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  1. Yes I tend to agree, yes i have heard of Grenfell Tower and the people are being prosecuted i believe, and that's the point IF Thailand can change its culture and attitude towards safety it will be the first step towards a safer Thailand, but here nothing will change safety cost too much, the only thing i think would help is if there are big law suits and litigation but lives are cheap here !! Any how sick of this discussion. Till the next disaster
  2. they would be the same, but the New article does not say
  3. Why don't you read the news article currently covered only 10% of Thailand's approximately 13,400 CNG-powered buses
  4. Yes think you got that right you know nothing about politics full stop for one the PM is not elected by the people rather the MP vote for the PM the people vote for MPs
  5. Nice sentiment but the "nice young man is banned from politics "
  6. Its easy to google ISO but to understand it is another thing and clearly you have not grasp it the definition of ISO is ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) Not YOUR stated procedures There are a plethora of company's and business in Thailand who have ISO certs and proud of it, it is not easy to be ISO certified, Most of us follow procedures as part of every day living, Driving a car, cooking, cleaning,ect all Procedures anyhow this is going of Topic
  7. Quote; So 1331 unsafe buses were allowed to operate. Had it not been for the tragic deaths of 23 children and 3 teaches those 1331 unsafe buses would never have been found and would still be operating. Agree. Your assumption is wrong i am not trying to defend Thailand safety record. Thailand has a plethora of Safety Standards and Safety protocols that is not the problem, the problem is the implementation ,education and enforcement. this all should start with the Workplace. All workplaces have a certified safety system in place in fact there is a law believe it or not and they should have a safety officer appointed this is the law but is it enforced No!!! so there is number 1 No enforcement number 2 education Safety should be taught at schools number 3 implementation Risk management, Safety is everyone's responsibility and there is a simple tool for this its called a risk assessment, Assessing risk is just one part of the overall process used to control risks in your workplace and everyday life, it is a step-by-step process for controlling health and safety risks caused by hazards in the workplace and everyday life. It helps identify hazards and how to eliminate them or control the hazard it can save lives. Thailand has the standards, protocols but until the attitude changes nothing will happen What is needed is big lawsuits and litigation have you not notice company's here very keen to agree payouts to the victims fast
  8. Would not work 37001 is basically risk management The standard only addresses management systems and is not a comprehensive anti-fraud or anti-corruption standard. It also contains a great deal of subjectivity as many requirements are qualified by terms such as "appropriate" and "reasonable". Therefore, the actual meaning and relevance of ISO 37001 certification is dependent largely upon the thoroughness of the certifying body
  9. not the biggest 2008: Bernie Madoff, former chairman of the Nasdaq stock exchange, scammed investors out of $65 billion, making it the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
  10. do you know anything about quality and standards, ISO. What is ISO it encompasses your everyday lives you will end up in a ISO place one day hows that for rambling
  11. Yes 5%failed the safety inspection out of 1,331 already tested that is what the News article is saying yes they need to be repaired and re inspected to be made safe so what is your point ?? When you do mass Inspection like this approximately 13,400 CNG-powered buses, you statistically will get failures there will be repairs to be done that is expected if you were expecting a 100% pass first time you would be dreaming never happen you will find faults,and this is the whole point of the excise find the faults and fix them keep inspecting till you get a 100% pass nothing new in this

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