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Everything posted by Gaccha

  1. You need to flee the country because you can be arrested for working without a work permit.
  2. I never say 'nu'. I always say 'nu, nu'. Much cuter. They'll be offended and feel you are harassing them if you are ugly. And if you look like you fell from heaven (and didn't hit any of the ugly branches on the way down) then you will feel like the best moment of their day.
  3. DNA tests There are three clear reasons for DNA testing. One is the testing for possible medical complications from DNA, another is tracing related ancestry, and in finding geographical origins of DNA, and the other reason is predicting traits and appearances of the person, such as vulnerability to going bald, or possessing stagefright. There are the big three international DNA options: AncestryDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage. AncestryDNA has by far the world's largest DNA repository. But MyHeritage is regarded as especially good for identifying the ancestry for Western Europeans. 23andMe has a particularly good ability to pinpoint exact geographical locations of DNA origins. There are then Thai companies who offer DNA tests which can profile for medical complications and traits only. These companies sell their tests on Lazada. All three of the big DNA repositories appear to restrict their sales from Thailand. Resellers do offer their products for sale in Thailand but the companies go to extraordinary lengths to try to prevent this, such as by deactivating the products with remote access. Has anyone here, whilst living in Thailand, via a Thai address, successfully got a DNA test from the big three companies? I can understand there may be reluctance among ThaiVisa forum users since the DNA goes into police websites, and a depressingly high percentage of forum members may well wish to remain inconspicuous... when the police reopen cold cases.
  4. A few years back you could use Chamchuri. I used it a few times. But then they restricted it to b o i companies only. You can see that on the web address you provided it says "only for specific law". That's the restriction to b o i.
  5. What is fascinating about his remarks (which I listened to in their entirety) is they are the textbook definition of systemic racism. And the response to them are exactly the chronic failure of Americans to understand the meaning of systemic racism. He is pointing out that even though he possesses no ill will towards blacks, given their feelings towards whites, it logically follows that the safest and rational choice is to avoid them. The paradigm case of this is the liberal white woman who even expresses her anger about racism but then chooses to live in a all-white area because it will ensure the best education for her children and the safest life for them. She does not feel racist; she does use logic. It is applied rational choice theory. No different to how she would select washing powder in her local supermarket. The point, which I hope everyone has now grasped, is that the subjective feelings of the person acting are not relevant. What matters is that the structure of society necessarily dictates these outcomes. It is systemic. Crucially, the flaw in the response, as is always the case amongst the American media, in its passionate and vengeful desire to find a scapegoat for the dysfunctional structure of their society, is to pin the blame on an individual. Let's be clear. Scott Adams is free of guilt. Those who are guilty are the Americans who falsely seek to blame him for their country's ills. Shame on you.
  6. Surely as an alternative to a TAN generator your bank allows you authentication control via an App. I switched to the App from a little TAN card about 5 years ago. I didn't have to wait for anything in the post, I didn't have to wait for DHL, I didn't have to remember any pin codes. Why not do the same?
  7. This type of complaining reminds me of Louis CK ridiculing people who complain about the miracle of the internet on an air flight over the Pacific when it briefly goes wrong. "How quickly the world owes him something which he only knew existed about 10 seconds ago" - Louis CK With your Wise transfer, you are experiencing a miracle of modern finance technology. And you are complaining because it is taking a little longer than a couple of seconds. If you don't like it you can use the remarkably bad traditional system which will cost far more. Or use any of Wise's competitors.
  8. Despite what the others are saying I'm afraid there is no correct answer. It all depends on the exact way the bank expects its staff to input your number. From the inputted number, the computer system will dial the number, not a human. When I did the same it took three or four times for the bank staff to work out the correct input. We tried several different inputs until it worked. This is harder than it sounds because it would take the bank 24 hours for the new telephone number to go into the system before it could then be checked to see that it worked with the automatic dialling system they use. The question you are asking can only really be answered by the nerdy computer programmer who set up the database for telephone numbers.
  9. Migraine/light sensitivity glasses There is little written on the forum about this so I thought I would provide details. Many people suffering from light sensitivity might not even have thoughts that anything much can be done about it except for perhaps some sunglasses. Some people suffering from extreme cases practically turn into vampires in that they avoid going outside, wear sunglasses indoors, and keep their curtains closed at all times. In the harsh tropical sunlight of Thailand many Whites will suffer because their eyes are more suited to the gentler sunlight of Europe. Those with extremely strong cases of photophobia may experience migraines. I get them quite a bit and I certainly am quite sensitive to the sunlight. Possibly as bad is the fluorescent lighting. I have noticed that the lighting on the MRT and in shopping malls is particularly harsh for my eyes. I would be interested to know how Thai hospitals are geared towards this issue. I have set out below the options which can be obtained by delivery over the internet. Option 1 Blue blocking glasses. Only have minimal effect on migraines as only removes blue light up to around 500 nm. Will mostly help people looking at their computer screen a lot, but will not help much with light sensitivity problems. Option 2 FL41 lense. This is the first solution with eyewear to migraines. It originates from the 1990s. It blocks the bad blue light at the higher 530 nm wavelength mark. This is a big improvement on the blue blocking glasses. But does not block the almost as annoying red-amber light. 'Smile migraine' in Chiang Mai mail order FL41 glasses via Lazada. It is the only option via Lazada or Shopee. There are also a very large number of options from Amazon. They are roughly $60. Option 3 FL41 plus. This includes brands such as Theraspec. They target more than the wavelength dealt with by the FL-41 but they still allow too much light through the lens. They are around $120. Option 4 Relief glasses. These are glasses designed as a blunt solution to deal with an ongoing migraine. They cannot be worn long term because they keep out too much light (they only let in high wavelength red light or cut out almost everything) and your eyes will become too sensitive to light in the future, or they are so dark you might simply not even be able to see where you are going. Somnilight red relief lens is an example of this. These are often pretty cheap around $30 or maybe $40. Option 5 Perfect solution. Avulux and Axon provide a lens which precisely deals with the problem of bad blue light and bad red light and goes to the extreme to keep them out but ensures enough soothing green light gets in. The major problem is the incredible cost and they do not deliver prescription style glasses to Thailand. The price comes in at around $380. Extra Quirky Relief glasses. Migralens uses an odd green lens, Which is a sophisticated version of the relief lens styles. It cannot be worn constantly but should provide great relief. This contrasts with the normal relief glasses which have a more blunt solution of blocking out everything but high wavelength red light. Around $60. With all of these solutions there is typically an indoor version and an outdoor version. Also with the solutions there is typically a prescription version possible and a non-prescription version. You'll also find that if you look on the scientific literature in this topic it is far from settled science. Each manufacturer claims a slightly different story from the other. All, of course, claim their product is the best. I have tried my best to differentiate them given the scientific literature I have found. Here are the wavelength diagrams that the optic manufacturers use to display the differences between their glasses. There are three critical issues to consider: soothing green light at ~550 nm, harsh blue light up to ~530 and harsh amber-red light. Godspeed to all the sensitive folks!
  10. This is a near-perfect scenario of what political economists could analyze through Game Theory. That is, we can use the ideas designed to prevent nuclear war to resolve your family situation. You have an optimal outcome of not increasing your payment and continuing to see your child. Both of you have two basic moves. You can both either co-operate or defect. You are signalling your agreement to increasing the amount you provide, but your concern is she will defect from the agreement at a later time because there seems no way for her to bind her future actions. She needs to provide a costly signal to reassure you that she will not defect. The optimal outcome would be for you to pay an increase that you feel is reasonable and for her to bind her future self. The obvious method would be through a neutral third party such as the Thai law courts or a lawyer, wherein your ability to see your child would be made enforceable, and your requirement to make the increased payments would be made enforceable. The suggestion of cutting all ties is a sub-optimal outcome. A bluff that would be costly.
  11. No. Not true. Although their website states this, in fact they'll accept reports up to the very last day. Source: done it for CW.
  12. No. Definitely not true at CW. Source: personal experience from a 90 days of 20 days ago.
  13. I found that the place where it takes the least time is Don Mueng airport. It is usually empty of foreigners but full of immigration officers. The longest it might take there is 10 minutes.
  14. If you fill the form in yourself, not only will you save the 200 baht, but you can also skip the desk and go straight to the immigration officer in an office 15 metres behind the desk. This might save you 15 minutes queueing, at a moment when time is critical.
  15. Sir, Searching their website the promotion is described as currently closed. Reading newspaper articles on this suggest that these funds pop up every 2 years and customers queue for them. Is this your experience? Or can I simply walk into a branch? Is it a fixed time of promotion or always running?
  16. Sir, you had my curiosity ... but now you have my attention. i had no idea this was a thing. Can foreigners join it and gain prizes? Is there anything worth knowing before I rush to a GSB office to open an account to enjoy a ludic thrill?
  17. As a Thai (tax) residents, I'm trying to find the best brokers to minimise currency conversion costs. I'm interested in brokers with large numbers of sophisticated ETFs, such as specialised ones, sentiment indicators, inverse etc, who can be accessed by Thai residents which deal with USA ETFs. I do not want the brokerage to be located in the USA; Singapore is preferred. Many of the brokers insist on the funds arriving to their account from a Thai account in baht from where it is then converted back into the original or some third currency. This is presumably a money laundering issue. It is also a waste of money. This very specific and precise information is impossible to uncover until completely registered on each brokerage (i.e. they don't advertise how they deal with this issue). I have registered with quite a few and found a good option is capital.com. But they don't have all the ETFs I'd like. I want more options. I definitely know Xtb and Ibkr require the money to come from a Thai bank. A shame because they have a good selection. Others were unsure and it seemed their support staff could not grasp the issue; I would only find out when attempting to put money in. This would be a costly test to perform as once the money is in their accounts they start charging for inactivity etc. Anyone who has this magical info. please let me know. Otherwise I face the tedious task of registering with each and every brokerage.
  18. All baht deposits in all Thai banks are protected up to 1 million baht by the Deposit Protection Agency Act.
  19. My guess is they need to fulfill the vaccination minimum requirements in a short time frame; J&J only requires one injection to fulfill the minimum. Any other from a start of 0 requires at least two spread over 2 to 4 months. That means no travel to the desired destination for possibly 4 months from now.
  20. Make sure you are ruthless: - change your towels every day - change bed linen every day - change underwear twice a day (if you go outdoors, shower and change underwear again) - minimise sweating by avoiding exertion or going outdoors - vary your medication (there are lots of varieties to buy) -escalate by taking anti-fungal pills -be persistent with the cream. At least 4 weeks.
  21. My 5 year car + motorbike licences are up for renewal next year. Besides the e-learning test, are there any other extras? All I did was peripheral vision and colour. Never did a video even though it was mentioned by members here 4 years ago. It might be relevant that I chose the division centre in west Bangkok. The hardest part was hanging around for 3 hours to get the licence created by their machines. The centre was busy. As well all government departments I always go late as by then the crowds have generally dispersed.
  22. The SP500 green flags are screaming BUY this week. The sheer number of indicators flashing green are remarkable. If you can rely on the past then by day 252, you can expect a return of 24%. Obviously we all have our own buying strategies, but to me, the key is to buy as a contrarian, when my gut says "don't!", when everyone says "don't!", that's my moment. Gentleman, if you can hear me over the screams to buy, and the terror of the doomsayers saying noooo, then I just want to say I'll talk again in 252 days.
  23. My understanding is Zipmex have now received the second "tranche" of debt. They have also unfrozen the "Gold Coin" crypto, a stablecoin intended to match the value of gold.
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