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Everything posted by zepplin

  1. Or you get the guys who moved to Thailand, met a fantastic lady, and have spent almost every day/night together for the last 18 years, and would not wish it any other way being single is highly overrated! you sound like the perfect example!
  2. I had a boat at the krabi boat lagoon, there were always police roadblocks, I asked why-answer was because the muslin area population deal in a lot of drugs …
  3. Muslins killing muslins, religion of peace eh?
  4. You must be talking to yourself again !
  5. And why was he go so fast…? Because he can , because of the useless Thai police, who let any driver do what they want with minimal consequences…
  6. As a divorced father, from a wife who broke up the family home, because she had a midlife crisis and wanted to party, I totally understand him , the lady can get stuffed! id support him too!
  7. At least they have an incinerator, the one on samui has been broken from neglect for the last 15 years, first idea was to hide it under big rubber tarps, now it’s trucked to the mainland costing 15 mill bht a month, someone is making a killing, and Samui has a water and electricity shortage, which will get a lot worse with the crazy rate of new developments here! solar panels, rainwater tanks sho be compulsorily! But that’s too much clever thinking, no Hab that here….
  8. The muppets in charge, are driving business away and home buyers in droves with the new taxes and the army 8 commander running amok on samui and phuket, saying LTD nominee companies and tassebaan permits are illegal and scaring any potential investors, well done ! Go to the top of the idiot class! NFI !
  9. Yeah he initially stood up for himself, something that poor Donny has never done, all HE does is blaim everyone else for everything! glad when he loses bigly again and gets sent to jail!
  10. By the looks of it, he is failing bigly and will be in jail, where he belongs , all the people he stiffed will be so happy!
  11. You get the prize for the most retarded statement of the morning!
  12. Like he proudly did to Roe vrs Wade? He’s nothing but a rtard with bad hair and skin, and he would definitely not annoy his gun toting country inbred fans!
  13. Typical entitled Thai male in a fancy car, showing off , driving like a <deleted>, just a shame he killed an innocent lady , RIP to her only!
  14. There is another billion plus bht development above my villa there that has been shut down recently, building permits were for 34 bungalows, but what was built was totally different and way to tall, and the land was way to steep, strange how only after 5 years of construction, they suddenly find out…. Now the envelopes aren’t big enough…. How to lose a billion bht - was a Chinese development, but what will they do with them now?? Very hard to demolish all !
  15. Well that would be most of the people in the 1000’s of court cases ! what else wou you exp of a convicted felon?
  16. Dumbest reply ever , congratulations!
  17. Show what an absolute joke the Thai immigration system really is , might as well be a pink notice….all welcome!
  18. They were too busy on their phones to worry abo their daughter….
  19. It’s knobs like you that should be exterminated instead for post such rubbish! It’s not the dogs, it’s the owners who have no idea how to train them or maybe this guy teased them, it’s unfortunate but there are 1000’s of well behaved and trained lovable dogs out there, whose owners hate knobs like you!!!!
  20. First time for everything….
  21. Yes there are irresponsible pitbull owners , and there are many , like me , that have wonderful dogs, I’ve had 4 , 2 were killed by cobras, and still have 2 of the nicest gentle dogs you could meet. They are not allowed to roam free though, and are well trained, something most Thais are too lazy to do. The people who “ASSume” that every pitbull is a killing machine, should stop making an ass of themselves!
  22. Just happy to hear Prawit the toad has been kicked out! Now the PY party has to prove it can help the lives of the average person , if not the PP party will win by a huge landslide next election!!
  23. She’s a classic , she knew she couldn’t complete with kids 20 years younger, so she did an original “dance” good on her!
  24. You are truly delusional, and the campaign trying to show that she supports that orange turd has backfired! Just like everything he touches , it turns to shot! and it just shows you can’t read or are too lazy and only see a picture and believe it, a typical maga clownboi
  25. As usual, the biggest Thai trait applies, they are only thinking about today, and definitely NOT in 2 years time when they will suffer a landslide defeat in the next ele by the PP party. Thaksin had proven that he can’t be trusted and has been playing games ever since he came back! It’s amazing how healthy he is looking all of a sudden, lol! Him , his daughter and the old dinosaurs will all be gone next election , history will not be kind to them, just really hope there is no army coup following their embarrassing loss! Thailand deserves much better, it’s about time!
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