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Posts posted by featography

  1. but I very much doubt that they'd fail to take the threat of it seriously, and so there wouldn't be too many corners cut I'm sure

    Lets look at the bright side... If there was a melt down, think of all the glow in the dark babies that the parents could send into the cities to earn a living as a freak show.

    Some weeks ago an expert in the field of Nuclear power plants, who lives here in Thailand gave an impressive explanation with documents supporting the argument that Thailand is the last place that should have ONE nuclear power plant. He also stated that Thailand is one of a minority countries that has year round unlimited wind, and wind powered generators would be cost effective, efficient, and totally harmless. It is his fear that kick backs, corruption, no safety enforcement, or practice of safety laws and rules, in all Thai life would be a recipe for disaster. Not only would a nuclear mishap probably kill a million Thai, but the winds would carry the fallout to other countries as well. This scares me mak mak.

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    "The accused has admitted to carrying out some of the acts of which he is accused, but told investigators he had never had the impression he was forcing the girls to comply with his wishes, the charge sheet alleges." It says 10 kids between ages 3 and 8 and never had the imprssions he was forcing them????? what kind of cop out is that?

  3. These insurance companies are a fraud for not helping a war hero in his hour of need. I hope the Insurance company loses a lot of business over this as other tourists may be worried about what they do cover under the terms of the policy. The Danish newspare should be congraulated for stepping in to help

    These Travel insurance companies are a fraud to a lot of people, not just war heroes. Is it uncommon knowledge, or an uncommon practice with home country insurance companies, to not cover insureds while vacationing in foreign countries?? Mine covered me anywhere in the world with a few exclusions; involvement in war as an example.

  4. Don't drink the rain water. Every hear of acid rain? Well, Bangkok (or Thailand) ain't the Swiss Alps.

    In BKK & Chaing Mai...do not drink 'rainwater'. Anywhere else in Thailand...do drink the rainwater.

    Most of those urns catch the rain run off, from roofs, that I have seen. My late mother in law died from flu like symptoms while in the hospital. She lived, and family still lives on a farm in Phetchburi. Tests resulted in the findings that she died of bird flu, and it was surmised she caught if from birds doing their duty on the roofs and the rains carrying the virus down to the urns.

    As far as the 20L, 15B bottles, I have always disbelieved the safety in those. Compare the price per liter with those bottles, and ask yourselves, How can they make any profit at that price, and maintain quality control, much less health safety concern?? I'll continue to go with the smaller bottles. At least you can see in, and thru them.

  5. <BR>Bangkok Hospital Phuket was going to charge me about twice the price of my local pharmacy for the same drug, outpatient. I got a bit angry with the doctor there as well. I guess Thais never question a doctor. She was a bit taken aback by my questioning her. And then got a bit rude to me, which doesn't fly with an American that is taught to ask questions of their doctor and be informed. At that point I told her to give me all the test results, paid the bill and never went back there.<BR>
    <BR><BR><BR>My beliefs exactly. True too, Thai never question doctors. Doctors have the hight education, deal 90% with the sub educated populace, have that class distinction above them, and dont like  being questioned, or disputed. My wife has gone from horrified to embarrassed over the years, when I ask the questions of the doctors, as you and I have been taught to do in US. Shocked and disbeliving when I tell her our doctors advise us to ask for 2nd and or 3rd opinions. They dont want to make a mistake, and want another doctor to validate their prognosis. Together, you, I and hopefuly other farang will do our little part to change the Thai attitude. Argue or fight with us as they will, make no mistake about it, they ARE listening and learning the western way, and discreetly changing. Hang in there Bro.
  6. TAT's "Rose tinted" Crystal Ball is working over time again.:whistling:

    What political situation has eased ? Tell that to the families of the Thai soldiers killed down South.

    Red Shirts are out of sight but not out of hearts and minds.

    Why is that political propaganda slogan written in English but not Thai? "Together we can" Can what?

    Thats an Abisit thing; he has a thing for Obama and loves to use his slogans, copy his actions, and just plain emulate him.

    It would be easy to predict domestic Tourism in Europe. Because millions do not have the spare cash to come and be Amazed in Thailand.

    Amazed - - Shock and stunned more like.:o

    I only wish that TAT's prediction were to come true, if there is one thing Thailand needs soon, its a boom in Tourism.:jap:

  7. Don't know where to fit this in, just curious;

    Is Abhisit a British Citizen? no great political importance, though it would be in other countries, like America, for one.

    His Govt is going to make expats give up their home nationalities, maybe Britain, Germany, Canada, Sweden, America, should copy this 'wise' move for all of the Thai expats

    Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner. Some less well informed posters have made comments that since he was born there he should go back there, which is rather absurd when you think about it..

    Not sure what your comments about making expats give up their 'home nationalities" is all about?

    He is Thai and thinks like a Thai with some western influence admittedly but still Thai

    Have to take your word that he's thinking, but I'm sure he can sing all the Thai songs. It would appear that he is being coached, probably from an American perspective, since he has reduced his incessant blinking down to only 80-100 times per minute, his choice of ties and suits has improved, he has been keeping his hair better-styled, and he has moved to standing presidentially at a podium flanked by flags and an official seal instead of sitting wherever at empty tables when addressing the nation.

    Thats because his idol is Obama. He, little doubt,, watches, learns the US, Obama technique. No alcohol talking here. I have been observing Abisits evolution on television and snewspapers. What you have said, is likely more accurate than even you realize.

  8. How sad... but how many have been closed due the sight of soldiers killing people in the street? How many businesses have been closed because of the airport occupation and how many have been closed due to the incompetence of Abhisit's boss Suthep? Lots more, the difference is that it is pretty convenient to complain when business is bad with this bunch of yellow shirt lovers, they will pay out and they can easily do so by cutting the absurd military budget.

    I couldnt agree more. As much as these politicians in office point the finger at everything/everyone but themselves, it has become obvious to me that there is no proverb with Thai that matches that western one; "Everytime you point a finger at someone else, there are always 4 other fingers pointing back at you".

  9. Greed has absolutely no bounds. The Navy should just pull out and state exactly the reasons in plain language.


    Well said. Because of Tuk tuk drivers, it may cost the Phuket economy on a much larger scale. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! It's about time to abolish all of the tuk-tuks and get some real public transportation!

    Thitime its more like "shoot themselves in the head"

  10. Just to give some input from another scenario.... :):D

    I'm in a small studio apartment/room/bedsit.

    A/C on 24 hours a day for a month continually, very rarely switched off. Often running with the patio door wide open too.

    All cooking done in a microwave including heating up water for drinks etc.

    17" Computer on 15-24 hours a day.

    Big emptyish fridge on number 2 constantly.

    Laundry done by hand using hot shower water.

    T.V. on 3-4 hours a day.

    Fan often running.

    Just had my biggest monthly bill so far and this month it's 2200 baht.

    I'm thinking thats not bad at all.

    And as for her being chummy with ... I bet she is!!! :D

    Im wondering why you're trying to wear out your appliances. :D

  11. Your getting ripped off. There is no way you should be paying that much. I have a fair sized house with 3 aircons (one used 8-9hrs/day), big fridge, big fan that's on 12hrs + a day for the dogs, 3 big water pumps used a lot, 3 computers that are on a lot and I pay 2300 baht this month, the last 6 months its ranged between 1900-2300B/month due to the heat.

    I also have an internet cafe with 2 aircons that are on 12+hrs/day, 44 computers (cafe always is 60%+ full and weekends mostly full) and I pay around 12000-15000B/month. So 1 person paying 8000B+/month is crazy if you ask me. Someone is getting a free ride that's for sure. You need to hire an electrician to do some investigating!!!!!

    Interesting that you mention that, Rhino. My wife has a medicine shop with an internet cafe in the back (8pc's), with an Atm outside using our electricity. The bank pays a reasonable price to us to cover electricity(we believe). We had the meter changed by electric co. because we couldnt believe the increases in our bills. The increases did not coincide with the installation of the atm, but did begin months after it was installed. We are at 5000-6200B/mo. now. We have 3 floors, 3 a/c units. One occasionally runs in the shop when the humidity climbs, but a majority % of the time remains off. The bedroom a/c we use every night except for the rainy season, the 3rd is in a spare bedroom for guests that rarely gets used. We have a total of 9 ceiling fans. The 4 in the medicine/internet shop used 14 hours a day, 2nd floor fan used at night to circulate air, 3 on the top floor used 8 hrs a night for the same reason. We are good at practice of shutting everything else off we are not using. Also have one large kitchen refrigerator, shower water heater used only in the cool season, and propane cooking. I'd be interested in your appraisal of our situation here. I like the suggestions posted. The wife agrees that we should have an independant electrician check things out. Phone, internet and cable tv bills are as expected.

  12. If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

    How much were the aged, outside the social security system, getting under Thaksin's regime? My recollection is, nothing. Strike that. I do recall when he was hiding out in Roi Et from the press, those elderly willing to grovel or prostrate themselves before him would receive a nice crisp 1,000 baht note that he would peel off his pimp roll.

    Actually, my wife (who speaks better Thai than I do), just watched the video and corrected me.

    He's not talking about giving 500 Baht to elderly Thais. What he's saying exactly is:

    I will keep working for you even after I'm 60 years old, and I won't stand in line for the 500 Baht (which he's entitled to receive since he's 60 years old).

    Cheesy, I'll give you that, but it says nothing about giving 500 Baht to protesters.

    Feel free to ask your girlfriend/wife/mia noi/ladyboy to confirm that translation.

    That is word for word, what my wife translated his statement to mean, and that was back when that video was first made public.

  13. Having read there are around 700 Generals in Thailand drawing salaries how does this compare on a world ranking I wonder? Any experts out there?

    From various Googled sources;

    "As of February 28, 2009 1,454,515 people are on active duty in the U.S. military with an additional 848,000 people in the seven reserve components."

    In all, there can be only 302 general officers (generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier generals) in the U.S. Army. "

    Appreciate your providing numbers, however, there is incongruity in them.

    Your first number includes all military (Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Army) whereas your second number only includes Army.

    Also appreciate serithai's post, but does anyone have more definitive linkable information on Thailand's rank structure?

    Id like to know the rank structure too. :)

  14. Off the Middle Path

    May 24, 2010


    Being intelligent AND pretty are always an admirable dual trait.


    Karuna's Facebook pic

    Pretty? That's a very subjective term.

    looks pretty good to me too. I bet she gets no complaints from her other half in any dept

  15. This is all as much a diplomatic push as much as a legal one and a pressure raising one. Thaksin had to make certain changes very quickly to advantage himself whihc is why the November eelction was refused. Now time is running short. This manouver by the government makes us eof time more difficult on a number of fronts for Thaksin such as having to check very carefully status before travelling, mor pressure on coutnries to shut him up or keep him out and another violent move by a group linked to him would have to be thought about very carefully although unfortunately for him the red group that still has leaders and stayed out of the recent round (and were actually highly critical of) are not really under any control of Thaksin unlike many of the currently banged up or in hiding leaders.

    Everyone is but a pawn or bigger, in a political chess game. Adds a twist and infamy to the song, One Night In Bangkok

  16. I can't believe you are all getting your knickers in a twist over one person, who didnt actually do anything. It's not as if there aren't enough Thai idiots causing people distress on a daily basis.

    Get over it.

    He said he didnt do it. After the rant he obviously spewed in the vicinity of a camera, do you take his denial of involvement in the actual deed, as gospel? Many raise issue with farang in red or yellow cloth amongst either group. A more profound question would be, what is a farang doing in Red security black clothes?!?! That pushes the envelop right off the table, one might think.

  17. What happens to the weary traveller wh arrives on a plane after 8pm and wants to go to his/her hotel. got to stay at the airport till 6 am I guess.

    Can do.

    Take ticket, passport, with you.

    Was on TV.

    And pray to your higher power that police or military dont look at your ride and assume its Red Shirt Taxi driver with molotov cocktails on board.

  18. The fact is

    They have a site where they can protest

    and are safe

    If they go outside this site then they are asking for trouble

    I do not think the PM has any problems negotiating with a legal protest group of Thai's

    So those who attack, provoke and enter the no mans area are only asking for trouble

    The red shirt leaders have brain washed the hard core for 2 months that the army will not take them on

    They are a law unto them selves

    They believe they haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."

    Any deaths or injuries that a mob suffers must be the responibilities of the mob and their leaders

    The Army are just upholding the law of the land

    What do you mean? What site? The army are preparing an attack on the main gathering at Rachaprasong as far as I'm aware.

    I disagree

    clean up the thugs and contain them

    once contained it will be easy to finish

    To attack the core would see to many innocents and children die

    Cean up the thugs with tanks?!?!?!

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