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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. Whether tits or teeth, one would be foolish to go for the cheapest.

    As in all things in life, you get what you pay for.

    Bangkok Pattaya hospital does implants around 45,000 Baht depending on cup size. A full sex change is around 120,000, so I'm told.

    45,000 per side. I never figured out why anyone would want only one side at a time done.

  2. Great news for Teesside, greetings to all expat "Smoggies" everywhere

    Re "putting Thailand down" - In the west the workers fought against absolute monarchy, corrupt religions , exploitative bosses etc hundreds of years ago, the workers saw through all the brainwashing, personality cults and propaganda that was used to keep their wages low. That is why present day workers from the west have enough cash, pensions and benefits to settle in poor countries like Thailand that have HUGE gaps between top and bottom

    The Thai workers could also have risen up and fought for their rights in the past, but they did NOT.

    I'd bet the Indians got out because of you fighters.

  3. Have no recommendation but you might try T&T construction in Pattaya. 084 725 0439 They gave me a good price, and so far the only real quote, in Nong Bua Lamphu.

    Alanthebuilder had an astronomical quote. Only about 1,000,000 Baht more than the rest.

    Also there is a German outfit you might try. [email protected]

  4. I think the op means by having no paperwork meaning not having the green book.

    He doesn't say no paperwork, Just that they would do the paperwork when he returned. He may very well have the book.

    Sorry, re read the title.

  5. One good reason not to drive one of those cheap small cars.. small accidents kill you when they should just give you a good scare

    Have you ever been to Kuwait and watched them drive? Some could kill themselves in a tank if they could get it to go fast enough.

    Not trying to be callous but what kind of car you are in does not make any difference if you drive with common sense.

    The pic does not look like a small accident. I looks like speeding and sliding off the road into a pole.

  6. If you don't think immigration and FBI are not monitoring exit points you are being near sighted. From the moment you buy your ticket to the moment you board the plane you are being monitored. Just because you don't get stamped at a desk on exit doesn't mean they are not there.

    monitored is defined by active observation and that simply isn't true. Homeland does not have the resources to "monitor" every citizen traveling domestically and/or abroad, even with their $90 billion a year budget. there are 4k domestic flights in the US daily. how many people do you guess that would take to monitor all those passengers? they certainly aren't going to dedicate massive resources to passengers leaving the US.

    they do electronically scan all flight data for flags. but unless you have a Federal warrant or your name is Mohammed and you were put on a watch list by the "intel" guys in Baghdad, you are fine.

    i don't owe anything and i am pretty sure no one is looking for me, however the US govt does actively share data with private companies. your free voluntary registration will eventually land in the hands of someone you don't want to have it.

    Just read an article about how the IRS cannot be certain where you data is at any one time. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/taxgirlfeed/~3/0cmAW4UCmcQ/

  7. Just flying here alerts the US to where you are. Remember passing through immigration when you left? Registering here is a good thing. I get regular updates via email. And the more US citizens they know that live here, the better services they will provide.

    Who cares about the FBAR. I make no money here on it, so don't have to pay taxes. No biggie. TurboTax kicks out the form automatically.

    I donot know which airport you leave from but I have never passed thru immigration on my way out of the states, security yes immigration no, Los Angeles is my point of departure.

    No departure point in the US has immigration. There are sometimes voluntary forms given out by the airlines but I have never been asked for them and have never volunteered them.

    If you don't think immigration and FBI are not monitoring exit points you are being near sighted. From the moment you buy your ticket to the moment you board the plane you are being monitored. Just because you don't get stamped at a desk on exit doesn't mean they are not there.

    A bit paranoid aren't you? Anyhow the point was that there are no immigration check points when exiting the US.

  8. This free service brought to you by the folks that now charge $85.00 for previously free passport pages. It is good to see where our money is going.

    Are they also charging more to get a new passport now?

    This is a major game changer I am shocked to hear this!

    It is so stingy and unfair that they only give you about 24 pages in the new passport and then will charge another $85 for how many cents worth of paper and time spent?

    Meanwhile the republicans continue to seek loopholes and tax breaks for wealthy billionares and oil companies dont you just love it?

    This is unconstitutional and could possibly be contested in court as it is an unfair tax on traveling.

    Justice William O. Douglas held that the federal government may not restrict the right to travel without due process:

    The right to travel is a part of the 'liberty' of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment. If that "liberty" is to be regulated, it must be pursuant to the law-making functions of the Congress. . . . . Freedom of movement across frontiers in either direction, and inside frontiers as well, was a part of our heritage. Travel abroad, like travel within the country, . . . may be as close to the heart of the individual as the choice of what he eats, or wears, or reads. Freedom of movement is basic in our scheme of values.

    When you apply for a passport, you can request a 48 page passport. Also I doubt new pages $85 but it is no doubt that there is a charge for something that should be free. They have come up with some really far out reasons to charge money so why should that be left out.

    New passports are 28 pages of which u have 20 pages available for stamps. there are NO 48 passports any more sice they added the chips inside. $85 for additional sets of pages and when u go to request the new set ask for two sets for the same price.

    Oh, I see, They are helping again. Cut out the 48 page passport so we can jab them more often for the $85 extension pages. Exactly the help I need.

  9. The craziness of everyone on this post who thinks this is a trap to snoop on ex-pats!

    You know what? FINE… don't register!

    I am amazed at how the US Embassy/Government is "Big Brother" when it requests basic contact information to locate you in case of an emergency (political unrest, tsunami, etc)... but it becomes "Daddy Warbucks" when you get squeamish about political unrest and want a plane ticket home, get in trouble with the law here and want Embassy assistance, run out of money since you spent it all on your Thai girlfriend (who has since dumped you for another farang), you got robbed while hanging out at some seedy dive bar and you need cash for a hotel, or the airports close down and you demand (yes… DEMAND) that the USG get you out of here.

    It's a two-way street. Give a little… get a lot in case of need. Give nothing… you’re on your own, my friend!

    As for the onerous data requirements for traveling to/from the US… name, date of birth and gender? If that's too much to ask, you've probably got something you're hiding.

    (And for those of you who do not understand a reference to George Orwell's "1984"… please go out and read a book for once!)

    I can guarantee you, I will not be asking for anything.

  10. It depends on the Dongle. Most new dongles have the software built in, but my older Merlin X720, came with a CD.

    If that is the case you can copy the software from the CD to a USB drive or search the net. I downloaded a newer version of the software from the manufactures web site.

    Linux comes with drivers built in. So far I have tried 3 different CDMA/3G dongles and all were detected without the need for downloading drivers

    Ok thanks, Will try. If not she can take it to a shop and have them install with an external.

  11. Haven't had a problem with LEO but then I don't think I have ever drank more than 4 large bottles at a sitting.

    Now I do Blend 285 and soda. Just enough whiskey to sweeten the soda. Can drink all day and stay hydrated too.

  12. Just flying here alerts the US to where you are. Remember passing through immigration when you left? Registering here is a good thing. I get regular updates via email. And the more US citizens they know that live here, the better services they will provide.

    Who cares about the FBAR. I make no money here on it, so don't have to pay taxes. No biggie. TurboTax kicks out the form automatically.

    I donot know which airport you leave from but I have never passed thru immigration on my way out of the states, security yes immigration no, Los Angeles is my point of departure.

    No departure point in the US has immigration. There are sometimes voluntary forms given out by the airlines but I have never been asked for them and have never volunteered them.

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