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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. 8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    Twenty trillion in debt and you are concerned about someone having a pair of tits. I see everyone has this in its correct perspective then. :coffee1:


    Up to him/her I could not care less. However, not while in prison and not paid for by the tax payer. It is not supposed to be a holiday camp or surgery rehab resort.

    I've heard of coming out of prison a changed man, but this is ridiculous.  

  2. 23 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:


    Nobody is more of a fragile snowflake than Trump himself.  He's soon to learn how impossible it is to do anything as president when the majority of Americans can't stand him.  And as we all see nightly from his angry toilet seat tweets, he does NOT do well with any sort of criticism whatsoever.


    He seems to do just fine to me, he was criticized, mocked and treated unfairly by the media throughout the whole process.

    And he WON! 


  3. 14 minutes ago, jpinx said:

    qotd :-  "A bad deal would be worse than no deal"

    It's a nice touch that she's standing in the same spot as was MrsT when she took us into that unholy alliance.


    As the speech progressed the US$/£ went from about 120 to about 123. 




    Just being pedantic. That was 'No deal, is better than a bad deal'.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Obama would have been gone soon regardless.

    The topic isn't about Obama's performance or legacy in history which we can't know yet.

    It's about resistance efforts focused on the trump inaguaration. 

    Do such radical tactics make sense?

    My first impression is no but certainly do support large PEACEFUL protests. 


    You can't judge Obama's performance after 8 years, but you can judge Trump's before he takes office. 55555 :cheesy:

  5. "The inauguration is expected to draw 800,000 spectators, according to officials. That compares with some 1.8 million attending Barack Obama's 2009"


    Come on Trump supporters, this is our day. Make the effort.

    Show up in your millions!!!! 

    While the media desperately try to play the numbers down (repeat of the rallies). 


  6. 7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    :coffee1: You need some anger management kevkev1888, one can almost hear the steam from your ears as your blood pressure rises. Your 'golden' boy does not need the likes of you to protect and defend him I am sure. PeeOTUS will stick with him for 4 years and beyond. Wait till SNL get on the case (which they would not have done until he said he was a 'germophobe'. Pure comedy gold, almost like watching your anger.


    Your continued Pee Pee jokes just make you look stupid and infantile.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Funny, after being let in to meet the Prime Minister of Japan with her Daddy at a meeting she should never have been in , Ivanka Trump shortly afterwards flew to Japan to close a big deal there which needed the approval of a Japanese Government Bank. The deal had previously stalled, then suddenly the Government Bank reached a 'solution'. Do you think any of this is going to stop? Whether it is PeeOTUS or his 3 little piggies, the gravy train has not even started rolling yet.


    PeeOTUS. You are PeeTHETIC. Pissing in the wind.


  8. 7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Great! He gave the media what they deserved.


    Weird take. The American people should be the audience, and the Pee-OTUS should be prepared to deliver those messages he feels the public needs to hear.


    He had a golden opportunity to shower the public with an update on his transition, and first 100 days, yet he behaved like a petulant 9 year old.


    You see, now you THINK you have a reason to call him the Pee-OTUS, and joke about golden showers.

    Like I said PATHETIC!!!!


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