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Everything posted by Gaccha

  1. It typically takes 6 weeks.
  2. It states clearly that you did not comply with the Lazada return procedure within the required time. Lazada is now warning you to not act outside their procedures. Lazada is unlikely to assist you further. Your best hope is finding a way to contact the seller.
  3. If you can't spell out coherently to us what happened, then I'm not sure how the Thai justice system could be expected to solve the matter. How exactly did you lose the 200,000 baht? If you can't explain that, let's start even more simply: how do you know you lost 200,000 baht? What did you tell the authorities originally? What progress have they made? What other third parties are assisting you or aware of the situation?
  4. I recommend Mayfair, London or the Thai Cultural Centre, rather than Soi Bukhao if you're trying to avoid low class, riff raff. Personally, from my experience, when I was working in New York, the Ozzies saved me. The arrival of a few employees from our Australian office rescued me from the humourless, worker drone Americans. The first thing they suggested on walking into the office was to pop out for a quick beer.
  5. Just to add to @Chris Daley 's comment, I'll set out here the key path for a bilingual kid in Thailand. I set it out because many of the fathers here are working class and are not familiar with the middle class games that have to be played to get that high earning job in Bangkok. Firstly, as they are growing up you need to always speak to them in English, and always make sure they read English books. Then you submit them to an international course at a top Thai university (i.e. one where the course is conducted in English). Then you make sure they have a goal of at least 3.5 GPA. And then with that, they can almost always get a scholarship to the British universities, and it is not unusual to get into Oxbridge as a foreign scholarship student. From that, the world is their oyster. Thailand desperately needs bilinguals who can think. And at the age of 24, they've had a very cheap education from which they can make serious money. This opportunity does not exist for working class lads back in the UK. It is a massive privilege to have such a large number of scholarships thrown at you. And then also to benefit from being bilingual... it is ridiculous to then fail. It is basically life on level easy... so long as you understand the middle class games that you have to play. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
  6. Who hasn't occasionally misused Thai police resources... Through contacts, I once had a police sergeant in a police van drive my friends and me to a resort villa in hua hin and collect us. It certainly got some stares. Not least from other police officers, when we parked up at a rest stop on the way. Besides, everyone knows that if you have the contacts you can pay around 3,000 baht a day for 2 motorcycle outriders. But obviously the Chinese guys behaviour was excessive particularly in this age where everyone has a camera.
  7. If it is the one that I think you mean, they have a script control function preventing any access to the text. I think you'll find you will not be able to copy (Ctrl + C) the text either.
  8. It should only be given on day zero (perhaps day one or day two) because it actually interferes with the injection vaccinations. It is only intended to prevent the virus reaching your nerve system before the vaccines can kick in. If you were outside a major city they probably took a judgment call taking into consideration the risk vs benefit. Current best practice in Thailand (if no pre-exposure vaccines) appears to be: [Source] Giving Rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) · Indication of injection RIG include: 1. Level wound category III 2.Wounds around the head, neck, and hands 3. Patients with severe immunodeficiency disease (severe immunodeficiency) In case of disease patients HIV With low immunity levels Or do not receive antiretroviral drugs RIGBoth in the wound category II and III 4. People who are bitten in areas where patients are infected with rabies. 5. People who were bitten by bats Or touch the disease from bats (N.b. wound category 3 is any wound with bleeding) I am assuming you failed to obtain vaccines pre-exposure. If you did get vaccines pre-exposure then it is very very unlikely that you will need the immunoglobin. In any event, consult with the doctor.
  9. With the new 'Airflow' tech (Hydroprophy jet) introduced to Thailand, can it be used as a replacement for the scaling and polishing? My teeth have no fillings and have never had any issues. I take good care of my oral hygiene. It seems Airflow is probably enough? I see it is a around a third cheaper, and much quicker. I always felt the scaling and polish procedure was like bringing a machine gun to a fist fight (at least... if you clean and fluoride regularly). Anyone had it or a dentist recommend it? What were the results like?
  10. I see the absurdity of somebody moral grandstanding without reason. You made a false inference, I pointed you out on it, you doubled down on it, and you still haven't apologised.
  11. Next time I will be sure to include my published essays, my interviews and my whole worldview in order that our beloved moral conscienceness of the World, namely Mr Chomper, is able to make his moral judgement of me.
  12. Because if you ascribe ideas onto another, then you should have a reason for possessing them beyond a wilful certainty of your goodness and the badness of others. This moral splitting is the argument of a child. An infantile defence to a complex world.
  13. Why would celebrating Islam bringing peace to Europe be Islamophobia? Why would recognising that people's views change over the centuries and they begin to believe in what they had previously hated be a form of Islamophobia. What is wrong with you? You have the dirty mind of a Beautiful Soul. You obviously didn't read my comments on Israel versus Hamas.
  14. Gentleman please relax. In a few years time, when the Muslims have better captured the instruments of the State, they'll be able to outlaw Remembrance Day and replace it with something more reflective of current values, perhaps 'Mohammed Day'. And then there will be no further squabbling or fighting. And peace will reign. Your great-grandchildren in their mosques, will look back with shame that their ancestors were infidels. Just as Persians today try to forget that they resisted Islamic invasion.
  15. We don't know yet, but one of the government spokesman specifically said that this change will not have an effect on ETFs, mutual funds etc. Let's wait and see.
  16. No. Nor is it an old policy.
  17. I'm going to have to stop you there.
  18. Because the state regime seeks a cooperative, quiet, compliant, uncomplaining population. Critical thinking undermines their submissive obedience to the hierarchy and traditions.
  19. This will really help you. Read it and then read it again. It seems you've tried the antibiotics but you have not really tried antibiotics which are ideal for sinus inflammation. So try those. See the link. Simultaneously, I would do the steam inhalation in case it is a virus infection. If none of that shows relief, and you still want to take the cheap route, you have to think about a couple of weeks course of antifungal medicine in case it is a fungal infection. I would also blast specialist saline solution up your nose. You can get this in 7-Eleven. Use 50 mls for each side of your nose. I would be very reluctant with all the sprays since although they might work in the short term they often have their own side effects later on.
  20. And yet I do not. Which is why I made my original post. Which has turned out to be entirely correct.
  21. "accuse event organiser of robbery" I really wish journalists would learn that words have meanings. Many people in this chat will know that what the ladies experienced was not a "robbery". Was there a threat of force before or during the time that the money was stolen? If there wasn't, there was no robbery.
  22. No. They can top up to a limited extent, depending how long they worked in the UK and how long ago that was, but they cannot actually create a pension whilst working in Thailand.
  23. A lot of the problems faced by expats were the result of right-wing media viewing expats as an easy target for their readers' envy to deflect them from their immiseration. The expat is seen as having an easy life, as having escaped to paradise. Consequently many reforms were done by the conservative party to appease this feeling. Measures, such as the blocking off of NHS access, the blocking of contributing to a state pension, the limits of any rises to the pension, and the disenfranchisement, were natural consequences of this mindset. It annoys me that I cannot create a state pension, in contrast to French or German expats. It is the deepest irony that many of the expats in Thailand are the Daily Mail's core fanbase.
  24. There used to be one with the exact same ranking system for Japanese speakers learning Thai. I actually took and passed the Thai N3 grade (and yes, I was the only non-Japanese taking the test). The organisation was headquartered in Silom but have since shut down. Since then, a points test was set up by Chula Uni. Other members here have taken it. It provides something similar to the N1 to N5 grading. You can find by hunting around their website. There's an interview, listening, writing and reading in it.
  25. The new MaMa noodles franchise, MaMa Station, opening in Bang Khae, has got to be worth a look, with prices from 45 baht. If you've got the money...
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