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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Well, in this day and age virtually anything could be construed as child abuse!
  2. I agree. Although, spousal rape is very different from when a stranger rapes someone because in the case of the stranger in most cases it's not actually about the sex, unlike spousal rape or child molestation, it's about the power they exert over their victim in that very moment that gets them off. Otherwise they could just <deleted> or go see a prostitute. Spousal rape on the the other hand, while still rape, is about wanting to have sex and not accepting no.
  3. It's not a problem unique to Thailand. I see this <deleted> here in Germany as well on a daily basis! Some people just shouldn't drive!
  4. I'm done wasting my time on you. If you really wanna know then Google is your friend!
  5. Whatever gets you through the night! ????
  6. According to the link the rape crisis center did notify the cops and in cases of severe crimes like rape they will usually investigate regardless of whether the victim wants to press charges or not. Looks like they didn't have a lot to go on otherwise they would have at the very least arrested and interrogated him, which didn't happen as far as I know.
  7. The Kevin Spacey case was really an eye opener to me. Brand is certainly no angel, that's for sure, but rape? I don't know. Wait and see what the trial brings to light.
  8. Don't you think it's funny that she didn't report it to the police and instead waited how many years? Also, what was the point of going to the rape crisis center to doxument the rape when she then doesn't go to the cops? If she hadn't gone anywhere it would looked way less suspicious to me, but she went to the center and not the cops and I find that fishy! Having said that, I'm not saying, she's lying, but the cops will definitely have to look into the possibility that she might be trying to frame him.
  9. Oh, I'm sorry. Did the naked truth offend you? You left me no choice after you repeatedly put words in my mouth despite me telling you that you got it all wrong and you ARE extremely stubborn! Your mind is made up and you simply don't respond to reason. So let's just agree to disagree!
  10. My life became so much easier when I started to just walk away when taxi drivers gave me a number when I asked them if they wanna drive me somewhere! It is what it is and your little tiktok video won't change anything whatsoever! That's the naked truth!
  11. Trump was NEVER a good businessman and without his daddy's money he'd be fricking nothing!
  12. I never said that it doesn't deserve to go to trial! What you should try is to not put words in people's mouth!
  13. No, I'm not!!! Rape allegations are very serious and it's the cops job to investigate in all directions, that includes to make sure that she's not trying to frame him to rule out all options until they're left with the truth. Again and for the last time. I'm not saying she lying, I'm saying it's possible that she is. I'm not saying he didn't rape her either because that's a possibility, too. All I'm saying is, all we have right now is allegations that need to be investigated thoroughly and if it turns out she was lying she needs to be punished for it and if it turns out he raped her then he needs to be punished for it! Finally, I wouldn't go as far as calling them "factual" allegations. They're just allegations because nothing has been proven, yet. ! I also wonder why she didn't go to the cops back then right after the crisis center.
  14. Sorry, but the way this is written is inconclusive to me because of the word "adding" and the part that follows afer that! He could've apologized for something different and then she could've just added whatever she wants to make it look differently. I wanna see a screenshot. Also, he absolutely denies having raped anyone, but if they had it in writing that he admitted raping them then there's no point in denying it and this would be a textbook case of an open and shut case. I guess we'll have to wait end see what the trial brings to light. Until proven guilty he's innocent of the rape charges in my book.
  15. I'm not trying to shame anyone! All I'm saying is it is a possibility, and it's not like it hasn't happened before. Just look at Kevin Spacey! They totally ruined his career, but in court he won every single case! And again, did he apologize for raping her? Did he actually say I'm sorry I raped you? Don't think so because otherwise he'd be in prison already. So, in other words nothing has been proven, yet, and people are innocent until proven guilty but in your mind you've already burned him at the stake!
  16. Yep, I've always found it impossible to believe that a "billionaire" has to pay only 750 bucks of income tax!
  17. You’re missing the point. As I’ve said, having sex can cause injuries that are consistent with rape, whether you want to believe that or not doesn’t change the fact. So, in other words, it’s possible that she’s framing him for rape when they really only had sex. That’s all I’m saying! By the way, I hardly believe that he publicly apologized for “raping” her.
  18. Boys will be boys! Imagine having to go through life knowing that you’ve killed one of your best friends accidentally? What a nightmare!
  19. I'm not saying that's what happened. It was a general statement. Usually you have vaginal tears and abrasions when a woman gets raped. But you can also get that during rough sex.
  20. According to whom? Did he admit to that?
  21. I just wanted to post what I wanted to post and that’s it. Didn’t come to read the rest.
  22. So? You don’t expect me to go through all the comments on a given topic before I post my 5 cent, do you?
  23. Having rough sex and then having a rape test done afterwards will almost always result in a rape positive test. Some women are so devious, they’ll just about do anything, including accusing you of rape, when they don’t get their way or you dump then. Did she go to the cops? Did she press charges right away? Guess not! So, why did she go to the rape center, but not to the cops on the day? Why did she wait several years?
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