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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    You just have to look at how Trump has backed down over his rhetoric with China. They are now wonderful people according to Trump.  The Chinese are all powerful in Asia and Trump knows he must go along with what they say over NK.  He is still blustering away but it is just that.

    That is exactly how he has achieved their cooperation to this point.

    Trumps tactics are to take extreme opening positions, gives more room for movement.

    A very smart man. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I went to the BBC site which said that's what Rex Tillerson reported that the Chinese said they will do.

    "US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said China has told the US it will impose sanctions on North Korea if it conducts further nuclear tests."


    I couldn't find anything else.

    I guess he could have just made it up? Wouldn't be very diplomatic though would it.

    Plus they already did introduce some sanctions already.


  3. On 4/5/2017 at 7:34 AM, boomerangutang said:

    Here is part of what Rice has on Trump.   She told Trump, officially, that Flynn was promising the Russkies the US would lift sanctions BEFORE he was in an official capacity. BEFORE Trump was inaugurated.  In other words, he was breaking the law by representing the US government as a private citizen.  Trump knew it, and also knew Flynn had lied to Pence about it, YET TRUMP DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DISCIPLINE FLYNN FOR NEARLY 3 WEEKS !   Both Pence and Trump knew Flynn was a paid foreign agent (for Turkey and possibly also for Russia) before and during the time Flynn was in the administration AND IN ATTENDANCE AT TOP SECURITY MEETINGS. 

    Curious as to how you think you KNOW this?

    As I understand it all that is known is that the subject of sanctions came up.

  4. 1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

    Yes, if you are blind, deaf and mute and maybe also in a coma you are unlikely to know that the Trump team were colluding with the Russians.

    So where is the actual EVIDENCE? If ANYONE had actually found ANYTHING of any substance it would have come out by now.

    They have been on this for nearly a year, and still there is nothing,

  5. 9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Because there is no story unless you know otherwise.


    It is absolutely routine for people in the right position to request the unmasking of individuals who may be caught whilst foreign diplomats etc are being surveilled. She never gave those names out to the public and it was within her right to unmask. Perhaps you ought to concern yourself with WHY Trumps team mates were unmasked! Generally unmasking is done if there is a risk of harm or violence towards the US citizen that is 'masked' OR if the US citizen were following a line of discussion with the person being surveilled that was detrimental to the National Security of the US. Please explain what it is you think Susan Rice did wrong and how that affects one iota the claims that Trump and his team were colluding with the Russians. Rice has nothing to do with what Trump and his team did.

    Well she lied about it for a start. 

    More to come me thinks.



  6. 1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

    Click on this link at the Washington post to see the graphics and links of the Trump Administration to the Russians. It is breath taking.



    Quick add this one to the list: President Trump made remarks Monday about the subway bombing in St. Petersburg, Russia, saying that the deadly attack was “absolutely a terrible thing.”

    Breath taking :cheesy:

  7. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    I'm calling B.S. on that.

    His agenda?

    Health care? 

    He promised care for all, cheaper and better.

    trumpcare which he loudly supported and tried to BULLY all republicans to follow did exactly the OPPOSITE.

    I suggest that it's delusional to actually think they represents him keeping his promises. Happily, trumpcare failed, at least for now.

    In you own words "for now". Rome was not built in a day! 

    Trump has instigated a lot of change, change that is badly needed, and there is much much much more to come. If he only achieves a quarter of it he will have done well.


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