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Posts posted by kevkev1888

  1. 19 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Are you a Trump supporter?  If so, what do you think about these deceptions and lies?  I thought Trump was suppose to bring about change to the "swamp" in Washington? 

    I think the deceptions and lies from the left are frankly amusing, such as those in your link. 


    Trump is just getting started. Rex Tillerson is starting a cull at the state department. 


    Much more to come.

  2. 1 minute ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    So leaking is good when its done by the non-establishment and bad when its done by the establishment? Why dont you just say that leaking is good for you only when it suits your political agenda, because that seems more like the truth. The hypocrisy of the orange freak and his minions is exactly that. Appreciate and heavily use leaked info when it can help you win an election, and whine about it when it causes your diarrhea of lies and treason to surface. Fact is, the current administration is no more than a bunch of criminals hiding behind a facade of corruption, nepotism and lies. Which are probably the things you say "the establishment" does.

    Finally, you think that the GOP wanted Clinton as their next puppet, or are the GOP not the establishment? How about Comey? He is the good establishment?


    I did not say leaking is good. Don't know where you would have gotten that impression.



  3. Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

    Question for you: what do you think about Clintons emails? Reading the above, I trust you feel that that was real dirty play when these came out! You never thought "lock her up" was a fair statement of course because Clinton was treated very unfairly. It was clearly a witch hunt to bring her down.


    The Clinton emails were not leaked by the establishment. She was their next puppet. 

  4. It is just a witch hunt for Trump. The establishment is playing dirty, they do not want a change from the status quo.

    Leaking of classified  info to the media from the intelligence agencies. They are trying to take him down from the inside. They want to install another puppet. Who knows how low they will go, this is going to be a HUGE battle.


    Trump won the election, and now he is in the fight of his life to overthrow the establishment. 


    A true Good against evil battle. I am not religious but Pray for Trump, Pray for America.






  5. 14 hours ago, aguy30 said:

    So you say that I'm wrong but it is your math expertise that is lacking. Your 27-30 knots must be Thai math to make 116 km in 2 hours. That doesn't included the low docking and departing speeds. It would require an average speed of a more than 31.31 knots to make the 116 km trip. Difficult to get that average with a range of 27-30. But then, you knew that, didn't you?

    I took the ferry a few weeks back, fairly light seas, waves were just cresting (white horses?). From cast off Pattaya to docking Hua HIn 2 hours 15 mins.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Do not put words in my mouth. That is massively obnoxious. I did not comment at all on Thailand immigration policy here and I won't be baited to do so either. It's too bad you feel the need to resort to such sleazy posting tactics. I suggest you grow up and show some respect to other members. Would you like it if others put words in your mouth? 

    OK so in your own words should it be only USA who do not enforce border control and their immigration laws. Or should this apply to any other countries also? If so why?

  7. Just now, Jingthing said:

    Thailand is off topic.

    The USA is a land of immigrants. 

    Don't bother baiting me with off topic trash again. 

    Ah so I thought, you are in the hang them high brigade then, and support breaking up families of otherwise law abiding undocumented persons?

    Thailand is right to enforce its immigration rules, but the USA not.

    On topic in a discussion about illegal immigrants. But it dose show the hypocrisy, so understand why you do not like it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    So you support breaking up families of otherwise law abiding undocumented persons?:sad:

    What about the young dreamers who became undocumented with no fault of their own and know no other country other than the USA? 

    Do you have the same view of the foreigners living here in Thailand, working illegally? No visa? No cash for visa requirements? GF kids, no heath insurance? Driving with no licence and uninsured?


    Or are you one of the why should I have to comply and they not. they make things worse for all the good law abiding foreigners, give us all a bad name, and make things more difficult for the rest of us. Deport them?


  9. 3 hours ago, nontabury said:

    Looked up " Muslims condemn terrorism" on YouTube" and yes there are a few films, of individuals/few people. Look from the other angle and there are many, some with large crowds.

     What we need is more of the first group protesting against those in the second group. 




    Round up the <deleted> and deport them all, and their families. It's the only way!

  10. 4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    I'll be happy when Trump starts acting like the POTUS.  Not an actor in The Apprentice.


    Trump has (had?) a chance to do some really good things.  He's not heading down that route.  Bannon could be the big problem.  I don't know.  But so far, he's not off to a good start.  No denying that.

    Some do not have that same opinion but time will tell.

    So far as the business side of things go, Trump is the brand, nothing can change that fact. If he does well as President then the brand will benefit, just no way round it. 

    However, if he does bad then he will damage the brand. So........

  11. 2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Let's see. He's on a trip for his private business, a deal worth 100k-1MM/year, and the US government is funding the security detail as well as providing embassy officials.  Yes, I'd say the US taxpayer is funding that.


    If Trump's so rich, why doesn't he pay for it himself?  It's not a golfing holiday.  It's a trip to make money! LOL

    It don't make any difference.

    You will never be happy, as you hate Trump.

    Getting dizzy going round in circles now, lets leave it there. :)

  12. 11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You obviously didn't read the article....

    I read it. It is BS to say the tax payer is supporting the business.

    The tax payer is providing security, as they always will, whatever he is doing and wherever he goes, zero sum game!

    Basically the ONLY argument there is that he is the son of the President.

    Yes he is the son of the President, everyone knows that already, that is all that is in this non story.

    And to that fact some, such as yourself will never be satisfied. Hence the BS puff piece about the security cost etc etc etc.

  13. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    It's called nepotism.  And shouldn't be allowed.  Trump's pushing the boundaries there.  Put together with all the other dodgy stuff he's doing, it doesn't sit well with most people. 


    It is a family business, being run by his sons.

    That there is a security detail cost is neither here nor there. Costs would be the same if he was going on a golfing holiday.

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