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Everything posted by Gaccha

  1. I'm not sure if he is paraphrasing an immigration police officer or whether he is decided to editorialize in his Twitter comment, but we know that the claim you need to go to immigration only for the first time, is not true. With a new passport it also appears to be a requirement to turn up. As to his last paragraph that "it is getting better", that is simply not true. 15 years ago, this requirement was in place but was not enforced. That was the best of times. Since it has been enforced, the improvements have been painfully slow, and from a very low baseline.
  2. What on earth is this newspaper article talking about? Surely the 90 days has been available online for well over 6 or 7 years now. (I've removed the newspaper's name and I've not made a link to it, just in case it's not allowed on this forum)
  3. I think they take it very seriously. The drivers are paranoid of having their star rating drop below 4. Grab is very strict. If your car is older than a few years, or there is too much mileage, or you play music without the customer's permission, then you'll not be a Grab driver for long. But Grab are also aware of customers who themselves have a bad reputation. Grab drivers are encouraged to give ratings of their customers. Should a customer accumulate a low rating, their low ratings would not be taken seriously. I can see this with when I have complained. Grab Food has instantly given me refunds when the refund is very difficult to justify on any evidence provided. I have had a similar situation with Lazada. They have given me refunds before the seller even received their products back from me after I initiated the refund procedure. I'm convinced this is from having a good reputation.
  4. Just in case anybody doesn't know, and I am getting this feeling from comments on this thread, the scammers are running these scams on a massive scale. There are "scam factories" across in Burma with several hundred or even thousand people working there. They are often themselves the victim of human trafficking. If they call, they might make it a visual call to make it more convincing. They literally have stage production units, actors and extras as well as directors and props on hand for when you answer the phone. So if they ring to tell you that you need to pay some penalty for a crime, somebody acting as a police officer, often an ex-Thai police officer, will talk to you in the scam call, and you can even see fake criminals get fake arrested by fake offices in the fake police station background. It is much more than just some guy giving you a phone call.
  5. The initial low prices were to grab (pun intended) market share. They were clearly not sustainable. And even with the current prices they are not earning a profit. But it is fantastic that Grab exists since it breaks the local motorbike/car cartels, forces better behaviour of drivers, and gives more options to us. Obviously not great news for drivers. It means low wages for them and they must achieve higher standards. I can only welcome them to the new world of neoliberalism!
  6. It's very simple: never answer the phone unless you were expecting a call at that time. About 4 months back, I got around 4 calls a day from "Malaysia". I didn't believe for a minute that they were actually from Malaysia. Around half the numbers were identified as scam numbers by the caller id I use. Each and every number was different and each and every number I blocked and reported. I could also block via the first few digits. Since the number of calls did not calm down, I simply blocked all international calls for 3 or 4 days. I then turned back on and I've received no more scam calls.
  7. You'd really think the counter which moves the extension over to your new passport would be able to stick your passport number onto the system for the other counters. It's interesting that it did work for a mail-in. I wonder if you had tried again via the electronic again whether it might have worked. It might have just been a coincidence. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
  8. I've got a new passport. Does anyone know if the online system at CW will accept it, or for a new passport do they require a walk-in? (I'm not looking for speculation) Just to be clear, I have already visited CW to move my visa and visa extension over into the new passport. They have the number somewhere on their records.
  9. America has a long tradition of believing the government is out to get the people and Donald Trump offers that message back to them, as the "outsider". Every politician in America plays the polarisation card, claiming that they and they alone will be the outsider who will clean out the swamp. Trump is the reductio absurdium of that. For midwit liberals, he is everything they despise about the lower classes such as the blunt racism and sexism. To them democracy means a polite sensible bureaucrat on the throne who changes nothing. Any threat to that to them is anti-democracy. Obviously on this website there are more blue collars, so we should concentrate on them: For midwit blue collars, he is a big middle finger to the establishment. Obviously in truth he is just the status quo with stage management. The midwit blue collar like him because he annoys the midwit liberals. They laugh at the liberals for taking him literally ("fake news"), so it gives them a sense of superiority that liberal midwits do not understand the kayfabe (false theatrical front) of Trump. They also see in him a little bit of themselves with his crass taste in gold and chandeliers, which is how they imagine they would furnish their place if they were rich. Neither side wish to engage in the actual tedious details of politics. Politics was simply a spectator sport which has unexpectedly become their religion. And as with any religion there is a deep emotional investment and so considerable interest in the topic.
  10. Here is the answer: Settings> Accessibility > Installed Apps ... And then switch off all Apps that are currently on. The bank app is worried that these apps which have advanced accessibility to your phone are able to read your phone screen even when you're using the app. It's obviously is a security danger. The banking app refuses to function unless you switch off those advanced functions. You'll have to do this each time you use the banking app. Yes it is annoying but it is the only way for the banks to be sure that a third party is not watching you stick in your PIN number or read your fingerprint. The apps with this function are things like antivirus apps and apps which change your screen presentation or apps which block adverts in YouTube etc. . That is, any app that needs to be able to "see" the screen.
  11. Follow the answers to this linked page. HMPO will tell you exactly what they'll accept in a lovely table and application form they provide. It is very precise and very easy to understand. You'll no the answer with certainty within a couple of minutes.
  12. I am sure this story won't get much traction among ThaiVisa users; they'd probably prefer to discuss the difficult transitional period of romantic Akha poetry in the late 19th century.
  13. In Europe I'd get 3 or 4 a year with nasty sore throats. In Thailand, never had a cold in 10+ years. The only sore throat I've had was for three or four hours when I had Covid. Glorious. I rinse and gargle with the special saltwater (you can buy in 7/11), so my nose has never felt clearer.
  14. You'll increasingly need to use 2FA for lots of things. There is no escape. I use it for 6 or 7. I use one. And have made sure that I always can recover. I am being vague because not making public this kind of info is part of a personal security setup.
  15. Make sure you understand how the backup of the authenticator works. If your phone goes missing, once you've set up a new phone and are setting up the authenticator app again, you'll need to be ready with that backup reset system. It might be a password or an access e-mail account. It will be very strict and everything depends on you getting it right. There is no recovery to that backup. It is the very last line of defence.
  16. Having cereal is just about the worst thing you can wake up to in the morning. It will give you a quick sugar high followed by a long episode of fatigue, it will make you feel hungry and moody. Stop.
  17. In modern times, you can rip up the rulebook if you want, but this possibly creates tension in the relationship. Since it means that every single issue becomes a point of contention. Who should do this who should do that... She is not disputing with her husband in this, she is disputing with the wisdom of her mother-in-law. Could it be that her mother-in-law grasps the bigger issues... Modern society which lacks the firm rules of past generations, uses a mechanism of fake choice. It pretends to offer up the choice, but then you must accept only the socially successful option. The most famous example is paying for the woman on a date; on paper; this is a choice for the man to make. In practise, he must pay. His failure to pay is a signal of his failure to understand the rules of the game. His date then decides if this is acceptable. The importance of this can be seen in the story of the child and the naked King. The lesson from that story is not that the crowd is foolish in not noticing the King is naked, but rather the child is foolish for not understanding the importance of not pointing out that the emperor is naked. They are, fortunately, just a child. The woman who refuses to iron is an adult. Similarly, parents tell their middle class children that they can choose to go or not to go to university. In practise, the children are obliged to go to university. Those who don't pick up on these social signals, such as the woman here, suffer. These are related to what are known as "luxury beliefs". The ultimate example is marriage. Society says women have a choice. But it is clearly a false choice. Elite women marry at very high levels even today. Only the women who don't grasp that the choice is false, choose not to marry. In other words it is a luxury belief perpetuated by the elite, but which damages the lives of women in the lower classes. Society nowadays instead of telling you what to do, invites you to make the right decision. Your ability to flourish in that specific society with those specific rules will depend on that.
  18. Just tried with Brave got the same Cloudfare error message of the host server. Please could you let the IT support know as I have literally no way to contact them. If I attempt to send a message via contact support, that also fails!!
  19. I have a major problem. I am not able to go to the forum landing page or any of the pages of each of the forums. That makes it impossible for me to create a new topic and the reason why I am posting it at the end of this topic. I also cannot send a message to the support since it also fails to send! I have deleted site settings in order to be rid of any cache and the problem remains. Bizarrely, it remains whether I use Opera or Chrome or Google as the browser. Apparently the fault is on the side of Aseannow:
  20. A point that I'll keep making every time this comes up: every case that resulted in death in Thailand (according to all the newspaper articles that explain the trigger cause) was after they took aspirins or NSAIDs to lower their fevers. If you must insist on lowering the fever (which is a silly thing to do because a fever is your body's way of fighting the infection, and only becomes an issue if it gets out of hand) then take a paracetamol tablet.
  21. I wish it wasn't positioned there, simply because so many passengers, particularly from India, confuse it for an extension of visa service. Last time I was there, three separate groups of Indian men were there trying to get visa extensions for their tourist visas. They simply couldn't understand the difference between a reentry permit and a visa extension.
  22. If you accidentally enter via the wrong zone, then the immigration will stamp you through to Departures, and then you need to make you way through to the correct zone to find the reentry permit desk (they are separated by around 150 m). You must make sure you tell the immigration officer that you plan to get a re-entry permit. I have a question in regard to the new automatic computer departure gates. How do they operate with the reentry permits? Can people with reentry permits use them or must they still go via a human?
  23. Thais desire the cosmopolitan; they tend to get the retiree who has never lived abroad before, who brings their parochial prejudices on the plane with them, who seeks to learn nothing from their new country, and who isolates into farang ghettos. But if they can't have the cosmopolitan, then they'll make do with retirees who have enough to not be a drain on the system, and workers with at least something more than a degree from the Polytechnic of Pub life.
  24. The accessibility functions are things like being able to read your screen. I have around 5 Apps running these functions. Such as my Youtube Ads blocking App and my Powershade App. And for months and months my banking apps have not worked unless I turn these off. And that's exactly what I do. Each time I use the banking apps I simply go to the accessibility menu and switch off all the other apps. I then finish using the banking apps and turn back on the other apps. I'm so used to doing this it only takes around 10 seconds now. But it does mean that I cannot instantly access the banking Apps. So, for example, I don't use them for cardless withdrawals at the ATM etc. Relax. It's not a big deal.
  25. Correct. Generally, corruption in Thailand is the sort used to grease the wheels of bureaucracy or to soften its obstructions, rather than the negative type which simply blocks your path. My suspicion is he hasn't understood what they said at BKK, to the extent of being even paranoid to answer the phone.
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