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Posts posted by rijb

  1. 15 minutes ago, Rancid said:

    Umm, I believe the threat was that they would strike Guam if the US attacks them first. So you are saying how dare you respond to being attacked? The US has been attacking smaller countries for decades in the name of freedom and democracy (I mean you couldn't make up a more absurd excuse if you tried), however this is the first time one actually has a shot, albeit minor, of fighting back.


    As to China it has been posited that they are indeed happy to see things as is, part of their strategy is that that want the THAD missiles gone (hence the trade pressure on S Korea), plus they would like to see the US out of S Korea once and for all.


    Interesting too that Trump is again threatening trade sanctions on yet another country, this time China. Could start as early as next week. So we will then have sanctions on both Russia and China,  pushing them even closer together, historically too trade wars usually lead to hot wars. Could be fun times ahead or lots of bluster?

    Your post is playing loose with that facts.  North Korea has frequently threatened Guam in the past. 


    And your comments about the U.S. attacking smaller countries is nonsense and off topic.

  2. 41 minutes ago, cumgranosalus said:

    Apparently NK's 'front;line" against the South is far too well protected and deep to be knocked out by the US attack.

    therefore before any holocaust unleashed by the US a frenzied attack on South Korea would wipe out millions of people (check the distance between Seoul and NK).


    So if Trump decides to take any direct military action he must be prepared to sanction the extinction of millions of Koreans.

    I don't think that's where NK keeps their nukes.


    The SK and U.S. have been on the other side of that front line for years.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Rancid said:

    Once upon a time US systems were the best, however seems there are now better systems (for some things) out there and at a fraction of the cost. Buying overpriced US weapons is just part of the act of homage to the empire. Look at OZ, we used to get great planes from the US, but now we are being ripped off buying the (sometimes) flying lemon F-35, why, because we we told we have to.

    Bitterness is not a substitute for facts.

  4. 14 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                           I know 4 year olds who can condemn hate.  I heard his response speech was tepid, and didn't focus on any group.  Rather like Rodney King saying, 'why can't we all get along?'  After Trump's flaccid response, he walked out without fielding any questions.  Right-wingers responded to Trump's response with, "Yay, he's still our guy!"  


                      There are soooooo many reasons Trump should be tossed out the exit door.  I wish I could say he's just ignorant and ineffectual, but in fact, he's much worse.......



    (Not this right winger...)


    Former KKK leader David Duke strikes out at Trump for condemning a white nationalist rally: 'It was White Americans who put you in the presidency'



  5. 22 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    With America preoccupied with a North Korean battle, this will happen:

    China will enter Taiwan and completely take over Hong Kong

    Russia will enter the Balkans again and take over the 3 countries there

    India and Pakistan will press buttons

    Nato countries will be left to defend Europe.

    Turkey will join the Russian faction

    The internet will be shut down completely to avoid information and leads

    ZERO tourists will come to Thailand

    The world economy will collapse


    Seriously folks, it looks pretty dire to me.

    Hysterical much?

  6. 1 minute ago, Morch said:

    Far as I gather, if a private firm was to be engaged, then it would have to include insurance (which will cover possible rescue of rescue team). Whether such a hypothetical rescue operation will be carried out by official or private operators is another issue. There will be some sort of waver signed beforehand, and probably a guarantee will be required.

    That makes sense.  


    I was a member of a helicopter rescue team, in the military.  No two rescues are the same.  But, it helps to know the terrain.  I would trust the locals, instead of outsiders.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yeah well, jokes aside - can anyone mount such rescue operations in the US? I'd think not. When doing a movie stunt shoot involving such things, there's a whole lot of paperwork and legalities involved, so this is probably more complicated. Getting a local firm to the piloting, less of an issue, but the rest could be legally tricky.

    I wasn't joking.  I believe 'who has to rescue the rescuer' is a fair question.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Morch said:

    Terrain, weather and all that...still odd the car remains in the water and they mount an operation. Can't tell exact conditions from pics and video, but they doesn't really look all that severe. Harsh, yes, impossible no. Seen such things done on somewhat similar locations (if not worse).


    There's a risk involved in all such missions, and obviously those calling the shots know what they're doing and are more aware of the available resources and prevailing conditions. It is true, though, that different units and different countries apply different guidelines when it comes to safety parameters and such. This doesn't necessarily bear on professionalism, though. Wonder if a Thai team would take more chances, and if it is even legally possible for them to carry out such an operation in the US.

    I don't know if it would be legal for Thai team to do the operation.  What happens if they get in trouble during the operation?  Who would the Thai team expect to rescue them?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, madmax2 said:

    If i was experienced without being a programmer i would not need a book to teach me

    Books are better you can read them and follower their instructions on the computer at the same time

    You might want to learn how to print, first.  Then you can advance to split screens.  Not to mention dual screens.  


    You're welcome.


























  10. (he's afraid of his own shadow...sounds like Trump :)


    "You never know how the North Koreans are going react ... especially Kim Jong Un who's afraid of his own shadow, who is concerned about him being toppled, regime change," said Richardson, adding he was encouraged that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tamped down Trump's rhetoric.



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