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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. Of course there's also always the possibility that you're pompous!
  2. Thanks for the flowers! ???? Of course instead of educating me on the subject matter in your reply to me, you chose a ride on your high horse and now you offer the explanation to someone else. I guess you get a kick out of ridiculing other people! Your mother must be so proud of you! Speaks volumes about your character!
  3. But why the very slow decent rate then? As I've said before the plan traveled at a speed of 360 kilometers an hour. That's literally engines off, nose down!
  4. The engines were definitely off, otherwise the plane would've decended a lot faster than at a speed of 360 kilometers an hour. 360kmh is literally the plane falling out of the sky nose down with no engines. Hopefully the voice recorder will shed some light.
  5. That's news to me, although I haven't been following up. If that was the case then this would certainly speak for engine problems.
  6. 6000 meters in a minute equals 360 kilometers an hour, that's very slow for an airliner. It's essentially the max speed a plane can reach by just falling nose down straight out of the sky, which makes me think engines failure, but it's definitely not being massively overspeed.
  7. I don't think it was suicide because of the "slow" decent of the plane. 6000 meters in a minute equals 360 kilometers per hour, which is essentially terminal velocity for a plane falling nose down straight out of the sky, which makes me think that the engines must have failed because at full throttle that plane could've easily done 1000 kilometers an hour going straight down. Of course there's always the possibility that the pilot wanted to prolong the misery.
  8. Forced castration in Germany hasn't been a thing since nazi times. As a matter of fact, political demand for forcible castration of pedophiles has been ruled unconstituonal in 2017.
  9. Well, the company is right about the green water. It's not their problem because regular pools needs chemicals like chlorine to keep the water clean and to prohibit algae buildup. Having said that, it's definitely not normal to have a pool leaning and the huge gap on the right hand side doesn't seem to be normal either. Press charges! Nice view by the way!
  10. That guy will never learn his lesson! None of the cronies he installed were able to hold on to the power, nor were they able to escape unscathed. I'm surprised he actually still finds people wanting to do the job! I'd be hell no!!!
  11. He hasn't officially retired, yet, as far as I know, although it'd be well deserved. He's been in the business long enough already.
  12. Sorry, but how exactly is having sweats and a cough "surviving" Omicron??? I got the Delta variant despite two vaccinations and went through the same as you, but not in a million years would I consider myself to be a "survivor"!!! Having said that, I'm glad for you it went the way it did!
  13. I used to own one and he loved everything and everyone except cats. When I was walking down the street and a chubby person with a baseball cap came our way he freaked out, in a good way I might add, because he thought it's my best friend. Every time the doorbell rang he went into a friendly frenzy because we got visitors. Best dog ever. Only barked when it was needed and the rest of of the time he was taking naps. Of course, if you don't train a dog properly and that applies to all dog breeds, you'll have problem and in the case of a Rottweiler a very big one. That's not a must, though, just because you don't train a Rottweiler doesn't mean that they'll become automatically vicious. If the ones you encountered were vicious then they were made that way by the guy who owns them, of course there's also the possibility that you just though they were vicious due to the prejudice you might have towards them.
  14. Buy from AliExpress then. I only had two problems there so far. The first time the item I ordered hadn't arrived after 3 months, this was during covid when flights were suspended, though. So I opened a case with AliExpress and I've got my money back within 3 days. The item did eventually arrive two weeks after I've got my money. The second time the seller sent me a tracking number which never worked. Two weeks after he "shipped" the item it still said it's in China. So he obviously never shipped the item to begin with. I've contacted him and he told me it's on his way and to be patient. When I asked him why the shipping number doesn't work he came up with a cheap excuse, so I've opened a case with AliExpress and got my money back within 3 days. The only downside is sometimes the long shipping times, but that's mostly the case with low cost items that include free shipping. I've had items arrive after only 10 days also. Overall my experiences with AliExpress so far were good.
  15. It stopped being a discussion when you denied that cannabis does have medicinal purposes and you began to refuse to even consider contrary evidence. Your mind is made up, you don't want to believe it and that's that! By the way, neither your subliminal insults nor your twisting and turning of my replies does change the fact that cannabis does have medicinal purposes, as has been proven by studies, regardless of your opinion and that's all there is to it! So, as I've said before, keep sticking your head in the sand. No skin off my nose!
  16. I don't believe it was deliberate because there would've been much better ways to get rid of him without it leading back to the cops. They could've just gunned him down on the street somewhere. People getting killed while in police custody never shines a good light on cops. And getting rid of someone you killed while he's in your custody involves a lot of moving pieces. It pretty much would have had to have been sqnctioned by the top brass and it would simply be too much effort and hassle to pull off for such a low priority target. Looking at the mess it created for him, he lost his cars, his mansion, his money and a big chunk of his life, if he even makes it out alive that is, tells me that it wasn't planned that way at all.
  17. Mate, you lost the argument already several posts back, but keep sticking your head in the sand and ignore the facts. No skin off my nose! ????
  18. Riiiight! Keep on hating buddy! It's all good. I'll stick with the opinion of experts on the subject matter instead! ????
  19. Not really. First degree means it was either planned, deliberate or willful and that was most definitely not the case. It was torture gone wrong and I hope he rots in prison for the next 25 years.
  20. Accidents happen and nothing is really "fully" preventable as much as I'd like that to be true, but yeah, education goes a loooooong way!
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