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Everything posted by zepplin

  1. Every one is scared the yanks might get a big healthyer and less reliant on big pharma s poison! People do not need 70 vaccines! F rediculous, just look at the mormans, they don’t get autism! go RFK - kick some sense into the corrupt politicians! Have you seen the person who was in charge before? Only 60 kilos overweight, she/he hasn’t seen their own private parts for 3 decades! And couldn’t do 1 pushup!
  2. Most tourists leave their brains in a swampy airport locker upon arriving, it’s a fact! you should see them here in samui, most trying to kilo themselves on scooters , it’s unbelievable, 2-3 a day die here, but NEVER reported, as it might scare more idiots away!
  3. GB the f laughing stock of Europe, what a pathetic load of nonsense! Andrew Tate for PM please!
  4. F fruitcake, lock him up for a very long time!
  5. Just ano mafia member less, by another mafia leader, they all think their <deleted> doesn’t stink , life is a good outcome!
  6. And the fact he made billions out of the fake pandemic and said so with a smile on his horrible face! hope he dies soon, an evil man! the world would be better off without him!
  7. Nothing inspires more confidence in the Chinese than Thai mafia /police kidnapping tourists! Unbelievable there is definitely no r o y a l in the rtp …
  8. That’s why the “plan” from the government will never ever work, way too much hassle involved, no way they have even 5% of the required fully qualified tax specialists who speak all the required languages and know when the remittance was actually earned overseas, make that 1%!!
  9. There are definitely no human rights in a Thai jail, but do the crime, do the time…suck it up big boy, karma at its best!
  10. If you think Thailand has eno qualified tax agents that speak 40 languages, know the tax rules in those co and can pinpoint when the remittances were actually earned, then you still believe in fairytales, just like Reeves does!
  11. Bunch of rtards still try to push their new world order, but now the states has left, watch others follow suit, couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of horrible people!
  12. More like he was thinking-don’t you know who I am? I’m famous, you will sleep with me now!
  13. Every single year , some numpty stands up and says exactly the same thing….zzzzzzzz
  14. Another rich entitled <deleted> , who’s daddy will eventually pay off the poor victims wife, and the charges will be dropped…-after the police get their envelope of course..
  15. Just another retard who left his brain in an airport locker upon arrival, he can pick it up after his jail term!
  16. No, as a pit bull owner for 15 years, I totally disagree, all of my dogs would lick you , not bite you, that poor monk was just given a problem dog, and he had no idea what to do! Sad but that’s the truth! people kill 25000 people here with cars, trucks and bikes, want to ban all of that too?
  17. What did you expect ? He is no brain surgeon, has no new ideas , just the same hate that his supporters lap up… I am happy he is pro crypto, and that will make smart peoples lives a lot wealthier!
  18. The Thai people would definitely disagree with you! Thailand was doing very well when Taksin was in power, he changed the lives of many people for the better, something the Army has never ever done! Taksin has his faults like most politicians, but is smarter and knows how to run a country, the army had NFI and resisted any idea of democracy! Anyway the people’s party will win the next election! Need someone young like Pita to lead with honesty, it’s about time!
  19. I live in Thailand and have had pit bulls for 15 years , first two killed by cobra snakes, now have two , fantastic dogs, very friendly, great with people, even all our builders workers like them and are not afraid. it is purely how you raise them and how much exercise they get-and interaction with people! I don’t “ use” them as bodyguards, and to say all should be eradicated, just shows your ignorance!
  20. Ask the police, they love to sell illegal imported cars , aka Joe Ferrari’s replacement…
  21. Pension are definitely NOT going to be taxed here, and it’s almost impossible just to get a tax file number, you obviously don’t know Thailand , just because a minister announces a plan, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen!
  22. No that place would be koh Tao ie death island , followed by koh samui, as 2-3 p die on the roads here daily, but is NEVER reported!
  23. Stunning coastline??? Guess they have never been there, what a <deleted>hole! Worst place in Thailand!
  24. Another idiot who left his brain in an airport locker upon arrival ! Good to see that smirk well and truly wiped from his idiotic face!
  25. If they plan to tax money coming in to buy Thai real estate, then that’s the death of that sector!
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