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Posts posted by rijb

  1. 12 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Bleach i really cant find any anywhere am i missing something surley bleach must be sold somewhere

    Have you tried Lotus?  I buy it there all the time.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Dude, the topic here is not Islamist terrorism which is indeed a real thing.

    It's white supremacist terrorism.

    ALSO a real thing. 

    trump can never even begin to be an effective American leader without confronting the Nazi rot in his OWN base. 

    I'm not your "dude" and I'm not interested in your pompous lectures.   I responded to a previous post.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    I'm not sure your either qualified or competent enough to be giving out grades.


    For the death penalty to work as a deterrent it requires rational thinking by the potential murderer.

    The fact that there is not much rational thinking going in a potential murderers mind goes a long way to explaining exactly why the death penalty is a dud when it comes to deterrence.


    What other deterrents are there, enlighten me.

    You're on the home stretch.  The death penalty is not just a deterrent.  It's cleaning up the trash.

  4. 43 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    A young white man drives into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one and critically injuring several, and Trump condemns hate in the vaguest terms possible.


    Had it been a Muslim driving the car, Trump and his supporters would be going nuts over it.

    And the muslims would have gone nuts if it was a female driver.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    The punishment is the deterrent - therefore, you are discussing the punishment Einstein.

    And whilst discussing the punishment, you are making a silly argument that someone would rationally opt out of committing murder if the death penalty is in place but rationally opt to commit murder if the punishment is life in prison without parole.


    I know you're trying.  And I give you 'A' for effort.  


    Someone who commits murder is not doing a lot of 'rational thinking'.


    BTW:  punishment is not the only deterrent.  Expand your thinking.  This is not a black and white issue.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    There is no way to count what, how many have gone through the following thought process


    I am going to murder someone.... oh no there is a death penalty, that's a really severe punishment - I'll remain a law abiding citizen.


    I am going to murder someone.... the punishment is the rest of my life in maximum security prison with no hope of parole, what a puny little punishment - let the murder spree begin.





    Don't be so hard on yourself.  We're discussing deterrents, not punishments.

  7. 3 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

    The death penalty with not totally stop murders and the like. What it will do is make a lot of people think twice before they commit such a crime. This in itself with dramatically reduce the number of murders.

    That's a good point.  There's no way to count how many people wanted to commit murder, and didn't because of the consequences.  Well, maybe in the future....  

  8. 29 minutes ago, SouthernDelight said:

    Do your own research!

    Iranian coup d'état, No Gun Ri Massacre (IKE), My Lai Massacre, The Cuba fiasco, Secret Carpet Bombings of Cambodia and Laos, Vietnam - Agent Orange, Iran–Contra affair, The Collapse of most Middle East Nations, Internal Affairs Interferences in most African and South & Central American Nations, Pine Gap Australia, Revelations made public by Snowden and Wikileaks... just to mention a few.


    Here you go.  


    Definition of warmonger

    :  one who urges or attempts to stir up war

  9. 8 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    You don't believe there is a direct correlation in the fact that states with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than states without - how absurd.

    Isn't the main claim for those that support the death penalty is that it acts as a deterrence?

    If having the death penalty doesn't deter murder, why have it?


    Your foot is not fine and I believe you had better now check the other one too.

    If my beliefs were so absurd we would not be having this discussion.


    What's with the foot fetish?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    And all the murders occur in the other 19 states?

    How silly.


    States without the death penalty have lower murder rates than states with the death penalty.




    You appear to have shot yourself in the foot.

    I don't believe there's a direct correlation.  And even if there was, I'm on the victim's side.


    My foot is fine.  Thanks for your concern.

  11. 2 hours ago, SouthernDelight said:


    Since the JFK administration USA is the undisputed and foremost warmongering country on this planet!

    It is USA who create seemingly unstable situations in many countries. USA then 'justify' to the world that invading and killing is their 'policing' right citing "humanity" and "democracy"; Their infestation is nothing but to satisfy their insatiable thirst for oil and continued strive for world dominance.

    People in Venezuela are suffering and dying.  How is the warmonger U.S. responsible for that?


    BTW:  You're right about the "world dominance"...Google, Apple, Amazon, etc.  :cheesy:

  12. 1 minute ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    My wife is obsessed with her. I am thinking of divorcing her just for this fact. The other day she showed me a clip on Facebook of her playing the piano which I think these pictures are taken from. The piano playing was absolutely dreadful. I am ashamed that she is impressed by someone who just looks pretty and has no real skills whatsoever.

    A lot of guys fall into the category of being "impressed by someone who just looks pretty and has no real skills whatsoever"  :smile:

  13. 1 minute ago, cumgranosalus said:

    Come on! - It's nothing to do with nukes! the NK already has the potential to launch a devastating attack on SOUTH KOREA - this doesn't require nukes or ICBMs it just requires a lot of people to die.


    at best NK could unleash a mere handful of nukes which may well be shot down of fail...that is not the problem - if Trump attacks - provoked or not - the NK can release hell and there is nothing the US can do to stop the initial outburst.

    SK and the U.S. have been preparing for that "initial outburst" for years.  Hell is a two-way street.

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