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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. Well, I've just called AirAsia on their UK number (the Thai number kept cutting me off after I pressed the "number 9 for English" option), and the guy first tried to offer me a credit valid for the next 3 months, and for the same flight, ie BKK to Ubon.

    I said it was no good, and after a few exchanges he offered a full refund.

    He did say it would be made back to the original card that I paid with, and in the next 30 to 60 days, so if he keeps his promise, it will have turned out alright.

    I have read several similar threads to this with differing outcomes, so I guess it depends on luck who you talk with if you do need to cancel.

    It is a shame how they can cancel flights, without needing to give any reason, and then expect the customer to lose out.

    Anyway, I just now need to find an alternative means of getting to Ubon, but I'll do that on another thread.....

    Best of luck to anyone else in the same situation.

    I rest my case. Everything to do with AA is a hassle.

  2. My advice on AA is to find another airline. The prices are just not worth it. You will never get the ticket for the first quote you see anyhow. More will be added.

    I'm going to politely disagree here. AA 95% of the time fine, they sometimes get behind on their schedule but otherwise of the 50 or 60 flights I have had with them the past 5 years, no problems.

    Have they changed the insurance option that is not an option? Have they changed the fee increase if you want to change the flight the same day? Everything you want or need to to do with this airline leads to a price increase.

  3. OP don't think you can get the trees to ever produce what they could have, if taken care of from day one. They will always be poor producers. Which will mean that it will be hard to get tappers. Jim

    This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you.

    I thought the same but did not know.

  4. It does not matter what you want to do with AA, you will pay more than the tell you for the ticket. If you want to change flights, it will cost you. They will also scam you into buying insurance and tell you you can decline it later but I defy you to find hwere you can cancel the insurance on the website. These are just some of the reasons I won't fly them.

    Thyey make American carriers look good and that is bad.

  5. There is a fantastic road in Loei that goes up and over some mountains. Very nice twisties and alot of elevation changes. I don't remember exactly where, but it is on the standard route from Bangkok to Loei that is on Google Maps directions and also on my Garmin Thai maps. It begins approximately 20 km outside of Muang Loei, and lasts for approximately 40ish km and was quite exhilarating even in a big truck. I often couldn't see over the front of the truck on the way up some very steep sections, and on the way down I could let the truck coast in neutral from a standstill to over 120 km per hour, which I stopped well before for safety. The drop off to either side was several hundred meters in some spots, certainly a death sentence, and of course no ra.iling, as it was all farmland and very rural. It is on my must drive list next on my motorcycle. Here is a link.


    Been on this road also in a car. It a must on the next bike ride.

    Also been told about 1148 in NAN province to Chiang Kham

  6. I have looked at some properties with rubber trees approx 8-10 years old but not nearly big enough to start cutting. They look healthy otherwise.

    My question is if one were to fertilize these trees for a while would they grow to a reasonable size soon enough. How long would it take? a year or 2 ?

    Is it worthwhile?

  7. What? They forgot to include the Comet aircraft. Although they did show a Concorde for a brief second.

    The could have shown a jungle scene to represent the Heathrow experience. No images of luggage piled up at T5 and that is probably one of the most memorable moments in recent BA history.whistling.gif

    What is it with guys and their constant beef about Heathrow ??

    Have used out and back on average 12 times yearly multipled by 20 years.

    Never ever had a problem.

    40 miles of tunnels does it for me.

  8. What a load of rubbish this is!

    No medical or scientific background or supportive reason and if anything it's just a swelling up of tissue after being attacked and no more. Most people who get hit hard have swelling and then it dies down unless hit again.

    The cost quoted are as ridiculous as the claims.

    It's completely laughable and if anything may have detrimental effects if undertaken frequently!

    Absolute crap!!!!


  9. having owned internet cafes in the UK its standard practice . if you want to print you use a pc , pay for the pc and also the printing .

    thats what differentiates between a print shop and a internet cafe.

    UK, <deleted>.

    In the USA, FEDEX Office I take a thumb drive in ans come out with a printed copy for 12 cents. All I did was stand in line and wait about 2 minutes. I don't even know why they bother to charge.

    I have had them print so I can sign papers, scan them, put them back on my drive and give me copies for 60 baht. More than 1 paper.

  10. Man some of you guys are so petty. For god sake the persons in business and your quibbling over 5 baht. Amazing. if she had been pleasant and sexy would you have complained, I doubt it?

    I've also been living in Thailand for many years and understand that some Thai business practices are a little odd to say the least. But 5 baht, why bother.

    If the sign says 5 Baht, the price is 5 Baht. If they thought Farang should pay more then don't put the sign in English.

  11. I see quite a few fat monks....strange how that can happen if they only have one meal a day.

    Have also heard horror stories of massive amounts of child molestation going on in temples during the season when the young novices stay at the temples. Have heard about it from many Thai adults. All hush hush though.

    It all depends on what you call a meal.:whistling:

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