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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. As others have said it is rather simplistic to ask if someone would rather be married or sleep around. Basically this can be done in any country.

    I enjoy being with my entire Thai family. The girls are great, MIL and FIL are great. The wife is excellent and actually has more than a thought or 2 in her head.

  2. In Bangkok area is a Chinese hospital. I forget the name but I stayed at the Twin Towers hotel and it was withing a 10 minute walk. On Google Earth coordinates are

    100 30'59.95 E

    13 45'00.34 N

    Be sure to have Hospitals block checked in the Layers gallery.

    You have to get a Thai to translate the Name. I went there. They want you to go for around 10 sessions. Each session was 400-500 Baht. It seems no one speaks English and some of the doctors don't speak Thai. Only Chinese and English. Take a Thai with you.

    I think the best treatment is Room 202 or 204. I had one Chinese lady doctor there that stabbed a needle in the side of my foot. I thought there would be more but she just came to ask me how my pain was. It was then that I realized that it was gone.

    Unfortunately, I did not have the time to complete 10 visits but I am sure that it helped.

  3. Go buy some Tiger balm. Do you farang actually believe that Thailand or any other country should have exactly what you had at the 7-11 down the street in your hometown?

    Makes me certain I wanted to live far away from you all.

  4. Substantially more costs involved in supplying water to Cities than to villages. Large capacity treatment plants , pumping stations mains, - the list goes on.More people live in Cities ? of course ,but the cost per head is much, much higher..When I lived in a village ,yes about B20. but in a small town ,it is about B120. Not surprising ,in the least, that in, Buriram city ,you are paying B 160+. Yes they are all METERED

    Well I cant afford these £3 outrageous bills so from now on its one shower a day for my tribe not 20... :whistling:

    Actually hard to believe I'm moaning (tongue in cheek) when my water bills in UK are around £60 a month (South West water)

    I leave the moaning for the wife. She never had to pay for air conditioning, so when we had a 999 baht electric bill she was horrified. I thought $30 isn't bad at all.

  5. Not wishing to get you to disclose personal information but it is a big help to people if they need medical care if they have an idea of what it has cost others.

    If you can post aproximate costs it would be nice.

    Appendectomy, 41,000 Baht. Emergency room, diagnosis, including ultrasound and blood work, 3 days stay and all medications. Loei Ram hospital.

  6. Glad to know you are healthy. My experience with Thai hospitals and doctors has been very good. I have seen doctors in the good ole USA that I would not give the time of day.

    I've had an appendectomy, broken bones, cysts removed and dental needs taken care of and professionally diagnosed. The naysayers probably went to the cheapest government hospitals they could find.

    There are some places in Thailand you do not want to go to for treatment. Government hospitals are good and bad. The locals know which ones to never step foot inside.

  7. I don't care about the smoke and mirrors, just give us some of those nice 350s on the London route please.

    A320s are Air Asia's staple fodder are they not? I'm no aircraft geek, but they seem like nice nippy little runabouts (will be much better without the AA sit up and beg thingys that parade fraudulently as passenger seats)

    For short, under two hour regional flights, I'd much rather have Air Asia's minimally reclining seats in exchange for not having the head of the passenger in front of me practically in my lap.

    Air Asia; IMHO, does more things right that any other discount carrier in the region.

    Negative. If you want cheap assed and insurance you don't want or need, go to Air Asia. If you want comfort go anywhere else.

  8. Thailand has a bit of a cushion as it has room to borrow. I certainly hope there is no EU/USA style borrowing or printing of money.

    Perhaps, if the government made an effort at collecting all taxes due, there might be some revenue to fund the proposed development plans.

    Starting with Thaksin and his Children, perhaps?

    Children already been exempted. Thaksin's gains will be soon.

  9. Thailand record exports in June

    Thailand government borrowing at 42%

    Of course the world is having a tough time of it, but I reckon just about any country in Europe would swap to have these figures. Just as the article above mentions, Korn injected money into the economy, and there is potentially 18% of GPD available to stimulate the economy if required (not that they will necessarily use it).


    If nothing else, the USD continuing to tank means that oil is getting cheaper in baht terms, so every cloud has a silver lining. The 3.5% GDP growth at the lower end of the scale may be all that is achieved, but in global terms that would probably be considered fantastic.

    I fail to see when the USD tanks it makes oil cheaper since it takes more dollars to buy it. The baht has not appreciated that much.

  10. I paid PEA (a lot of money) to run poles and wire with a transformer about 2 km from the nearest road. It comes to the front of the property. Apparently included in this deal, was smaller poles and cables to a meter running about 100 m to the house site.

    Of course with the looks of wiring in Thailand I did not want this last run to the house but my wife says it is all they will do.

    It will be interesting when I hire a private contractor to install a conduit and have the PEA poles and wiring removed.

  11. Question? Which Sauna did he have his unfortunate did he meet his untimely death.

    The reporter failed in his coverage of his story or the sauna is a well known sauna that seeks any negative advertising.

    And why is it so important to you to know WHICH sauna he came to his end,as it is clear that the sauna was not the cause of his dead.

    I would imagine everyone would have wanted to know the name of the hotels in Chiang Mai that so many died at? What about the deaths in Phi Phi?

  12. They have won the election and will do what they want.

    Even if it means rushing to put place-men or well-connected family-members into non-elected jobs ? Isn't there a word, beginning with "n", for acting like that ? Looks just like an 'administrative coup' to me ! B)

    Hi Ricardo

    I wonder where all these seekers of justice ... and battlers against "n" were ---- when Abhisit and Suthep did precicley that which you now so boldly condemn??

    Do you remember that after the bloody clash between protestors and police during October 2008 outside Parliament House when the NHRC recommended that the then Police Chief-- the man in overall command -- should be charged with murder... that the then PM (PPP-- Somchai Wongsawat) immediately stood him down from his post?

    When the Democrats assumed Government soon after..... one of the new PMs first actions was to reinstate the disgraced Police Chief.

    (Police Chief Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan denied that his reinstatement had anything to do with his elder brother, Pravit, now being Defence minister.)

    And it would have been far too much to ask any of these warriors to have questioned the Democrats actions when shortly after they issued orders to transfer 73 other high-level police officers to inactive posts.

    Ricardo..........Just trying add a little balance to this ......

    Thialand will never go anywhere if it uses previous corruption to justify future corruption, or previous nepotism to justify future nepotism. As evey ruling political party in this country has, at some point, been corrupt (or at least been accuses of corruption) then this would be a carteblanche free pass - because "the oppostion" did it!

    It's about time people here (Thais as they are the voting populous and the MPs) looked at addressing issues of the day and moving away from the all-encompassing endemic corruption that exists now.

    And just how does corruption apply to Thailand's government and not to any western country's government. Is it only because it is more blatant in Thailand?

  13. So u are saying issan has nothing to offer apart from your lady or lady boy in some cases i think quite insulting to issan as a place on the world map.

    Hmm,been coming to Thailand since 89 and have lived here in Issan full for almost 8 years ,I never thought of Issan as a tourist destination , and stuck to the Southern beach area's ,but like most farangs if truth is known I have come here to reside and settle down with a Thai lady,having said all that, now I am here, I would live no where else , maybe I am lucky cos there are many farangs in my area who have much in common with myself, I have also heard of farangs living miles away from anywhere with no farangs to partake of a beer or 3 in the evenings which is not for me ,I've got true TV my PC, my own car ,no financial worries, and a little lady I think the world of as she does me ,I can breath clean air too, hey I ask you what more could an old goat like me ask from life!!!.

    My attachment to my lady is what brought me here. The pure fact that it is not a tourist destination is what keeps me here. So few farang that it seems strange when I see them. I don't like tv, I don't need to socialize with other farang and I do see beauty in the landscape.

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