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Posts posted by featography

  1. Honestly I think a military ditatorship would be the best for thailand. they are so mired in corruption they can't have an effective democracy.

    People here sell thier vote, goverment officials raid the coffers of the people unhindered.

    They are on the verge of becoming a failed state and now all the top crooks are poised to take over the country... yeah. a coup would be good at this point!

    At least we'd have peace in the streets.

    Your logic baffles me. You are distressed by the nation being on the verge of disaster and crooks taking over and then write a coup would be good. Where have you been for the past 50 years or so? Are you clueless to what has occurred in Thailand during that time? Here are some hints from the past few months;

    - An expensive bomb detection device was purchased, that has since been shown to be useless. Despite the money spent, no one in the military has taken responsibility.

    - An expensive adventure with a blimp was undertaken. Had the due diligence been effected before the undertaking the obvious would have been discovered.

    - There are multiple reports of human rights abuses and allegations of killing squads on the loose in the Southern territories under the control of the army. Yet, there is no acknowledgement of these reports nor attempt to onvestigate the allegations.

    - Key military leaders are alleged to have holdings that far exceed their pay grades.

    If you are not pleased with the civilian crooks, why would you be pleased with the possibility of crooks in uniform taking over? I take you do not care about such concepts of accountability or really care about law and order ouutside of paying lip service as long as you can do what you want, right?

    Has it dawned on you that this is precisely what a specific group is trying to accomplish? Push the society to the edge where it welcomes a military dictatorship. It's a tried and true strategy, but you may find that an attempted coup will make the current UDD- government arguments seem like a punchout on the playground. There will not be peace on the streets because the specific units that would be implicated would cause other military units to resist. It may come as a surprise to you, but there are plenty of military personnel that are honest, resent the conduct of the senior officer corps and they love Thailand. There will be resistance this coup and you will be crying for your former homeland to come and rescue you.

    Well put. In my first year living here, a neighbor and good friend, said Thailand is more high so than farang realize. Thailand only country where robbers wear uniforms.

  2. One of the funniest things to me was that when visitors came to my school they would ask me "do you like Thailand?" "Do you like Thai food" and then walk next door to my Filipino coworker and grill them on teaching strategies...

    LMAO I hear that. Now a days, when I make a new introduction (with Thai people) , I start off the questions; Welcome to Thailand, how long you been here? Do you like Thailand? Do you like Thai food?........ It always gets them laughing and relaxed enough to actually talk about something intelligent?

  3. anyone knows the name of this travel insurance Company? Very interesting to know because I wouldn't like to be their next victim! :)

    Yes indeed. Back home we have a saying; 10 people tell 10 more.... makes for long term advertising for any company that gives good or bad service. It would be an aid to the family if we let the insurance co. know that we know, and will advertise for them. Their choice if it is to be good or bad advertising.

  4. Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

    And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

    What are you smokin dude?? This is the most absurd comparative analogy yet. The hillbillies in the Ozarks and Appalachians wouldn't be bothered to walk across the street out of curiosity, much less with motivation over anything higher than city/county politics. Their ambitions are to once in their lives make the trek to The Grand Ol Opre, or tour Elvis mansion. And Bernie Madoff?!?! What are you stinkin..er I mean thinkin. Those hillbillies don't know Bernie, nor give a rat's a$$ or the hair on it's tail who he is. Bernie ruined the lives of countless middle to high class city slickers and had virtually no effect on the good ol boys in the hills. The average hillbillies pickup truck wouldnt make the journey to D.C. MMMMM you mention those hillbillies would afterwards, go back home to makin moonshine and marrying their cousins? These, the poor and undereducated localized minority of US population are who you chose as a comparison to the massive number of poor farming, Northern, Northeastern, Thai; the same people that not only feed the entire country of Thailand, but export their crops to how many other countries, the US included??? Please, come up for some fresh air and give your mind a chance.

  5. Given the violent revolutionary CIVIL WAR inciting rhetoric coming today from the red shirt LEADERS, I find it truly disgusting that the red shirts have any remaining foreign apologists. It is surreal to hear the red lovers using the same arguments as before, as if things didn't radically change today. Wake up! This is not about allowing free speech and peaceful protest, we are all for that. This is about how to deal with a Thaksin incited civil war.

    I am always fasinated with foreign phrasiology;

    The yellow shirts have some foreign supporters.

    The red shirts have some foreign apologists.

    Reminds me of US history and how it was written;

    When the native americans won a battle it was a massacre.

    When the white man won a battle it was a victory.

  6. This farang completely sympathizes with the Reds. Heck, let's stop pretending "the Reds" are a faction. They're the people of Thailand! Their leader won the popular vote before, he would win now if an election were held today -- and better yet, the movement is showing signs that it can survive without him. They're the majority, and their democracy was taken away from them. The US government just chided the Reds for expressing their sentiments "inappropriately." Well, how about giving them the opportunity to express their will appropriately, through free and fair elections? Now that would be a nice change of pace. It's what the people want, and the Yellow Shirts have explicitly stated that democracy is exactly what they fear!

    So go ahead and hug a Red. You know you want to.

    They are not the people of Thailand. They are a radical political faction led by self exiled fugitive Thaksin who is on record for not caring about democracy. Face facts, your bird won't fly.

    you speak with forked yellow tongue Keemosabie

  7. so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

    Don't be so selfish. Lives are on the line now. This is no joke. Thank Thaksin for this mess. He was willing to destroy his own country for his money and power greed.

    Get a reality check dude. This isn't about Thaksin anymore. The movement has grown larger than him, and it is HE that rides on the coat tails of the Red Brigade, not what the majority choose to hang onto, Reds riding on Thacksins coattail.

  8. It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

    A message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

    Another message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence that the vast majority of foreigners that Jingthing thinks supports your accomplished little to nothing PM in his over educated western mentality, are working with western mentality, and the opinions of some Thai and a lot of govt owned, controlled media. In reality the majority of farang have had a steady diet of propoganda and alcohol, that has created a medical condition GIGO. Garbage INPputed into 2 ears, Garbage OUTputed through 1 large mouth. Good luck to the people of Thailand in achieving a non corrupt, Democratic govt, a non dictatorial military that learns their one and only purpose to exist is to protect the sovereign state of Thailand and stay out of politics, and a population that will reap the rewards of open and unbiased education oportunities for all.

  9. Im amazed this went on for so long.

    In fact, im convinced the moderators deleted all the posts from members reminding people what day it is. There is no way there can be that many dumb people on 1 forum. Shame on you mods !

    We can neither confirm nor deny such allegations :)

    I can't believe I had to find out this is an april fool's joke after I posted several responses, and kind of feel angered by it... (well, I guess that's the whole point, getting fooled by others for free and felt angry about it.)

    Ok i got it I got fooled. dang!

    But this is taking april fool's joke to an extreme. using media to fool people?

    Oh... that kind of reminds me that it happened before in TV.

    did you forget or not ever know Orson Welles original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds? It created such a panic among the populace that the FCC made laws to protectthe public and prevent it from ever happening again.

  10. "He added that the victims, who feel they have been cheated, "are from many countries and include well know people such as the owner of the Singaporean Tiger Beer Company. This case is tarnishing the reputation of Thailand"

    What isn't tarnishing the reputation of Thailand?!?!?!?

    by the way, you would think the owner of the Singaporean Tiger Beer Co. would have had his lawyers doing the footwork on this purchase, just to cover his buttuski. Something smells fishy about this story;

    but then most stories here are as fishy smelling as a Pattaya Prostitute's honey pot.

  11. "He added that the victims, who feel they have been cheated, “are from many countries and include well know people such as the owner of the Singaporean Tiger Beer Company. This case is tarnishing the reputation of Thailand"

    What isn't tarnishing the reputation of Thailand?!?!?!?

  12. From the Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand, Chapter 3, Part 2, Section 30:

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of the difference in origin, race,

    language, sex, age, physical or health condition, personal status, economic or social

    standing, religious belief, education, or constitutional political views, shall not be


    Great! How and where do we go to sue or file to recind this racist law?

  13. Wonderful. A people that are labelled as red shirts-but in actuality have the guts/balls to face a gov't that has been put into power illegitimately. You Brits,American etc. can learn a lot from them. Your gov'ts have taken away most of what you enjoyed living for and with. How dare you criticise these protesters. Take your shirts-off and look back at the mirror..you see the yellow streak. I don't need to see your bare backs to know what nervous-paranoid-desperate-self-motivated opportunist and cowards you are. Sitting at your notebook or PC and criticising others who have the guts to make what was wrong, right again. Irregardless, who these protesters are...they are doing the RIGHT thing..what have YOU done to make it right in YOUR country? ..I thougt so.

    Powerful words and not out of line. You say much stronger what I have felt for some time. My wife is SeDang, I am Sefarang. I don't participate, I do allow her to follow her own beliefs, something that most westerners in their own country have grown lazy to do. Once you have lived generations under Democracy, you lose sight of its value. Freedom is never free. It must be fought for constantly. Right or wrong, matters not so much as the importance of Red shirts have come alive and are struggling, spending money, time and energy for a cause they believe in.Reality is its not for Taksin. He is only the catilyst to created change. Red shirts know this, and the news media hasnt figured it out yet, or by prejudice, keeping it from the public.Mark the words, this is how it all began in all Demogratic countries. Sometimes there is violence, sometimes there is battle, sometimes there is civil war. Lazy a$$, over opinioniated, farang that have grown fat, sassy, and arrogant in their retirement, or easier working lives in this foreign foreign country, enjoying a cheaper cost of living than their incomes and lifestyles could afford them in their own countries, are the loudest to degrade, over devaluate the native people while they struggle to earn what they have learned you farang gave up in your countries to finish your lives out here.

    Personally, 75% of what I read is funnier and more abundant than the Sunday edition of the comic section in the New York Times. 25% of you farang don't have a life, and need to get away from your pc's, get outside and get a real life. For God and Buddha' sake, you came here for what? Only economics and to stir the pot out of boredom?

  14. moresomekl.

    Abhisit was put in position by the parliamentary system not thugs, or by backhanders.

    You seem to have a better grasp on the situation, you're the man step in tell we poor uneducated fools how you would deal with the matter..

    Anyway its the past . When election come as they will

    why is Abhisit not hiring pro communicators to run his election campaign .

    How is it that he cant transmit the message to the poor that

    Thaksin was a bad person .

    I was in a village near Khorat not so long ago , before the current events

    When i asked ppl there THaksin good ? Answer was always "Yes very good"

    There lies the core of the problem

    Problem, or answer?

  15. I hadn't signed into messenger for about a week now, just did it, and had 7 "people" wanting to be invited to my contact list. Simple, decline and block.

    They're called BOTs and if you're looking at porn sites, thats how they find your messenger, or email id, whether you are signed in or not. They attach themselves to porn sites and other not so reputable types of sites and then get your isp address that way.

    Also chat rooms are notorious for BOTs.

  16. I just can't stop laughing about this one. :) absolutely brilliant.

    True, it is not the most sophisticated of tests. However, I don't think that is the point of the announcement. There is an underlying message aimed at reducing political tensions and avoiding violence. I hope the message is not so subtle that it is missed by the target audience.

    OMG stop being so serious. This is nothing more than a tongue in cheek attempt by the govt to slap the Thai faces for waking up, running to catch up to the 20th century and becoming politically active, instead of the ages long living like sheep accepting the lives they have been classed into by the powers of the Elite. Farang prepare yourselves. When they make it into the 21st century, and really do empower change, places like Japan, China, Singapore...... will take notice and ask, "What happened?Who woke up Thailand?" It's coming in our lifetime.

  17. This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

    :) AWESOME!!!!! The Red shirts have brought more social awareness to the scene. Now if this clandestine Ministry of Mental Health will enlighten us as to the treatment for Acute Overdose of Politics Bombardment, and Censured One Sided Misinformation by the "news" media, we Farang can lighten up on the choke hold on beer bottles, while expressing agressive,demeaning, insulting, argumentative opinion towards one another in TV, and the Thai can get back to their normal, poor, girl chasing, Scotch and soda sucking, smily lives.

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