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Posts posted by cophen

  1. I've just done a search on a specific Emirates flight through all 4 sites and get exactly the same price from all 4 of them.

    Don't understand why you didn't check the example I gave. The original question was not whether Kayak sometimes gives the same prices as other agents on certain flights but whether it throws up the cheapest prices. Of course, the beauty of the non-transparent example you just gave is that nobody else can verify your finding - that seems entirely pointless.

    Emirates BHX-BKK outbound 15/11/08 inbound 5/12/08 £602.

  2. I live in a UK university town whose university has lots of Asian post-grad students. They're to be seen walking down the local high street at most hours of most days. I've never seen any of them acknowledge each other in the way that farangs seem to be expected to do in Thailand. Why do some people think that being a farang requires you to speak to complete strangers?

  3. This is an easy one. just google kayak uk, input your dates and it checks EVERY airline as well as all the agencies mentioned and shows you the lot. We are doing it Xmas at £410 on Qatar...damm good airline but booked as soon as flights become available in March, last time I checked same flights were around £800.

    Tip. Peak finishes on some airlines on 24/12 so Xmas day can sometimes yield a cheaper flight.

    Paek usually starts on 10th December.

  4. You didn't marry a monk. You married someone who had been a monk but who had disrobed with the permission of his superior and who was thus no longer a monk. Why should you worry what some anonymous Thai woman thinks?

  5. BTW, to those who took the time launch personal attacks against me for bringing up this perfectly legitimate issue, how about this ... you worry about YOUR karma, I'll worry about mine. Deal?

    How about you worrying about the karma of those minimum wage waitresses you choose to humiliate? That's really shabby behaviour.

  6. "The Fila Brasileiro is an excellent estate guardian and cattle dog. It does not hide its aversion to strangers, consequently these dogs are not disqualified from the show ring for showing aggression to the judge [1]. Their faithfulness to family and friends is legendary, but this breed is not for everyone. The Fila needs a confident, experienced owner who can properly curb the breed's natural aggression towards strangers. Because of its aggression, it is not well suited to busy households which have many guests. Such aggression is instinctive in Filas, so much so that the Brazilian breed standard advises show judges not to touch the dog. [2] However, the FCI standard allows for disqualification of very aggressive dogs. Few Filas will attack for no reason, but none will be friendly with strangers."

  7. If you check out Oriental Cafe at 9.50 you will see the staff have placed a plate of quiche at his place. They gladly move it if you want to sit there.

    Leave it where it is, wait till he appears and then start to eat it.


  8. If you have the time get yourself a Nationwide Flexaccount & ATM card - activate the internet banking - then apply for another Flexaccount & ATM card online. You can make instant transfers from one account to the other on the internet so if you lose one card you can just shift your dosh to the other account. They'll let you open up to 5 accounts before they start asking questions.

  9. Windows Home Server OEM is available mail order from all the usual suspects here in the UK. Costs £80-100. Also available from Newegg in the US for 160 bucks with no qualifying hardware purchase.

    I get nearly every day some E-Mail with offers for all new Software and all claiming to be legal. That includes all types of MS software as well.

    I contacted Microsoft Thailand a few weeks ago about Home Server and they was telling me that beside of that Version I had got with the Action Pack together we need to buy the rquired Hardware together with the OS from HP for example.

    And as far as I know, Microsoft didn't has renewed the existing contracts.

    That's why I wrote in the other post, to be sure, you need to check with Microsoft.


    The companies that I'm talking about are all legitimate companies. Newegg has online sales of $1 billion+. I'm sure that Microsoft know that Newegg are selling Home Server OEM without accompanying hardware. Presumably if Microsoft was concerned about it they'd injuct Newegg to stop them doing it.

  10. So according to the Thais are always right crowd, do you seriously believe I was not in the right CONFRONTING this Thai waitress who made a racist decision about what food to bring me? Are you mice or men? Some say it is IGNORANCE, not RACISM. So if it is ignorance, did I not do a service educating this waitress that at least some farangs are going to be very offended by what she did? Or do you shameless apologists think Thais should be protected from education?

    The problem is that you're complaining to the wrong person. What you need to do is to go into the kitchen and look for the guy holding the meat cleaver. He'll be the chef - the guy who actually cooked your food rather than simply delivered it to your table. You then need to humiliate him. Let us know how you get on. Let us know whether you're a mouse or a man.

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