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Posts posted by featography

  1. Was this done by the reds after they saw soldiers going in for a burger?

    The hospital invasion happened because the reds saw a food delivery ... could be related.


    It's quite simple really. Ronald McDonald is a yellow shirt right? He has supplied the reds with all the free Macca's they can eat which isn't really that much because who can eat it. They plan was to make them sick so they would leave. The reds got sick as planned but stormed the hospital seeking urgent medical treatment and those that survived returned to McDonalds to blow the place up in a counter strike.

    Now this makes the best appraisal of the situation I've read yet. I think I will fly with it and spread the story around this town. The Reds will have a field day down here with it.

  2. Quite frankly I am amazed that many of you are making jokes out of a very serious and dangerous situation. There is a time for humor, bombings, terrorism etc is hardly the time! I suppose it makes a change from silly bickering that you usually all result to. Please see the seriousness of the welfare of innocent Thai and Foreign citizens, and of the damage this is causing Thailands economy. I use this site to gain valid information relevant to living in Thailand, and to try to keep up to date with the news. Not to see childlike comments.

    Why in God's green jungle would you come here for valid information relevant to living in Thailand. Everyone knows this forum is for entertainment purposes only. :)

  3. For Chr*st's sake- was a MacDonald's bombed last night or wasn't it? This 'news' was published as an 'update' on this forum - surely there has to be some credence to the story. The first victim of war is truth- we all know that- but this is getting ridiculous. Please, somebody- either verify this story (phone the cops- phone MacDonalds- something!) or retract it. We do 'know' (informed again, by live updates) that there was a standoff developing last night between anti-reds and reds. The antireds tend to use Silom Plaza as a gathering point. (far enough away from the barricades to be safe from hurled/fired objects- yet close enough for a 'charge')- but this harrowing piece of information was never followed up. Perhaps- this was in some way related- perhaps it never happened- perhaps there was no standoff developing between the reds and anti-reds last night- perhaps there are no barricades in Bangkok- perhaps perhaps perhaps... somebody has got to get on the goddamned ball here..

    Before you go out in a blaze of glory, or cardiac arrest, take a chill pill and wind down. Sobai sobai

    In the meantime, I'll make some phone calls and get someone on the goddamned ping pong ball here.

  4. THE NATION: (17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

    For all you red apologists who say this is not about Thaksin. Read it and weep. Stupid is as stupid does. This guy has given himself away but is too stupid to realize it.

    He has his coming. Apparently Thai authorities confirmed his bad health. Karma will serve him. So much for the Buddha concept of being good and being benevolent in this lifetime. What he's done so far has his next life destined to be a 3 legged buffalo.

    :) 3 legged slow, no lean close to the bone meat there. We'll have rich steaks and roasts and ribs blood red rare please

    was it something I said? Didn't mean to barricade this thread.

  5. THE NATION: (17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

    For all you red apologists who say this is not about Thaksin. Read it and weep. Stupid is as stupid does. This guy has given himself away but is too stupid to realize it.

    He has his coming. Apparently Thai authorities confirmed his bad health. Karma will serve him. So much for the Buddha concept of being good and being benevolent in this lifetime. What he's done so far has his next life destined to be a 3 legged buffalo.

    :) 3 legged slow, no lean close to the bone meat there. We'll have rich steaks and roasts and ribs blood red rare please

  6. They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

    But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

    OK for you Yanks to get angst at one Macs store being bombed.

    You have heaps more to go to.

    Where do us Aussies find a decent lamb roast in the whole of Thailand?

    WHAT?!?!? They don't have one at the Outback???

  7. Mc Donald's have reassured customers that the shop will remain open and it will not affect the quality of service- you will still have to wait 10 minutes for a burger and 5 minutes after you have finished your burger to get your fries as normal.

    ....with a minimum of 10 scurrying employees behind the counter. Its the Mac Donald way.

  8. They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

    But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!


    "Reach for the skytrain yellow shirt"

    :D:):D That is piss my pants funny

  9. Remember this guy ?


    many ton's of war weapons and explosives disappeared from his army camp. He was arrested but than bailed

    Even though he looks more like a crook, he is an army general who has his hands on tons of explosives and guns. It would be silly to assume he had no knowledge of such a huge amount of weapons and explosives disappearing from his barracks.

    He also is evidently a decidng force behind the red mob as has been made clear with the re-erection of the barricades on his orders. It is save to assume that he is responsible for the terrorist activities of the red's and we may see the first "war-lord" here. he is probably the most dangerous of them all and has hundreds of followers among the soldiers he used to command and of course brainwash for his cause - little brain - easy to wash - just like he was brain washed by Thaksin or one of his henchmen

    One should be prepared for a lot more bombings since this lovely chap has closed all doors behind him and now has no choice but to prevail, just as all the other leaders of the red mob. They are with their "backs against a wall" since to give up is not really an option anymore, things have gone way to far and long prison sentences would be a certainty.

    We are now facing cornered animals who will do anything to succeed !

    You got a name to go with that face, and those don't look like red shirts in the pic with him.

  10. They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

    But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

    :) Would that be for here or to take away? :D

  11. Is nothing sacred? What if Kwanchai had another Big Mac attack, he could have been killed. Stop with the bombs we all deserve a break today!


    Yellow arches on a red background, work harmoniously to bring us sustenance, I think we could all learn something from that.

    Now there's the real terrorist threat. A well organized nationwide army of young people with smiles, poisoning the Thai population with greasy, oily, farang fast food, turning a once healthy people into fat, high cholesterol, artery hardened farang look a likes.

  12. Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

    I lean towards inept media reporting due to the evidence so far that the military can make a head shot to a farang screaming "F$@$ You" at point blank range.

  13. Most Tops stores also have chilled legs and other cuts of lamb, but usually the frozen New Zealand lamb legs and racks are tastier - my Aussie mates tell me its because the best lamb from Australia is produced in spring (September), and if its really "fresh" at any other time of year its likely to taste bland.

    On another note, I believe the previous comments by Street Cowboy ("Using euphemisms won't save you. This topic is too close to the bone, and I expect it to be butchered any minute...") were intended as an attempt at humor, referring, no doubt, to the ongoing political debacle and intended to imply, I assume, that the majority of red shirts are being led like lambs to the slaughter... Actually, there's nothing very funny about that at all, is there, SC...

    No, I was being less topical and more smutty. Good political interpretation, though. You try and portray me as more sypathetic than I really am; thanks very much for that


    Edit: I should have said "I expect the thread to be butchered" - given the political interpretation given above, the original text could have been misinterpreted as quite an unpleasant metaphor; my apologies.

    Ahhh sorry... perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick because a red shirt barricade on Chidlom is in plain view of my office window and its affecting my thinking ...

    Yes sir; Let's not become guilty of stinking thinking.

  14. As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

    LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

    I was under the impression Los Angeles had the largest population of Thais. Where is there a larger population? BTW L.A. Thai have a very large Red Shirt support group.

  15. Peaceful, me thinks not. The red snipers are good at answering warning shots with " Proper shots to the head. The reds are armed to the teeth and are just itching to start the war. They " stole tons of weapons from the army remember?

    Oh how easy it is to start, but it will be impossible to stop.

    What a shambles now ?

    1 troop, 10 protesters injured in Don Muang clash

    One troop with severe head injury and 10 protesters were admitted to the Bhumibhol following the clash between anti-riot troops and red-shirt protesters near the Air Force headquarters.

    The protesters were injured by rubber bullets.

    The troop appeared to have been shot at his head.


    -- The Nation 2010-04-28


    If this is confirmed, it will now show how peaceful the red shirts are, and will show how unarmed they really are !!

    If the reds are so itching to start a war, WHY havent they done it yet? Too busy enjoying the weather, basking in the sunshine? Too much pleasure in going deaf from their loud speakers?? Don't want a good thing to end so soon?

  16. At least the current gov't is trying to make this a thing of the past and started with holding Thaksin (once the richest man in The Kingdom) accountable but he ran away because he was scared to face the courts to defend himself. Now he runs from a 2-year sentence while at the very minimum encourages poor Thais to risk their lives for his wealth and power.

    Thaksin was once the richest man in the Kingdom? LOL! Surely there are others above him, right?

    As a matter of fact, there was and still is one man richer than Taksin, and still is the richest man in Thailand; Forbes richest xxxxx in the world, 2009

    You are wrong. Before Thaksin went into politics, he was the richest man in Thailand but because of law had to release all interest but 5% in his companies (which we all know went to his son .. wink wink)

    Ill be sure to notify Forbes and let them know they are wrong and you know the facts.....wink wink)

  17. At least the current gov't is trying to make this a thing of the past and started with holding Thaksin (once the richest man in The Kingdom) accountable but he ran away because he was scared to face the courts to defend himself. Now he runs from a 2-year sentence while at the very minimum encourages poor Thais to risk their lives for his wealth and power.

    Thaksin was once the richest man in the Kingdom? LOL! Surely there are others above him, right?

    As a matter of fact, there was and still is one man richer than Taksin, and still is the richest man in Thailand; Forbes richest xxxxx in the world, 2009

  18. So after 7 weeks of this.....two dozen threads, thousands of posts we have come to the conclusion that........

    Abhisit should dissolve parliment

    A military coup would be good

    The army should just kill everybody

    The army should do nothing--the reds will eventually leave.

    Redshirts are all just terrorists

    Yellowshirts are just terrorists

    All other shirts are just terrorists but could be on either side

    Guys in black are terrorists but are really red terrorists.

    Yellowshirts occupancy of the airport was a bad thing

    Redshirts coming to BKK is a bad thing---really bad...worse than anything a yellow could do...but they are not really smart like the Yellows.

    The Government is incompetent

    The army and police are incompetent

    The Reds (or blacks) fired first

    The army fired first

    Reds are all getting paid on a scale from 300 baht a day to 2000 baht a day or more...they only protest for money...not like yellows who do it for love of Thailand.

    The Reds do not get paid but the yellows do.

    We know for sure the army and police get paid---oh government too--and way better pay scales.

    The Reds fired grenades at the train

    The train driver says he saw the grenades coming from a totally different direction to where the reds were....oops just ignore that, eyewitness reports are invalid.

    Farangs know things about the reds and their leaderships thoughts that they don't even know themselves...Farangs just KNOW these things....

    Farangs know far more about everything in Thailand than any Thai person could possibly know... even ex bus drivers from Liverpool are highly educated in these matters.

    If Farangs were running things here this would never have happened...peace and tranquility reign in all Faranglands.

    Rice growers are just stupid...actually morons, idiots..and of course terrorists.

    In order to know what Thailands population really wants you have to be Farang....and preferably not have spent too much time in Thailand to get confused by actually meeting a lot of Thais.

    Tanks and Blackhawkes are the best way to do crowd control.

    This would never happen in the USA....we would have shot all of them by day 2.

    This would never happen in the UK....we know how to deal with things like this.....we negotiated a deal with the IRA...and it only required 30 years and 4,000 or so deaths...

    we don't mess around.

    If the reds win, Thaksin will be dictator for life...and he will kick out all foreigners.....within 30 days!!!!

    Thaksin flew to Finland with 114 cases of cash....one of our members figured out how much cash you can carry in 114 large suitcases and trunks....without knowing

    the the sizes of the containers, the currency, or note denominations...(This report is on another thread from a couple of days ago) Now that's talent for you.

    Perhaps if we continue for another 7 weeks and another 20,000 posts at least some of us will figure out that we don't know what the hel_l we are talking about..... :)

    In the name of Buddha! I do believe you've covered it all.

  19. It would depend on your Embassy accepting it (and perhaps you paying the tax on it).

    Well, I suppose these were taxable in Thailand. So, what hasmy Embassy to do with it? This would be income in Thailand.

    This could open a can of worms. Do you and your wife seperately have retirement incomes from home country, equalling 880,000B each per year? If so, there is no reason that I can imagine, to involve your embassy in Thai income. If you both do not have required retirement incomes, my question would be, would your embassy accept Thai income made as a retirement income, thus warranting a retirement visa? Thailand might have a problem with that and require you to change visas.

  20. If one analyses the rhetoric of the Red Shirt Brigade leadership Thaksin included with his homophobic streak re comments regarding certain people however those comments of course exclude his own family member and of course his exiled henchman you come to see the alignment twixt Che Guevara and the Red Shirt Brigade.

    The real Guevara was a reckless bourgeois adrenaline-junkie seeking a place in history as a liberator of the oppressed. But this fanatic’s vehicle of “liberation” was Stalinism, named for Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, murderer of well over 20 million of his own people. As one of Castro’s top lieutenants, Che helped steer Cuba’s revolutionary regime in a radically repressive direction. Soon after overthrowing Batista, Guevara choreographed the executions of hundreds of Batista officials without any fair trials. He thought nothing of summarily executing even fellow guerrillas suspected of disloyalty and shot one himself with no due process.

    Che was a purist political fanatic who saw everything in stark black and white. Therefore he vociferously opposed freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, or any other rights not completely consistent with his North Korean-style communism. How many rock music-loving teens sporting Guevara t-shirts today know their hero supported Cuba’s 1960s’ repression of the genre? How many homosexual fans know he had gays jailed?

    Indeed a fine mirror image of Thaksin, Jutaporn, Arisman, Veera and Weng

    And your point is... ?

    Point made

  21. What might seem like an easy to do against civilians is not so easy to do against a military Red group with automatic weapons and grenades.

    240 or so military people were hurt in one minute on the last charge and now the Reds are dug in and waiting.

    Do you think the military men are in a hurry to charge against their own people and get killed for a government which most of them dislike?


    Yes, civilians with automatic weapons and grenades. those evil redshirts. The military, it was posted earlier by a sharp and intelligent contributor as yourself, was caught with anti aircraft weapons. Obviously they are aware that Taksin, the D#$%ls son, purchased fighter planes from another country, removed that country's insignias, replacing them with the Red Shirt red flag and photos of the 3 buddies, and are screaming across Bangkok's skies over and over each day waiting for the leaders to call them for battle support.

    Wellllllll, everyone else is donating wild and wooly rumors and opinions, so I want contribute fear mongering too.

    How am I competing???

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