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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. From what I have read the big bang theory relies on the assumption that the rules of physics did not exist during the start of the big bang. A singularity appeared and then proceded to expand at a speed far in excess of light until it 'cooled' enough at which time the fundamental particles, forces and laws appeared. An over simplification to be sure but basicly that is the theory. Another thing to keep in mind is that infinities do appear in many fundamental quantum equations dealing with wave functions, physicits deal with this through a process called normalisation which basicly means removing the infinity.

    we Klingons believe that the big bang was caused by a conspiracy of the Romulans (who have no honour!).

    tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'?

    You wrote "Klingon Language?"

  2. Forget the spins. My feeling is that they are made by artsies and fan boys who do a lot

    of work on the art and look and feel but little on debugging any new features - like Cinnamon - that they introduce.

    Even Debian is just a hillbilly cousin of Ubuntu.

    There are other great distros that work better and are almost as easy.

    Try OpenSuse 12.1 and Mageia.

    If you have some Unix background, another one to look at is Salix which ioffers a Mate desktop

    running under Slackware. Not quite as many packages(some need special tinkering to work)

    as the above but still a fast stable distro.

  3. Do you have a Video card, like ATI or NVidea?

    If so you will have to load the appropriate driver for that distro.

    Ubuntu will have a package for that as will other major distros.

    I have tried the latest Ubuntu as well as spins like Xubuntu and Mint and must say

    just forget the Ubuntu spins.

    They may look good but they are buggy crap (happy to supply details, Mint couldn't even update after install due to package conflicts, Xubuntu decided that since I live in Thailand I must want Chinese menus!).

    Try OpenSuse - this is the best one I have found for my hardware and gives you

    a choice of all the software you will need.

    Another choice that may work for you is the just released Mageia 2 - a fork of Mandriva.

    Also quite slick.

  4. Greg's Kitchen is a Sunday morning ritual for many expats. Great breakfasts. His new restaurant is NOT along 2nd Street but down in a row of shops along "Drinking Street" bars which is across from Tiffanys on 2nd Rd. The restaurant is sort of hidden away must be cheaper rent). Hopefully his business won't dwindle away with this new locaton.

    Yep, I went by second the other day and couldn't see it at all, though I didn't look very hard. Does anyone have an exact location or photo?

    Unfortunately location is all too important. Does anyone remember the exotic meat restaurant across from Avenue on Second Rd?

    Yes, the one that offered kangaroo and crocodile.

    A few years ago their rent was raised and they moved to Naklua somewhere -never to be heard from again.

    Rent control may not be such a bad idea.

  5. One of the better Western restaurants in Pattaya, Greg's kitchen, has closed but will reopen

    in one week at "drinking street" and second road which is just past the Big C on second road.

    Greg told me that the menu will be "similar" but with reduced prices and smaller portions.

    Heads up to our food reporters (ahem Jingthing) who may want to cover the grand


  6. I think we can still have the russians and the sex pats.Whoever spends the money i guess

    As a steadfast customer of a certain gogo bar in Jomtien I can

    attest that the russians ARE the sexpats there..

    I'm referring to the large volume of Russian tourists, mainly families and couples. These so called "sexpat" Russians you see in Jomtien - are they older retired men or younger ones who work here to service the Russian businesses?

    I've seen all kinds. Many young ones on motorbikes...families of course...and even middle aged couples in the gogo.

    Most having fun just like anyone else here. Not so many older single retired men though.


  7. Is it still at soi 8 at Nana?

    Since I no longer live in Bangkok I don't come much anymore

    but I plan to come on Thursday.

    So count me in.

  8. The bakery items are so-so and expensive. Some of the yougurt health food stuff is intriguing but it always seems

    to me that the selection is quirky - as if they don't really understand their market.

    They used to have Armstrong cheese but now it's been replaced with more

    processed stuff.

    Yet they have Kieffer. A real smörgåsbord Foodmart is - but the selection is ultimately too limited.

    Yes, Foodland has the better selection but unfortunately is too far from Jomtien without wheels.

  9. The red buses are a bit of a joke in any case. I've never seen one with more than two passengers.

    The fare is fixed at 20 Baht and it isn't even air conditioned.

    In Bankok 14 Baht gets an air conditioned bus.

    I've never seen a red bus in 7 years since the route went defunct, same as the other colour routes that were closed down by the baht bus mafia.

    Or do you mean the Pattaya Floating Market red line shuttle bus?

    I think that's what he means. A very small number of daily runs.

    Ah, so that's what they are.

  10. The red buses are a bit of a joke in any case. I've never seen one with more than two passengers.

    The fare is fixed at 20 Baht and it isn't even air conditioned.

    In Bankok 14 Baht gets an air conditioned bus.

    As for the sign, it doesn;t really look believable with all those buses scheduled for that one road.

    Too bad, as song tows are 80% taxi song tows who ask for for outrageous sums just to go 200m.

    The motorbike taxis are just as bad along that road.

  11. I bought a bottle in Villa a couple of weeks ago. The first in a long time.

    Bars seem to have stopped selling it, even the few that has it a year or so ago.

    And I thought the quality was off too.

    Have they opened an operation in Thailand and dumbed down the quality ?- think Heiniken.

  12. Does that laptop have onboard Intel video that comes with iCore series? It might have Ati card but Linux loads and uses Intel drivers.

    Are you sure Windows uses ATI for playing videos? Win7 on my notebook switches to dedicated video card (nvidia) only under heavy load (like graphic intensive games). Linux doesn't do switches yet, I believe, or didn't - when I investigated the issue a year or two ago.

    Without going into details, can you try to play your videos in SMplayer and fiddle with audio drivers in preferences? The advantage of using SMplayer here is that you can easily see and flip through all audio drivers installed by your distro.

    Skype, I believe, also has this option in preferences. VLC is a bit trickier, as I remember.

    If you are only trying Live Cds then their default drivers might not be the best available once you install the full system where you can force it to use Ati card and drivers, for example.

    Yes I'm sure win7 uses the ATI card as this machine is a cheaper Dell and doesn't have the dual switching ability.

    I'm fairlly sure that any linux can do this as long as you use the ati driver and it's up-to-date.

    Right now I run Mageia and others in virtual machines so of course there is no way to test. It's a company laptop and I don't want to mess with the inside too much smile.png . And of course Live distros never include proprietary drivers in them(a few may have flash)

    I hope to try running a distro from a thumb drive to test.

  13. Well it seems like <name deleted> , owner of a fairly new diner(which can't be named) in Jomtien, sold about 500 tickets advertising a lucky draw for a motorbike worth 35000 or so baht. For a number of weeks this bike was parked right outside the diner.

    This evening the draw was held and only a few people turned out. Seems like "authorities came around and took the bike" (paraphrase). Some violation of local regualtions and other vague explanations were offered for the fact that No Bike was given as a prize.

    Nor was there any TABLET COMPUTER as advertised on his blackboard. But some photos, a doll and a iphone(copy no doubt) were given out as alternative lucky draw prizes.

    A customer I spoke to said that had he done this on soi Beaucow(sp), there would have been a riot.

    Names not mentioned to comply with thai visa regulations but most people who know the scene in Jomtien can fill in the blanks.

  14. OK finally went there on Saturday and had the chili burger.

    Not too bad and no greedy ++ on the bill.

    Only way it could have been better would have been to use imported beef - of course that would double the price.

    Will be back to try the quesallidaes ....

  15. Here is some educational easy reading for you

    no thanks! i stopped all educational easy reading after i got my D.Sc. in physics 40 years ago whistling.gif

    p.s. at that time we had to dig through four decades of contradictions and during the four decades later nothing has changed. whatever the clowns who are en vogue are publishing, it always boiled down that "they agree to disagree" or the latest pseudo-scientific rubbish (which didn't last long) originating from CERN, Geneva "neutrinos travel faster than light" bah.gif

    The neutrinos misscalculation was down to a faulty wire at CERN apparently.... they don't have proof that they travel faster than light BUT I read recently about the 1986 Supernova explosion that was seen in daylight by a Canadian Astronomer and neutrino capture tanks in Japan and America picked up neutrinos from the explosion arriving on Earth 3 hours before the light got here. It did happen 120,000 years ago but still 3 hours over that time is something. I think that scientist believed the neutrinos were released earlier in the explosion than the light. Maybe, but 3 hours???

    Anyway, seeing as my sponsor status will end soon... We have a great book on Neutrinos by Frank close in the bookshop at the moment! smile.png

    The nuetrino calculation still has not been explained well. A recalculation of the wire even showed that the speed was much greater than c.

    All that is known really is that one lab was unable to reproduce the results. And please not that CERN made no claim about nuetrinos travelling faster than c. All that was stated was that there was an anomolous result they could not explain after a year of trying.

    This is how good science works.

  16. I saw something in Tesco for about 2500 Baht - a small box that recorded from tv onto

    an internal drive. Had a USB connection so u could transfer to external data storage.

    Eye-Tv or something it was called I think.

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