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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Right, so do your posts - except these studies were done by professional experts on the subject matter - which you are definitely not!
  2. That's a lot of dope! Also, great work telling the whole world that ANOM is covertly operated by the FBI. Providing that information to criminals was VERY helpful for future operations. They might as well just shut it down now
  3. No, there’s more than enough studies on the subject matter that prove you wrong!
  4. Getting the soil off the wall would be step 1, then you need to let the wall dry out completely, after that you can paint the wall with dry-lock paint, after that the soil can go back, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Some sort of drainage would be nice as well.
  5. I think you replied to the wrong guy because I'm totally with you on that! Your reply should've gone to Onemorefarang and KhaoYai.
  6. My first statement was meant more generally. I should've worded it better. My bad. In regards to gays raising kids you're completely wrong!
  7. What should be allowed is to put people like you in the stocks so they can be flogged publicly by anyone who’d likes to do so, you know, antiquated methods befitting for antiquated ways of thinking!
  8. I’ve read that part! My issue lies in what you’ve wrote about the “healthy environment” or lack thereof when it comes to gay couple having kids!
  9. No, I’ve got it 100% right! You think your opinion is correct and it is NOT and that’s all there is to it! You have no clue what the hell you’re talking about WHATSOEVER!!!
  10. You’re literally too ignorant/uneducated to be even having this conversation! So go troll someone else!
  11. It’s about acceptance and allowing people to live their lives as they see fit! Who the hell are you to tell a gay couple that they can’t get married?!
  12. Spoken like someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Gays haven been around as long as mankind so therefore being gay is just as “normal” as being heterosexual, just as much as it is natural because mankind is part of nature and therefore anything we do is by definition natural! As a matter of fact, homosexuality is a perfectly normal variation of human sexual orientation. At least that’s what the expert on the subject matter say, as opposed to you, Mr. Backyard Amateur The rest of your post in regards to what is an healthy environment for a kid is pretty much BS!
  13. Spoken like someone who simply can’t even imagine the possibility that there might be something else as well! Are you psychic? Can you look into their heads and see how they feel? Guess not, so therefore your opinion is just that - an ignorant one!
  14. Wow! You should go back to the Stone Age so you can be with your prehistoric opinions on subject matters you clearly know nothing about!
  15. It’s only a technical formality. They’ll get there. Thailand is one of the most, if not THE most accepting nation on the planet when it comes to LGBT & Co. issues!
  16. Unbelievable!!! How someone can do this at all, leave alone to an innocent 3 year old kid is beyond me. This is one of these case where I wish medieval torture methods could be used on the perpetrators!
  17. It’s essentially the same stuff, the difference being that the crystals will last considerable longer than the roll on in terms of how many times a year you have to buy it.
  18. The official color is yellow. Skip to 1:30 in the following video on YouTube:
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