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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it

    So you are accusing myself and millions of others, of knowingly supporting premeditated mass murder. NOT OK!

  2. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    So trumpists are upset to see trumpcare characterized as mass murder, but not upset about the Americans that will die as a direct result IF it is passed. Interesting priorities. 

    You know who has lost ALL credibility on health care and many other issues?
    That would be trump.

    He promised explicitly many many times that all Americans would be taken care of in his health care plan. He lied BIGLY. 

    Hopefully you will still be able to get the mental care that you need.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it. 

    And this is why there is NO HOPE for the Liberal Left.  :cheesy:

    The world is moving back toward reality. This nonsense has gone on long enough.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yeah, but as views expressed on this topic and elsewhere indicate, the contempt and superiority are not limited to that segment. Or rather, are focused on that segment and take it as representing most f Trump's support. Can't see how that's gonna bridge divides, and make the wished for political majority a reality. 

    Hopes for a Liberal majority are not going to become a reality.

  5. 2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The original statement was this was a temporary ban to allow the situation to be assessed. That was 4 months ago, and it was to be just 3 months for the assessment.

    So, have they done nothing in the meantime? They should have their solution by now, so the ban should no longer be necessary, as the long term strategy should be ready to implement.

    True enough. It's pretty much a non issue by now, a political football.

    Does the ban affect only Muslims? NO it affects ALL people from said countries.

    Were the countries selected BECAUSE they are Muslim? NO they were previously highlighted by the Obama admin as countries of concern.

    Are the vast majority of the worlds Muslim population unaffected by the ban? YES approx 87% of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslim population is not covered by the ban.

    Well then allahu akbar, it's not a efin Muslem ban is it!!!! NEXT!

  6. 17 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Nice try. NOT.


    Your skewed graphic sites Rebublican voters only.


    But given the fact you are aligned with Fox "News", let them speak the whole story re: the overall approval rating of the inept con-man:

    Sorry. The poll was NOT Republican voters only. The particular question obliviously only applies to those who did vote Trump.


    The poll is also nothing to do with Fox. It was a WP/ABC poll: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/nearing-100-days-trumps-approval-at-record-lows-but-his-base-is-holding/2017/04/22/a513a466-26b4-11e7-b503-9d616bd5a305_story.html?utm_term=.6186821446ac

  7. 2 hours ago, iReason said:

    Very disturbing how Trumpeteers consistently employ the word "hate"...


    Regarding the posts, facts and grim reality getting you down?

    You find it very disturbing that "Trumpeteers" as you call them would call people such as your self Trump haters. How is that very disturbing? 


    While dishing out the most hateful speech about Trump. Picking and poking at any negative angle you can find on anything Trump, backed up by the completely bias media, celeb lefties and snowflake gender neutrals in an orgy of hate. Dreaming up you own parallel world fantasy stories of Russia, Corruption, Impeachment, etc etc etc.


    Grim reality, Trump used a Flag gif with the wrong number of stars on it, really? 


    Hold on tight it is going to be a long 8 years.








  8. 1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

    No way to know when the photos were taken? Of course the no bias reporter would not attempt to mislead in any way.


    I believe the place has 7000 + seats, not sure if there is a maximum allowed in for insurance/fire safety etc etc.


    As you can see from the pic below, in addition to the seating, there are 1000's standing.



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