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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. From AOL "If the Zionist aggressions do not stop, the hands of all parties in the region are on the trigger," said Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, adding that Tehran could not simply stay an observer." end of the ayatollahs if they get invoved
  2. yes correct in my opinion if Iran gets involved you will see the us and uk get involved it will be another Iraq
  3. this is funny an australian sticking up for Indigenous people think you best start with your own country first you need to read the history of how Israel was formed before spouting rubbish
  4. Would like to see where you got that propaganda statement from or is it just your opinion
  5. correct, i belive Hamas want a blood bath and try to bring in hezbollah, lebanon and the rest of the Arab nations for a full on war
  6. Quote "I call BS for that explanation of the ongoing expansion and colonisation of more and more land. " this is not an explanation it a satement you are full of BS when people call you out you got nothing. waste of time go away, history buff my arsX
  7. so please tell me your explanation history buff
  8. Its very evident that you did not study world history in school ( sorry if you are thai as i dont think they learn about world history ) if you are western you should be ashamed need to go back to school would like to hear your explanation
  9. well i totally agree with u but i dont think you should stop posting there are a lot of posters out there do not know and are mostly ignorant they need to be taught, people read but only see what they want to see
  10. very pessimistic view but i cannot disagree
  11. Do you know what colonisation is some how i dont think so is colonisation happing now YES it is colonialism is still not a thing of the past. It continues to oppress developing nations and minority communities globally — from Western Africa to Libya, Palestine to Ukraine, to places like Kashmir that are facing subjugation under military occupation.
  12. wow done your research correct it was my bag should have said the 1948 Arab–Israeli War not the 6 day war
  13. After WW2 that is When there was a Huge infux of jews and made the Arabs in a minority which is why the 6 day war was started and the UN want the 2 partision
  14. Some people on here do not know what colonialism is !! does not much happen now but its how this world was made Americans Stole ( really dont like the word stole but anyhow) the land from the natves became the USA . Australian the same british famous for it, the dutch with south africa, the french are the same you can go on with most of the big nations. so my point is Isreal is doing the same in a modern enviroment and modern weapons and i belive most people are calling ( the pot calling the kettle black ) Isreal is having a hard time with the Arabs ( nasty people from my experince ) i whole heartedly belive what Isreal is doing and yes in war there is whole heartedly which i am sorry for.
  15. i do and There are no reliable news outlets claiming Israel deliberately targets civilians.
  16. And what did the white people do to the Abbos in australia you need to read History
  17. again you need to check yout facts rather than make them up Gaza is NOT the most heavily populated place in the World, it is third most densely populated in the world.
  18. I wonder do you know What Hamas is and what the Hamas covernant is
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