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Posts posted by Gonsalviz

  1. If it was northwesr of Ao Nang and north of the Royal Residence it is for loading cement on to ships.


    i don't know where it was, we were in a motorbike ride.

    Here are two fotos where you can see (badly) the "bridge" and the panorama, maybe you can localize... :) post-116777-0-40463100-1316395286_thumb.


    For certain, the top pic is just up the road from the Sofitel. I guess I stand corrected. It would be for loading lime on the ships rather than cement.

    The pic looks like it was taken from just about where we stay.

  2. Just give it another few weeks until the rain and flood water subside, then the thai people will have forgotten about it and move onto something else.

    they have the attention span of a goldfish and so this will be forgotten about in the dry season until rainy season is here again.

    Then the bitching and whining will start again about the floods and what can we do. here 9 years now and its the same every year. :rolleyes:

    Today everyone in our village and the surrounding villages got food packages worth 200 baht each. the real bad flood problems are miles away but they gave the food packages to everyone. As usual all the people in our villages were distracted by this free item and forgot they were pissed off at the state of the roads and that the electricity goes of if a gecko farts.

    The government knows how to play the game with these forgetful voters. they all think about what they can get for free today and let tomorrow take care of its self.

    If the government gave the food packages to the families who really needed it and used the cash left over to put in place flood prevention measures, things would be better. but not gonna happen.

    I know for a Fact that these same food parcels will be available for retail in the local markets in a couple weeks.

    All politicians are all the same in their creamoff the top escapades. the only progress achieved is their bank balances getting bigger.

    As the madagasgar penguins keep saying, "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.' :welcomeani:

    Sorry. I made my entry before I read yours. But I did use a lot less words to say the same thing.

  3. Over weight, over lenght, over width, and simply unsafe to other motorist

    they damage the left lane of traffie then drive in the right lane without moving over

    And while we are making the highways safer and better, can't something be done about the police check point that stay on the road at all times making a safety hazard as you drive at 119 kph or make bottle necks of traffic for no reason ?

    Thailand sends navy ships of to Somali to help fight the pirates, but does nothing about the highway pirates dress as police that extort money to pass for no reason at all except extra pocket money

    You might try driving closer to the speed limit.

  4. Was the article paid for by the TAXI mafia? Makes me wonder.

    I'd take the Airport Rai Link anytime. Hate it when I have to argue with taxi drivers who try to scam me. You don't get that with the ARL.

    No traffic jams on the ARL. Once the train starts moving from Makasan Station - you are almost sure that you will get to Swampy in less than 1/2 hour. With a taxi, you never know when you'll get there. Just adds to a travellers anxiety - which I don't need.

    So you can diss the ARL all you want but it's still a great way of travelling between Swampy and downtown Bkk.

    I have none of those problems with taxis. Perhaps it is because of the points I travel to and from but I think not because it can be Nana, Lat Phrao, Bang Na and Bang Bon. Sometimes even up to Bang Pa In.

    It is by far easier to throw my BIG bags in the boot an retrieve them when I get to where I am going. Granted, my wife meets me at the airport and drops me off there but I travel in taxis on my own too.

    Several years back, I had problems with them. Before they wanted to use meters. Now that they use meters and I pay the tolls, I have no problems.

    By far the best way to get to and from Swampy.

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