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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. She registered with a foreign passport and paid using a foreign credit card.
  2. There are 5 different pricing tiers at Thai govt. hospitals. Which tier your billed at depends on your visa status.
  3. not sure that is correct, if you are ordinarily resident (6 months) you can resume free NHS Healthcare, there are exceptions if you worked in the forces or police etc you never loose free treatment, and they seldom check anyway I was under the assumption that if you were out of the country (UK) for over 6 months you cannot return to a free NHS. This was to stop the expats returning (after a cancer diagnosis, for example). You can use, but must pay a fee. This change to the NHS policy was since I arrived 20+ years ago. People previously would hop on a flight or have procedures done whilst on a holiday return visit to see family. The Thai lady in the article checked in to the private hospital with a foreign passport and paid using an overseas credit card. Why does she feel she has a right to the "Thai Price"? It appears to me that she is a Thai expatriate who is based overseas now; not paying Thai taxes.
  4. So, visiting her country of birth and using that countries health service? I know that's a no-no for the UK's NHS. (Have to wait 3 years for returning residents.)
  5. Isn't it about time for an official govt. oversight Deptartment of Scams? Of course, it will itself need an enormous budget.
  6. Not a fan of the black shoes with any of their new colour uniforms. I would have thought a shade of brown would be more coordinated to the colours they have gone with. They seem to have matched the shoe colour to the hair colour. Odd.
  7. Shrivelled up doesn't mean it can't function. I should know!
  8. rbkk


    Just noticed a new option on the Youtube video quality settings for Premium users. 1080p Enhanced (Bitrate). They seem to be trying everything in the pursuit of $'s. $20 billion last year not enough?
  9. rbkk


    2 weeks ago I began to only get 2 videos per row on my Youtube account. Signing out it returned to 3 videos per row. My son's YT a/c was unchanged at 3 videos per row. Rescaling the PC I could get 3 videos per row. The problem was specific to only my a/c. I sent a feedback E-mail. to YT. Today, 2 weeks later, my a/c has returned to 3 videos per line, by default. Success, but still odd ( Were they testing some new format?) Interestingly I have ABP installed (PC) and I have not received any Youtube E-mails about removing it. It is working fine and the current score for Youtube ads that it has blocked so far is 1.529,148. Pipped to the post though by AZ @ 1,529,154!
  10. Soooooooooooo slow. If China, Russia or any enemy sailed a warship up the Chao Praya this experience has shown that the only way to confront them would be to get in the queue at the vodka, dim sum and knock shops when their on their R&R. The gold medal goes to Hungary who operated 3 repatriation flights on the one day, two Sunday's ago (8+ days).
  11. Thank-you so much for your reply. Luckily I didn't believe TCL Thailand Shopee chat who said "it's an import 240v; so 1400RPM is the correct spin speed." Buyer beware! That TCL machine is 1200RPM but you have to scroll down a fair way to find their 2nd advertised speed for the same machine. Deceptive. The Hisense I ordered is 1400RPM but the dryer capacity is 1KG less. Both very similar prices. The experience has put me off TCL now. Interesting to note that Big C online advertise it correctly at 1200RPM.
  12. So, I was going to buy a TCL washing machine/dryer (10Kg/7Kg) that was advertised as 1400RPM in Shopee Product Specifications but 1200RPM in their Product description. This confusion led me to a different (Hisense) brand /model (10Kg/6Kg). The Hisense is in transit. Pondering the discrepency has led me to voltage. I'm not an electrician so help is needed! Could it be that 1200RPM is at 220 volts but 1400RPM is at 240 volts? Puting my multimeter in my home socket it says 237 volts. Does this mean the spin speed of the TCL would be 1350+ RPM in my home? Thank-you in advance for any guidance. Here's a link to the TCL https://shopee.co.th/ใหม่-TCL-WASH-DRY-เครื่องซักอบผ้าฝาหน้า-ซัก-10Kg.-อบ-7Kg.-สีเทาเข้ม-รุ่น-WT11EPWDG-มอเตอร์-Inverter-Direct-Drive-ประหยัดไฟ-ทำงานเงียบ-ผ่อน-0-นาน-10-เดือน--i.106678713.22840242179?sp_atk=c951ef9b-13e3-4e05-820f-43e599e60c77&xptdk=c951ef9b-13e3-4e05-820f-43e599e60c77
  13. Monday is sushi. Tuesday is pizza, Wednesday's vindaloo night.......I do my bit to help out.
  14. Wexpress; is this a new player? Ordered a washing machine through Shopee and this is the delivery company. Not much info on Google except customer complaints on Pantip. Fingers are crossed!
  15. They, and their families, must have been very grateful to have received assistance out of a war zone. I believe Cyprus has consulates, embassies and connecting transport links.
  16. I haven't heard a whisper from Thai Airways. Nok Air and Air Asia are scheduled to help but not the national airline? The new government will be starting to get a complex about the lack of apparent urgency to help Thai nationals from both the military and the national airline. I hope my perceptions are wrong.
  17. Hungary managed 2 military flights last Sunday and a 3rd later that same day (3 flights/4 days ago). Reported here on AseanNow, yeserday.
  18. I noted the news yesterday that Hungary managed 2 military flights last Sunday and a 3rd flight later that same day (3 flights/4 days ago). God forbid the Thai military ever need to participate in a conflict on the other side of the world. it would be over before they got there. Is this the "3rd way" of avoiding conflict? I feel there is more to this story than is being printed here.
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