3193 baht and a deluxe price of 4563 baht. Multiply the savings for a family travelling and it's a no-brainer. ( Vietjets price is 55% cheaper=3917 baht saved per ticket= family 4xpax would save 15,668 baht, one-way!)
  4. Kicking the ball down the street (Somebody doesn't want 'Blood' on their hands.) No, don't even think about writing what's on your mind.....
  5. The great Zulu god Unkulunkulu (I googled it) was displeased and the high priests of Wokeness screeched with vengeful rage. Thai schools do seem to love an outfit. Zulu's, nazi uniforms, shoe-polished faces etc. are all fair game to the Thai education system. In the 1970's 'gollywogs' were all the rage in the UK and Australia. Times have moved on but obviously slower here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog
  6. No mention of any repercusions for the person/s offering the bribe. I guess they've left the building.
  7. Second-hand clothes, normally stored in 100kg bundles. I've purchased wholesale from there. The Rong Klua Market shop stalls are small and the rent higher on the other side of the road so many suppliers keep their stock in the 'Indochina' side of the road. Blazes happen every year there; my guess is a discarded cigarette butt.
  8. Hong Kong Post sent me a series of letters over 18 months. They varied in delivery times from 8 days to 16 weeks. Due to the late/delayed arrival of the final letter I missed the deadline (by 3 weeks) to collect a HK$10,000 cheque (49,000 baht/exchange rate then). Thailand 4.0!
  9. gung (prawn!) hei fat choy!
  10. Ah, I've missed their buffet shenanigans. I do feel sorry for the prawns though. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3502162/Tourists-criticised-greedy-video-posted-Facebook-shows-shovelling-food-plates-Thai-buffet.html
  11. I remember a time when Thai's needed to travel to get work. That is not the case now where I am. Far more employment options around here. As I write this the local klong thom market is packed with shoppers and sellers.
  12. I feel certain the migrant workers haven't forgotten the way they were treated as Covid-19 arrived in Thailand and are loathe to return. On a side note I have noticed a big upturn in pretty girls, tattoos and all, with great English skills now working the tills in 7-11's in the North-East.
  13. "A 250,000 Euro reward exists for information that will lead to the discovery or capture of the Brabant Killers. If you know anything, please get in touch with police authorities." So who has potentially claimed the reward?
  14. In relation to the price of chicken is the price of pork. Pork farmers seem to have won that battle.
  15. His scruples need examining.
  16. The initial reports of his brother being leader of a political party seem not to be being reported now. As time goes on less is revealed and it gets murkier; as usual.
  17. There were large numbers of Chinese at Suvannakhet Thai Consulate on Wednesday 11th January. 80% of the large queue were Chinese (mandarin speakers) and of that number 90% were male. To be honest they didn't all look like genuine tourists, some savoury types there....
  18. The puppeteer is in play diverting attention away.....
  19. Are the requirements at a land border the same? I have seen no info from the different relevant govt. dept. I'm crossing a land border to Laos on Wednesday and had a booster jab last Friday (Total=5!) Will I need insurance for my return to Thailand the next day? (Non-O marriage visa/ no Thai Social Security.)
  20. They are effective for about three months. Answer: 180 days.
  21. Covid-19 is rampant throughout Thailand after the recent holidays. My 12 yrs old son has 4 classmates who are absent out of 26 in his class. I had a Pfizer booster yesterday at the local hospital and now moved to a small window at the back building without any other takers. No 2nd generation vaccines available (Also no Moderna). I foresee the Chinese arriving and with their compulsary insurance they will fillup all the capacity at the hospitals as they won't be allowed to travel back to China if positive. Or, as was the case in Hong Kong, a market will spring up in illegal "Negatve for Covid-19" medical certificates. As the insurance companies got burnt by Covid-19 previously; I wonder how much a policy costs now?
  22. Thanks chaps! To be honest I'm aware that a booster is prudent for my personal circumstance but I'm still a bit concerned if it's a necessity for my upcoming trip.
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