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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. yes Thailand had a underground movement this is one of the reasons Thailand recived little punishment after the war
  2. Did not say that read my post did not say anything about article 27, it was under Thaskin gov, put your glasses on and try to comprehend my post
  3. Thailand officially adopted a neutral position during World War II until the five hour-long Japanese invasion of Thailand on 8 December 1941, which led to an armistice and military alliance treaty between Thailand and the Japanese Empire in mid-December 1941. At the start of the Pacific War, the Japanese Empire pressured the Thai government to allow the passage of Japanese troops to invade British-held Malaya and Burma. After the invasion, Thailand capitulated. Thailand declared war on the United Kingdom and the United States After becoming an ally of the Empire of Japan, Thailand retained control of its armed forces and internal affairs. after the war Thailand received little punishment for its wartime role,
  4. Thailand signed the Rome Statute in 2000 but, under Thaksin, didn't ratify it. Lawyers have suggested that Thaksin's drug war might amount to a crime against humanity under Article Seven of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [ICC], set up in 1992." How did You get your facts so wrong
  5. Thailand Has not ratified the Rome agreement 2023 and will not because if so the icc will go after Thaskin for war crimes Thaskin war on drugs in 2003 learn your history how did YOU get your facts so wrong !!
  6. Thailand will not arrest Putin, Thailand did not ratify the rome agreement so it means they dont have to arrest him, and Thailand will not ratify the agreement because if they did the icc will want to arrest Thaskin for war crimes
  7. FROM AFP NEWS Putin Accepts Invites To Visit Thailand, Vietnam
  8. typical thai thats all you can say "go home" well iam home, its nothing to with you why i hang around this forum, why do you??, think you are a bit frustrated that all your posts have been trashed you need to get a life rather that try insulting me stick to the topic it just makes you look like a bobolyne
  9. there will be no arrest Thailand has Not ratified the rome ageement nor will they becuase if they did the ICC will go after Thaskin for war crimes
  10. there will be no arrest Thailand has Not ratified the rome ageement nor will they becuase if they did the ICC will go after Thaskin for war crimes
  11. Thailand being foolish again Pita was Naive but far better than this guy
  12. Thai's know very little about world history, its not taught in schools, thais know very little about world wars, thats why thais do not know its wrong to walk about covered in Nazi symbols, there are many other examples of disgraceful behaviour, it is becuse you have limited knowledge, Thai WW2 history is not taught in schools as thais would be ashamed
  13. do you know how to scroll down Asia Afghanistan (1961) Bahrain (1973) Bangladesh (1973) Bhutan (1973) Brunei Darussalam (1993) Cambodia (1961) India (1961) Indonesia (1961) Iran (1979) Iraq (1961) Jordan (1964) Kuwait (1964) Laos (1964) Lebanon (1961) Malaysia (1970) Maldives (1976) Mongolia (1993) Myanmar (1961) Nepal (1961) North Korea (1975) Oman (1973) Pakistan (1979) Palestine (1976) Philippines (1993) Qatar (1973) Saudi Arabia (1961) Singapore (1970) Sri Lanka (1961) Syria (1964) Thailand (1993) East Timor (2003) Turkmenistan (1995) United Arab Emirates (1970) Uzbekistan (1993) Vietnam (1976) Yemen (1990) [77
  14. Quantifying the evil of dictators can be a tricky business. Most would quantify the horrors of dictators by how many people were killed under his rule. In that case, there were several dictators worse than Hitler. Mao Zedong - Communist dictator of China - 25–30 million died. Josef Stalin - Communist dictator of USSR - 30 million died. Leopold II - Colonial leader of Belgium - had upwards of 20 million Congolese salughtered. At this point the numbers vary between Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Kim Il Sung, Idi Amin, Ho Chi Minh. Anywhere between 1–10 million range.
  15. pointing out how your post is totally lacking in facts, quote "most of the worlds population or their goverments take the russian stance most of the worlds terrtorys are pro russian" totally incorrect "the smallest part of the world condems russia." do you know how to read a map
  16. dont know where you get your info from but its not correct
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