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Posts posted by cophen

  1. If this boy is only after your money (as most of them) then he will not be happy with any nice presents .

    I suggest give him 15k from the ATM and he will tell you he loves you until next month.

    And I suggest you stop filling the gay forum with your prejudices. If you spend your life with boys who are only after your money it might be worthwhile to indulge in a little introspection.

  2. The Thais I know in the UK think many of the things you mention are hugely unfair and should be changed to give farangs equal rights. They've lived in the UK for ~20 years so it may be that it takes a while for them to reach this position.

  3. After page 6 of this thread I moved to the end so forgive me if I missed something.

    Having been around here for thirty odd years off and on, Katoeys, Kai Tai's whatever are a norm here. Stop trying to put western values of trannies etc onto them.

    That's a good answer for a large proportion of the posts that are made on Thaivisa.

  4. Maybe it has something to do with so many boys here in Thailand being brought up without their fathers around -- lack of strong male role models, hence effeminate behaviour -- that's a possibility, don't you think?

    This is my Thai wife's opinion and I think there's some merit in it...

    Well it would have merit if it were correct. But it is not. If ladyboys were the result of a lack of role models, then half the young men in the United States would be ladyboys because more than 50% of American marriages end up in divorce. Lots of boys are brought up in female dominated families, but are totally straight. This happens the world over. I think the reason there are so many ladyboys in Thailand is that the "third sex" has always had a place in Thai culture. As a result, transgendered people are accepted in Thai society (perhaps tolerated is a better word) and so the social barriers that prevent many young men in other countries from becoming a transsexual do not exist here.

    My wife is a Thai ladyboy who knew at the age of 6 that she wanted to be a woman. This is consistent with what other ladyboys have told me...not just in Thailand but also in Brazil and the Philippines. My wife has a loving family. A father who was at home and had a respectable job...a mother who was a businesswoman and an older brother who was also a ladyboy. My wife's older brother is now completely transgendered and is dean of a college in Isaan. My wife became an entertainer when she was 18 and was a headline performer at a cabaret show in Bangkok when we met. She has travelled extensively to China, Japan and England.

    The simple fact is that you can't pigeonhole ladyboys any more than you can pigeonhole straight people or gays or bisexuals. They are human beings and each is unique. The vast majority of ladyboys don't decide to change their gender because "they can make more money in the sex industry" as several idiots on this board have said. Rather, some of them gravitate into the sex industry because they can't find suitable work elsewhere...the same reason other Thais (women and men) go into the sex industry.

    It is a very difficult life. If a ladyboy is lucky, they will find a man who will "accept them for what they are." This is not easy. Usually the partners of ladyboys are straight or bisexual men. Gay men are not attracted to ladyboys because gay men are attracted to other men. In fact, transsexuals and gay men really belong in totally different categories and it is an ongoing source of irritation to gays that they are lumped together with ladyboys. Most ladyboys in Thailand have a close set of other transsexual friends along with straight women and some gay men.

    One thing most ladyboys have in common is that they are highly narcissistic. The Farang Princess will spend several hours in front of a mirror before going out in public. In fact, one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed was the Farang Princess and three of her ladyboy friends getting into an argument about who was going to hail a taxi during a classic Bangkok rainstorm. As I watched from our balcony of the condo, I could see that there were only two umbrellas for the four ladyboys and whoever ventured out from underneath the awning to flag down the taxi was going to get soaking wet and their makeup was going to run. No one wanted to move. It was classic. Finally they talked a passerby into flagging down the cab.

    About once every three months someone starts a thread about Thai ladyboys. The is a boring commonality to these threads. First, you get those people who are really insecure about their sexuality posting sarcastic and nasty comments about ladyboys. Then you get the quasi-intellectuals who will expound on thier "learned" opinions about why a person chooses to be a transsexual or why men love them. Their theories are laughable but at least these quasi-intellectuals will be happy that they have illustrated their great intelligence. Third, you get those people who use the topic of ladyboys to post negative comments about Thailand. And fourth, you get the occasional person who really knows the world of ladyboys and tries to post something that will educate other posters about "The Third Sex" in this wonderful land. These posts usually get ignored or the poster is the target of a lot of negative comments.

    Since so many posters seem to enjoy reading about ladyboys, I would suggest that when they are in Thailand, they actually go out of their way to meet one or two. They won't bite (at least while in conversation) and you might actually learn something.

    Post of the month! :o

  5. And that is your proof, what one Thai person says who isn't even a native English speaker?

    Look, if you are talking about EFFEMINATE men, I have met many, and most of them are HETEROSEXUAL.

    This is also a load of fashionable PC bullsh*t. I lived in San Francisco for almost 20 years during the Gay Power days and 98% of gay men are effeminate and many have lisps. What they are is obvious, which is why I think that it is biological.

    They often dress up all macho like The Village People, but as soon as they talk, it becomes obvious that they are screamers. :D

    How can you tell that 98% of gay men are effeminate and many have lisps? Are you simply assuming that all men who aren't effeminate and/or don't have lisps are straight? You are very very wrong.

    Because gays in San Francisco don't try to hide it, and in 20 years, I met only one or two guys who were gay that were not overly effeminate in a very obvious way. I have met a small number of straight men who are overly effeminate in this manner, but I would guess that quite a few of them are just hiding the truth from themselves and a few just had very bad luck.

    I'm not saying that there are no exeptions to this rule, but gays who naturally act the same as heterosexual men are few and far between. :o

    Unless you met every gay in San Francisco then your argument doesn't hold water.

  6. And that is your proof, what one Thai person says who isn't even a native English speaker?

    Look, if you are talking about EFFEMINATE men, I have met many, and most of them are HETEROSEXUAL.

    This is also a load of fashionable PC bullsh*t. I lived in San Francisco for almost 20 years during the Gay Power days and 98% of gay men are effeminate and many have lisps. What they are is obvious, which is why I think that it is biological.

    They often dress up all macho like The Village People, but as soon as they talk, it becomes obvious that they are screamers. :o

    How can you tell that 98% of gay men are effeminate and many have lisps? Are you simply assuming that all men who aren't effeminate and/or don't have lisps are straight? You are very very wrong.

  7. Makes me realise how lucky i am to be here in thailand!

    Also noticed that out of the seven people n the second photo four are most likely illegal immigrants from africa. Thats about right too.

    Anyway why post such a terrible pointless thing?

    Do you have any evidence for your allegations? Or are you a bigot?

    LOL, fact is probably 80- 90% of all black people who say they are french are illiegal i know from experience, for example out of the 80 people they checked in the raids on factory workers where i come from in the UK 26 of them were infact illegal, why is it gonna be different anywhere else in the UK? havent you noticed the great influx of africans since we joined the EU? Anyway dont start me on the other nationalitys, races etc, Open you eyes, the Uk has every man and his dog there, Like i said thank god im here not there.

    So you have no evidence at all that the people in the picture are illegal immigrants from Africa. You are a bigot.

  8. ^ Quite easily, the NHS is free but we complain about that all the time...

    The NHS is not free at all. Large slices of tax are taken from all employees in the UK to pay for it. It's free 'at the point of delivery'.

    On other hand Hotmail is free to you. It's paid for by the entities whose adverts you're complaining about.

  9. Okay I have been a long time browser of the TV forums, and only now have I decided to post.

    First, the proportion of transgendered people in Thailand, is likely the same as any other nation. What I have noticed at least from living in the states is that many transgendered people who transition live in stealth. Many are afraid to transition due to family issues, western view on gender, passing issues, etc.

    Secondly, many Thai's believe that being transgender is "gum" that we received from our previous life ("gum" basically translates to sin), this being a teaching from Buddhism. Also in the culture here is more carefree, unlike Western Culture where there are lines dividing what is male or female.

    And on the topic of choice, it's true that we choose to change our physical appearance to match how we feel inside. Ever since I was 6 I already knew I that I wanted to be a girl, by the age of 10 I knew I was a female stuck in a male body. I never chose to feel this way, especially at 6 when I still didn't know a thing.

    I am glad to be in Thailand where people like The Don is a rare site.


    Not rare at all. thais are far less tolerant than you seem to tink, just quieter about it.

    They amount to the same thing. I'm much happier for the occasional Thai to talk about me behind my back because I'm gay than I am to be beaten into hospital as has happened to me in the west.

  10. The reason they charge more is because they know you will pay it, if farangs refused to pay more than the ususal rate

    these establishments would loose income, less income price goes up to thais in order to keep the thing afloat, thais stop going, after that they either recognise the folly of dual pricing or go bankrupt.

    That's an argument that often fails when applied to government departments.

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