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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Oh ok !! since they where locked up in IDC then how did they support this attack i wonder !!
  2. oh good dont have to put u on the ignore list
  3. All of Thailands Lies are now being exposed hang your head in shame thailand
  4. how right you are !! freedom of the Press is a joke in Thailand
  5. I didnot say that that is a quote from miss muppet
  6. "Compasion " which you seem to lack!! karma is a bitch !
  7. Eloquent post !! but i would say the Thais have it every day its in the news Thais are not the best drivers seen worse !! but they are way down there, very poor driving skills not going to list the skills just they are bad !! life is cheap in Thailand
  8. Ha Ha !! The pot calling the kettle black !!
  9. If that is the case why are there so many scams, murders why are there articles stating the Forced Return of Uyghurs to China please explain
  10. I can reaffirm that the 40 Uyghurs chose to return home willingly and that the Thai government has complied with human rights principles and international practices, adding that no country had agreed to accept them for resettlement," this is all lies from miss muppet https://www.hrw.org/news/2025/02/27/thailand-40-uyghurs-forcibly-sent-china
  11. you need to open your eyes, china tell Thailand i want, Thailand Jumps it a know Fact !! The Chinese government wanted the Thai authorities to cut off public utilities, such as electricity, water supply, and internet signals, used by call center gangs operating on the Myanmar side. what did thailand do "yes sir"
  12. This is will be used to compensate foreign visitors on a case-by-case basis lets see what happens when some one trys to claim it will be Oh you have to pay !! every thing that comes out of Thailand is BS
  13. Its not normal to have a goverment like this, the people did not vote for them.
  14. Wish i had shares in gofund me make a tidy profit !!
  15. Maybe Thailand should have a coup becuse this is starting to be ridiculous
  16. I belive its EACH entry 300 baht airport 150baht land but noithing has been load in stone this goverment flip flops all the time
  17. 500Baht fine for the driver Thai justice
  18. same as a Thai Arrested for murder they are released on bail most of the time Amazing Thailand
  19. Wondering WHEN! will the Thai people wake up to all this BS
  20. Ha Ha !! like to see you claim it blood out of a stone comes to mind
  21. BS (The initiative stems from constitutional Section 160, which stipulates qualifications for cabinet ministers, requiring them to exhibit clear honesty and a clean ethical record. ) Thailand has NO IDEA telling a corupt goverment to come clean is a joke
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