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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. I tried but could find any coverage on this.

    I don't need Homeland Security thinking I am sending money to some terrorist organization.

    Soon I will be needing to send money to my account in Thailand in preparation for retirement. I am sure $25,000 will prick up somebody's ears. Am I better off sending it in smaller sums? :o

    Any other ears that might prick up?

  2. I realize that many of us foreigners are alot wealthier than most Thais, but their are many Thais that are wealthy, too--and why are they not penalized as well with higher prices, so I would appreciate posts be left out stressing that we have more money than they do--so we should be expected to pay more--be more directed to the topic that it is "unfair" and "racist" to charge more to people of different colour.

    This here is an important point.

    There are approximately 6 mil Thais who are probably better off than a high percentage of visitors to the Kingdom. And it is from this pool of Thais where the users of nice hotels / resorts etc receive "special" Thai price, not from the other 60 mil citizens of the country who the double tier pricing system is supposed to benefit.


    I had a Thai sister in law that worked at a bungalow/hotel place in Koh Samui. She told me that the hotel charged Thais more because if they can afford to be at a hotel at all, they have a lot of money.

  3. Dubya ruined my country. Almost all people outside the U.S. recognize this and a majority of U.S. residents do as well. I just hope his predecessor can repair some of the damage. :D

    Who, Bill Clinton..... :o

    Who? Jimmy Carter......... and list goes on, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein .............

    These people actually embarrass me.

  4. I hope to not even see tourists. The Thais that live away from tourist areas have a much better attitude toward falang than those that do and I am much more comfortable living amongst them.

    I also think that the falang that live away from the tourist areas have a much better attitude than those in the tourist areas. Therefore, I would not need to compete with them.

  5. Two young nuns had been given instruction to paint a room at the convent with explicit intruction to not get paint on their habits.

    So, they decided to paint in the nud_e. As they were painting away there was a knock on the door. Shaken, one asked "Who is it?"

    The reply came "Blind man." So they thought no problem and she opened the door. The guy standing there holding an arm full of window blinds after a pause says "Where do you want me to put them?"

  6. It has been suggested by a Thai that I may want to live in this area on Hwy 401 or 415. As far as I know he has no vested interest in this.

    I told him I wanted to live away from it all. I have no problem with living Thai style except my living quarters would have to be western style. I plan on building that myself on leased land. I figure I would be about 4 hours from Surat or Phuket.

    Anybody know anything about this area? :o

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