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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. All the way to the pits of hell, I hope!
  2. He won’t get re-elected.
  3. Newsflash: he brought this totally onto himself and now he's paying the price, deservedly so I might add, and no matter how long you're gonna twist and turn that in your head, it won't change the fact. He's a megalomaniac and he should've never become president in the first place. He will also go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst, president the USA ever had! By the way, apparently he was the first US president, whom all still alive previous presidents warned against reelecting him. If that's true it says it all!
  4. The photo is literally directly beneath your post! Although, no pointing fingers.
  5. Didn't expect anything else from the shifty snake!
  6. The funny thing is, if he had done his sentence back then, he'd be free already for almost a decade. Having said that, I don't think he's gonna do 8 years because he wouldn't have come back for that. There's definitely some kind of deal in place.
  7. I don't think it's the meth that makes him act like that. There's more than enough people who take that <deleted> and they do not become violent. Killing animals is usually how future serial killers start out and the meth might just make come out what's already in there.
  8. Well, it's simple, don't buy stuff on Facebook, unless you can puck it up in person and pay with cash after inspection. It's such a shame that PayPal is only available as a business account in Thailand. They took the one thing away that actually made sense for online purchases.
  9. Of course they can: Ukraine "rebelled" against Russia, so Russia had to divert funds to "put Ukraine in its place", which short funded the space program, which lead to the accident and et voilá! ????
  10. I'm from Germany and in Germany Mopeds go all the way up to 125cc and only above that do we call it a motorcycle. What you mean is what we would call a Mofa. I used the term moped instead of bike because a bike gang usually implies outlaw motorcycle gangs like the Hells Angels for example, which they clearly aren't. Most Thai bike gangs, there I said it, usually ride smaller bikes, hence mopeds in my book.
  11. Since they know their identities, it's just a matter of time.
  12. 37 Baht for a shock absorber sounds incredibly cheap, even 370 Baht would sound like a reall cheap shock and of course you can't expect anything of such low quality. I'm on his side, though.
  13. That’s why there’s a link at the bottom of the story that says “full story”! ???? In a nutshell, 2 groups of moped gangs got into it, the guy who got killed went over there with some other guys to see what’s going on, only to find out that one of the guys involved in the scuffle is someone the guy who got killed had a beef with some time earlier, which caused that guy to shoot and kill him. The perpetrators are called Ice and Stamp and the cops are currently looking for them.
  14. It was homemade in this case. The reason why you haven’t seen a gun shop is because they’re all concentrated in one fairly small spot along Burapha Road, starting directly north of the Old Siam Center.
  15. Let me rephrase that then, Google, oh wait, scratch that, search engines are your friend!
  16. So, in other words he’s gonna get HI-So house arrest. Wouldn’t it be awesome, if they just told him that only to throw him into a medieval dungeon? I know, I know, it’s just a silly pipe dream of mine, but I’d really love that!
  17. That could backfire severely. I saw a court video once in which a woman took a much lower paid job than the one she had before so she would have to pay less child support. She even admitted in court taking that lower paid job for that very purpose. The judge wouldn't have it and sentenced her to pay the full amount based on her previous salary. Wouldn't be surprised, if the guy who sold the caddy for 50 bucks had to pay her the difference to half the car's actual market value.
  18. As someone who has taught children of that age for numerous years, it's just totally incomprehensible to me how someone can do that to such a young and innocent child!!!
  19. Well, the no contract between husband and wife law applies to Thais as well. The reason why foreigner can't buy land, (actually they can, but it's only half a rai, if I remember correctly, and you have to invest money into a government fund for 5 years before you can buy the land and you will have to live in the property yourself and can't rent it out) is that all the coast lines would've been bought up already by foreigners and foreign hotel chains and they want to prevent that and I'm totally fine with that!
  20. While the whole gendering issue is quite tedious and annoying at times and biologically speaking there are only two genders, there are definitely people that suffer from gender disphoria and you can twist and turn that for as long as you want, doesn't change the fact! Since you obviously do not suffer from gender disphoria you are not in a position where you can tell other people whether their gender issues are legitimate! Also, just because you can't or don't want to understand it doesn't mean it's not a real thing. Food for thought!
  21. A helmet wouldn't have had any effect when it comes to the wire around his neck!
  22. That's ridiculous! This law needs to be changed ASAP! Thanks for the info, though!
  23. Well, if you wanna play the game of thrones you better be prepared for it getting dirty!
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