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Posts posted by rijb

  1. 11 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Regardless of this. 

    US voted him in.

    You always get what you deserve in a so called democracy.

    Since Vietnam, most countries consider US a  joke.

    Electing Trump confirms it.

    The governments of most countries are a joke.  However, their people aren't allowed to joke about it.  Is that what they deserve?  :whistling:


  2. 49 minutes ago, pegman said:

    My next one would be "is the earth older than 6,000 years". The answer to that would give us a good gauge of Americans on here. I'm waiting for an influx of them to shift this poll to the "unproven" column. 

    Meanwhile, Canada does it's part to stop global warming.  Bears are no longer allowed to shit in the woods.



  3. 16 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    Well, the writing was, is and will be on the wall. 

    The Americans must learn that when they play with fire they might get burnt - in my opinion still not enough. Americans have to keep their huge mouth shut as far as Crimea is concerned; latter being a Crimean issue in the first place and possible, in second order, a subject for Ukraine and Russia. 

    Tell Uncle Sam to withdraw all his troops from Western Europe, clean up his own house first, compensate all those many countries with millions of deaths (Indochina, South America, Middle East etc.) for all those damages they created and the world will be a more peaceful place.

    I congratulate Putin (who is a crook in his own right - but this is an internal Russian affair and none of anyone's business except Russians) for his cool way of playing this game of chess. As far as I am concerned 1:0 for Russia! 

    PS:  Can anyone tell me, what 1'100 staff are doing in the US embassy in Moscow? Either most inefficient, completely overstaffed or doing a lot of things outside the usual diplomatic protocol! 

    U.S. diplomats come home for awhile.  


    And you think Russia burned the U.S. by this?   Ouch!  :cheesy: 

  4. 1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

    When the inevitable movies are made, in the future, about Trump's brief presidency, future generation will watch and think, "No way.  It's too dramatized.  No person with so much political power could act that crazy.  It's too fictional to be believable."  


     .....then they'll ask their great grandma (who was born in the early 2000's) and she'll say, "oh yes, children. It's not dramatized for video.  There really was a crazy man who hoodwinked enough rednecks to become president, and he caused more damage to the US than any ten attacking foreign countries could have caused."

    And they'll say "grandma, you're full of shit.  He couldn't have become president with only the rednecks to support him.  Who else was to blame?"

  5. 1 minute ago, Thakkar said:



    A leading psychiatry group has told its members they should not feel bound by a longstanding rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures — even the president. 
    An increasing number of psychologists and psychiatrists have denounced the restriction as a “gag rule” and flouted it, with some arguing they have a “duty to warn” the public about what they see as Trump’s narcissism, impulsivity, poor attention span, paranoia, and other traits that, they believe, impair his ability to lead.

    And they should send Trump a bill for the diagnosis.

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