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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. 10 years ago, it was really cheap to have a week or so of debauchery in Pattaya, but those days have long gone. Hotel rooms have more than doubled in price, food is expensive, but the infrastructure, public transport etc are still the same inferior quality they always were, so the people that wanted to go to Pattaya are being forced out, and if Pattaya becomes just expensive resorts with a crappy beach and infrastructure, who's gonna come?

    No, those days haven't gone. Pattaya is still quite cheap.

    You've managed completely and carefully to ignore

    • the rise of discount beer bars such as Mick's where you can buy a beer just as cheaply as you did 17 years ago--cheaper, when you consider that the exchange rate was USD1=B25.
    • happy hours and cheap draft at the go-gos. 10 years ago, you'd likely have to pay B85 for a bottled beer. Now B50-65 is common for draft.
    • a vast number of new, cheap, small hotels and guest houses all around the Soi Buakeow/Soi Chaiyapoon/Soi Lenkee area, just as affordable as 10 years ago.

    To cater to the demand, 10 new go-gos are open on LK Metro, another 3 on the way.

    Breakfast at Crazy Dave's is still B99, ain't it?

    A short-time room on Soi Post Office will cost you B280--same as 10 years ago. Baht bus fares have risen from 5 baht to 10--that a deal breaker? smile.png Mongers love the baht buses, no complaints there. Nor have they ever cared about the beach or infrastructure, really--EXCEPT they'll love the improvements in the internet and cellphone infrastructure, which you ignored of course.

    Moreover, at any time the exchange rates could turn in favor of the Western countries. The baht has already weakened over the past year.

    I could give more examples, but that's enough to show there's no reason whatsoever to believe Pattaya will become "just expensive resorts with a crappy beach and infrastructure." The traditional budget segment is growing right along with the new upscale. smile.png

    Another doom prediction dismissed for lack of evidence . . . .

    Having recently been in Pattaya I can definitely say that it's NOT cheap or cheerful, like it was.

    <the rise of discount beer bars such as Mick's where you can buy a beer just as cheaply as you did 17 years ago>

    Who actually goes to a bar beer for beer? The real reason for going there has got far more expensive, and the cost of getting there has risen substantially since the 90's ( in real terms ).

    <happy hours and cheap draft at the go-gos. 10 years ago, you'd likely have to pay B85 for a bottled beer. Now B50-65 is common for draft.>

    Happy hours were never the reason I went to gogos and a whole 25 baht saving- alert the media, hold the front page, whoo hoo!

    <a vast number of new, cheap, small hotels and guest houses all around the Soi Buakeow/Soi Chaiyapoon/Soi Lenkee area, just as affordable as 10 years ago.>

    Most of which are 600 to 800. Hardly as cheap as the 300 I used to pay, especially considering I was getting 70 or more to the pound back then. Now it's 50.

    <10 new go-gos are open on LK Metro>

    Have you actually been in any of them? Some are rubbish, and I'd never go back to them again. Quantity never beats quality.

    <Breakfast at Crazy Dave's is still B99, ain't it?>

    You actually pay 99 baht for breakfast, LOL.

    <A short-time room on Soi Post Office will cost you B280>

    I'm happy to say I have NEVER had to resort to a short time room on Soi Post Office.

    I was paying 10 baht for the baht buses way back in 96. Certainly the best deal in Thailand.

    <Moreover, at any time the exchange rates could turn in favor of the Western countries. The baht has already weakened over the past year>

    But, it hasn't! The baht weakened from 45 or so to 50. That's not making much difference to me.

    < but that's enough to show there's no reason whatsoever to believe Pattaya will become "just expensive resorts with a crappy beach and infrastructure.">

    There are many more resorts along Beach than when I first rolled into Fun City, and the infrastructure is still as bad as it was way back then. The city is never going to pay to upgrade it as long as things stay the same with the politics.

    At the same time, the number of bar beers on Beach and 2nd has dramatically decreased.

    <The traditional budget segment is growing right along with the new upscale.>

    Dream on, unless you want to stay in a dump, the old cheap places are being replaced with upscale hotels. Even Sawasdee Court has gone from 400 to 800, and that is far more than what it is worth- it doesn't even have a lift.

    Hmm I for one go for the cheap 50 baht beers, but then again I'm a cheap Charlie.

    As for the "real reason", well I seem to remember coming here as a tourist 10 years ago and paying 500 or so in the "coconut hotel". You know what? It's still more or less the same. The Apex Hotel raised its prices but there are still Hotels just off Soi Boucow that charge 500 a night and are comfortable(try that in Hua Hin). So overall there has been some inflation but not of a "show stopping" kind.

    • Like 1
  2. Well, I sometimes go to Burger King. I know what I'll get and I believe the taste is the same as in North America. Of course there are better burgers in the West but we are in Thailand and Thai beef doesn't work for me.Perhaps it's just what we are familiar with.

    I don't think Carl Jr. will survive in its third floor location - it's just too hidden.

  3. I'm not surprised that it hasn't improved since it opened.

    It borders on food fraud and they should be run out of town :)

    Sorry but good(sometimes excellent, occasionally fair) fish and chips in Jomtien can only

    be found at Simon's but you won't get it for less than 175 Baht.

    I ordered the 100bt fish and chips at Golden in Jomtien.

    Cut into the fish and see a worm. Cut into another section of the filet and see another worm. (dead of course). Didn't take a single bite.

    Check please.

    The waitress took the money and wasn't concerned that I obviously didn't even taste the stuff.

  4. This morning saw no less than two unrelated(?) crashes. The first(?) was across from Jomtien Complex and involved a "big truck" hitting a car, and then driving off. A motorcycle taxi driver gave chase after the truck.

    The second was just up the road across from the Continental Bakery(corner of Thepassit and Thepraya)

    One could see about six cars, most parked at the side but one thrown across the dividing line, with varying degrees of damages. At least 3 were write-offs. No surprise that the SUVs with their higher elevation sustained only minor damage.

    Not sure if there were any injuries but the ambulances that came seemed to have nothing to do.

  5. Sam's Mexican Diner inside Jomtien Complex is now doing breakfast and lunch.

    It include a free refill of coffee which is a nice touch. American and English breakfasts are offered as

    well as French Toast and Bagels with cream cheese. Prices are reasonable.

    I ordered the American breakfast and was quite pleased. There is also a something of a crowd there in the morning

    so the atmosphere is good.

  6. I noticed today that a tree had fallen over near Central and workers were busy repairing the

    walkway around it,

    Overall I would say the re-landscaping has been a failure . At the very least they need to add seating. It was nice

    seeing people play chess and talk on those tables they removed. Now there is no place to do that.

  7. Previews, Smeeviews

    I hate 'em as they generally show the only good part of a movie ,

    give away the conclusion or, as in this movie , are pointlessly misleading. .

    The film is a masterpiece. It is also possibly the first good Sandra Bullock movie biggrin.png

    The preview for gravity sucks big time.

    I need a better reason to see it.

    Come to think of it the preview for rush was not very compelling either, but when i saw that ron howard directed it i knew it was a must see, his work is usually fine. I I

    • Like 1
  8. My list of more stuff is about 5 years old but I think its still the same.

    The best zoo I have been to is just up the road(Shrichi Zoo sp). Take a motorbike and ride around the park like zoo.

    The Island off (Shrichi sp) can rent a motobike and explore.

    If your a golf nut there are many golf courses.

    Burapha Univ has a great book store and library. Lots of English mags and books. You might have to get creative to get a libuary card.

    Every province has a Bhudist Temple that has parable displays outside, park like. Its located in obscure location. Take your camera.

    There is an ultra lite flying club in the neighborhood.

    Learn the songtaw routes and get ready for the dogs to chase your arss.

    There are some open air falang beer drinking areas that you can find. Just cruse around different times till you find them.

    Burapha Univ offers a Silver Tour Guide Card your gal can earn. TOT for info. You can help with her study and get a library card.

    You can find some good local taxi for trips to airport etc. Ask the locals.

    Burapha bookstore is great - if you want to brush up on your calculus or sociology.. You won't find the latest best-seller there or even The Bangkok Post.. I think there is a small Aisa books in Laem Tong shopping mall though. Keep in mind that at night there are no song taews and even motorbike-taxis are hard to find so you will need at least a bicycle to get around,

    For a day trip it is OK but I think that neighboring SiraCha would be much more livable.

    • Like 1
  9. As someone who has worked there I can say that you can, on average, get better deals on accommodation in Jomtien.

    It is a nice university town, but probably best for Thai uni students.

    The western food there is horrible. The best you can hope for is Laengtom Shopping Mall where there are some

    Japanese chains.

    On the other hand, neighboring Siracha is not too far and has some better choices in this department.

    Somebody mentioned Galaxy Entertainment Complex . it is not farang friendly.

  10. Hey Chiangmaiites

    I'm heading for my first trip to Chiang Mai in 7 years and want

    to know if it is still possible to get a 400 baht guest house in the inner city.

    I also need wifi with enough bandwidth to use Skype.

    Do any guest houses or hotels in the 500 to 800 baht range offer this?

    Preference is for somewhere near or in the inner city.


  11. Don't know how old your daughter is, however Makro has packs of Soy milk,dehydrated, you

    just add water and (chocolate syrup)....It's listed as Ovaltine soy milk, I use it all the time don't

    do much dairy anymore.I believe this is available in Testo too. You get ten pack and the price

    is about B82....each pack makes about 10-12 oz..............

    One of the points of almond milk (or oat or hazelnut) is that it is NOT soy milk and is in fact far


    You can google the negative effects of soy milk yourself or search thaivisa threads.

    Soy milk is junk and qulaity alternatives cost though I believe that

    it doesn't have to be as high as it is. In Laos they import almond milk

    from another supplier and it costs half of what it does in Thailand

    • Like 2
  12. I used an international driving permit(there is no such thing as an international driving license) for years

    I never had a problem until last month when a cop noticed it had expired 3 years ago (watch out for na jomtien beach)

    It was basically a copy of my Canadian license. and that licesnse was for cars only.

    So no, you don't need a special motorcycle license.

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