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Everything posted by zepplin

  1. There are no traffic laws here that are enforced regularly! Only when it’s caught on video, then the police do something….
  2. lol, if they havnt figured out that money and power entitles you to some benefits, they are just plain dumb!
  3. No, they just need to make it easier for Burmese to work here, as Thais don’t seem to want to work much, the tourism sector and building sector here on Samui only operate because of Burmese staff…
  4. Guess you forgot the stupid “health” minister Anutin promoting vaccines… This is the same around the world with “ turbo” cancers, and doctors have never seen anything like it! Meanwhile stupid Biden pardons Phizer ect from prosecution until 2029 ,.. the death ratio for kids was 30:1 due to the supposedly safe vaccines, 30 died to save 1 !
  5. Hillbilly redneck style is alive and well in rural Thailand!
  6. Hasn’t ever happened before….
  7. Definitely need grease for that bearing…
  8. To stand there and nag at the guy who has a gun in his hands, lady , that takes balls , or you are were the dumbest lady on that street, or I guess both …
  9. He will be hiding under the bed at his mothers house for sure…Yabadabado!
  10. I was there a few months ago, to get my visa , there were at least a 1000 of these coconut girls along the beachfront, no way the police can do anything…
  11. No, most have no idea of the times tables here, I once bought 3 pairs of sunglasses for 60 bht each.. the lady had to use a calculator ..my friend bought 2 pairs, again the calculator… thick as a brick , we would say in Australia!
  12. Every department in the gov. If they have the availability to get some brown envelopes, they will! Especially in the land/ building sector!
  13. Should just cross out the word politician and substitute Mafia boss or gangster … much more appropriate!
  14. Oh so he ended up with a hangover and a 500 bht fine then….
  15. Totally wrong , if you transfer it to a Thai bank account to spend it , your gains are taxed at 15% , plus penalties if you think you can not pay it!
  16. The gov wouldn’t have 1% of the qualified tax agents that speak and read all the different languages of all the expats here and understand exactly when the money was made that difficult people brought here! It’s absurd to think otherwise… TIT
  17. Hopefully with RFK , an environmental lawyer, who has won cases on his side, it will not be drill baby drill and a more finesse approach this time around, fingers crossed
  18. Could be a case of f arou and find out that playing with a loaded gun isn the smartest thing to do…. why would a truck driver need to carry a gun anyway?
  19. My wife had it done 14 years ago, for similar reasons, as after 2 kids they were a little deflated.. since then she can wear any dress or bikini with confidence, they stlll look and feel natural , one of the best ways I’ve ever spent 60 k in Thailand!
  20. Sounds like you are on his side, another twisted idiot! He’s not a “lad” he’s a sick rapist who will be enjoying the attention in Bangkok Hilton, maybe you can join him and hold the lads hands…
  21. Well investments must be absolute rock bottom now that the gov is going to investigate 27000 limited companies, that was perfectly legal before, but now it’s obvious a bone of contention, I wonder how many brown envelopes will change hands to make it “legal” again, they really have no idea, they even took 100 mill bht of a Thai maid on Samui , because the assets were in a LTD company, that operated for over 15 years without an issue! Not much of an incentive to invest here, with results like this….
  22. Another numpty who left his brain in an airport locker, same same every week around Thailand, idiots who know nothing about the riding conditions, wear stupid half faced helmets, that are obviously inadequate, and learn the hard way , this place isn’t for newbies!
  23. All they have to do is answer 1 easy question ! CAN you HIDE a sub in 70 m of water, the answer is obvious to everyone but the navy …
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