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Posts posted by rijb

  1. This is comforting...


    Speaking Tuesday, South Korea President Moon Jae-in appeared to down play Mattis' comments, pointing out the US would need its approval before launching any attack on North Korea.
    "Military action on the Korean Peninsula can only be decided by South Korea and no one else can decide to take military action without the consent of South Korea," said Moon in televised comments.
    "The government, putting everything on the line, will block war by all means," he added.
  2. Just now, baboon said:

    Correct. A metaphor not a fact.


    Nobody helped me with the word 'nebulous', I can assure you. I taught myself a whole host of fancy words while you would have been otherwise engaged in peeling potatoes and digging latrines, but hey, each to their own.


    If you have no longing for blood and death I would imagine that joining the Quakers would have been a better choice than joining the military...

    My lottery number was 12, during Vietnam war draft.  No potatoes.  But, I did a lot of grunt work.  :smile:

  3. 3 hours ago, baboon said:

    Hell is a two way street? That is a fact? Have you been there? Can you prove the existence of life beyond the grave?

    What nebulous flapdoodle. 

    As for your macho stance far away from the prospect of any hostilities which may forfeit your own life, it isn't going to happen anyway. You will need to satiate your longing for blood and death elsewhere. 

    The metaphor was introduced by a previous poster.  It's probably over your head.  Who helped you with the word 'nebulous'?


    I'm ex-military and have no longing for blood and death.  You pulled that accusation out of your butt.

  4. 40 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Yeah, darn those pesky Native Americans...



    The narrow-minded arrogance of the rest of your post is disposable.



    It's not arrogance.  It's his point of view.  


    And WTH does Native Americans have to do with this?!


    BTW:  shouldn't you be looking for clippings that say Trump was driving the car?

  5. 1 hour ago, cumgranosalus said:

    THey cannot knock out / neutralise a NK attack - get your facts straight.


    the whole point is that NK is deeply entrenched in bunkers and can't be neutralised - any hostility would be tit for tat so millions would die.

    What facts do you dispute?  That the SK and U.S. have been preparing for an attack?  Or that hell is a two-way street?


    The rest of the 'facts' in your post come from you.

  6. 1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

    Trump can't come out and condemn the white supremacists because as many have said they make up a considerable proportion of his voter base, especially now so many people have seen the light over this moronic POTUS.  But these American citizens were there before Trump and will be there long after he has gone.  They are part of the cancer  in the USA and there will always be a hard core of them.  They are motivated by hate and ignorance with an unwillingness to lift their heads out of the sand.  You cannot educate these people but you can pity them.  They do know they do.....But simply cannot control their vitriol.

    Every country has to deal with hate and ignorance in their own back yard.  However, the world prefers to focus on America's dirty laundry.

  7. 1 minute ago, jeab1980 said:

    Have looked in there cant seem to see any only the kitchen and bathroom cleaning stuff. What the bottle like have you a picture?

    Look in the laundry soap section.


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