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Everything posted by zepplin

  1. There is absolutely 0 chance the gov here has enough qualified tax agents that speak 30 languages, that know when any money remitted into Thailand was earned, and the complex tax treaties between the different countries! they can knock on my door too, but they won’t when they see 2 big pit bulls staring at them! it’s as clear as mud, so typical here…
  2. I bet they had a terrible life compared to my 2 pit bulls! Never exercised properly, dry food only , and walking around in their own mess, they deserve better!
  3. I wonder how many die in Thai police cells ever year…?
  4. But of course the jet ski operator had full insurance for every person who rents their jet ski , so a hefty payout and all damages are completely covered….. oh sorry I was dreaming, TIT… not licensed, no insurance, 300,000 bht damage to both 10 year old Jetskis is more likely the outcome… will be patched up and out for rent within a week!
  5. Now you really think that Thailand has expert tax agents, that are fluent in 30 plus languages, know everything about how and when your income was earned, and can tell you the aloof tax due? if so I have front row tickets to the new F1 track they are buil on Samui right now !
  6. The only clear danger is the doctors who get paid big money to inject as many vaccines as possible into babies and dumb adults! 70 vaccines in the USA, I. Thailand is about 7! And all the conspiracy people who were told they are crazy, because they stood up against getting vaccinated, are now all proven to be right! go RFK ! Clean up the cesspool that is big pharma in the USA!!
  7. I always explain it this way- if you got <deleted> on your hands , would you wipe it off or wash it off..? Havnt touched toilet paper for 16 years now!
  8. And you don’t get screwed over by custom fees in the states I bet unlike here!!!
  9. We are a kind bunch here, only giving you the best advice!
  10. Just shows trumpy has no idea , how much china wants to cripple the USA!
  11. Simple… move, it’s a violent <deleted>hole! nothing good happens there after 2 pm
  12. Seems like the grumpy old man virus has creeped into you…
  13. Definitely brain failure from too much Yaba…
  14. You are escorted into a bank that the agency uses, puts the 800k into your acc, and a picture is taken and it’s taken out straight away! Nothing to to with any banking app! simple, efficient, and all make a little of the system that has been going on for decades
  15. There is a snowball chance in hell, that Thailand has even 5% capacity to have qualified tax auditors, who can speak 50 languages and can understand the tax laws in those countries and work out when the money remitted here was actually earned! just another Thai farce!
  16. Thais will exploit any animal for money regardless of the risks, fact!
  17. I’ve been living o. Koh samui for the last 18 years, it’s home, it’s a nice island, it gets busy in high season though, but I don’t have to go out much. Lamai is a great area, has everything, beaches, shopping, restaurants and bars . And the traffic in Lamai is ok, the Meanam side isnt. bolt is double the price at least to where you are now. after high season you could find a place , just look on the many FB real estate pages, I wouldn’t live anywhere else
  18. You know the saying , happy wife, happy life, why rock the boat, boy toy…
  19. She could have just stepped out without looking as well you know…. No where did it say he was riding in a dangerous manner!
  20. Thailand the hub of bus crashes due to the terrible drivers they have here! Always in a hurry , like they have to prove to other road users they are manly and drive quickly! pathetic bunch !RIP
  21. They once tested 25 drivers of a well known “safari “ company here on Samui, no surprise that 21 tested positive for Yaba!
  22. My wife built a house in her village, she said all the workers use it, I said: don’t the police do anything? She said -yes, they supply it!
  23. Typical loud mouthed, self entitled , white Karen type , glad she lost her job and any reputation, she had no right to talk to anyone like that, what a b tch
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